... in response to The problem lies with the Man! He's FAT ..., posted by Heat on Sep 6, 2005Chris didn't make the mistake of going for the real hottie,the wife looks pretty ordinary.It might have worked from an appearance standpoint.
But you make an exellent point that many people do not tell an overweight person,ala you could have been a little kinder,gentle.Oh hell tell it like it is.
Guys tend to desire the best looking women but seem to think their own appearance is not that important.If you want a real relationship you need a woman who has "chemica" for you.Otherwise she is trading off something she desires for something else you can offer.I do believe that men are more appearance oriented than women.Things like security,ect can be hugely important to them.But if they trade for that they might be revulsed by your appearance but still go for the deal.
What looks good to one woman can vary from another.How important it is can vary.But if you are 60-100 lbs overweight she is quite likely to be REPULSED by your appearance.Jim C and I have a private joke about never seeing an old woman naked,but a guy 100lbs grossly overweight would be pretty ugly without clothes also.
Morbid obesity is the term,not a pretty one,or the condition.I think that applies you are 25% or more overweight.So a guy who should be 200 at 250.
It can be easy to kid yourself,getting used to looking at your self strait on in a mirror.Get a video of you,it could shock you.
I spent about 15 years untill I moved to Colombia 20 months ago about 25 lbs overweight.I work out with weights,I thought I carried it well,but I was overweight.
That plus a full beard is what I had when I met my ex.I don't think she ever liked the way I looked.She finally admitted,when I had to form the question at our LAST session with a real ditz butt psychologist that she had no attraction for me at all and it was not likely to change.Nothing had changed from day one in my mind except she got everything she wanted and was finally willing to tell the truth.
Since coming here I lost 18 lbs and 4 inches off my waist,plus got a little buffed working out.Plus I cut the beard down to a trim go tee,acceptable here,beards are out.
Last time I saw her her eyes kind of lit up.I know she was surprissed how much better I looked.To late for that one,but just the f- - king 18 lbs and beard could have made a huge difference.But maybe not.Some people just like how you look,others are unimpressed.My 2 girls now I trully believe are attracted to me.They say hermoso,lindo,preciouso.They like my body including body hair.To one I am her osito,little bear.And sex is great. It never was with my ex.
So,appearance and age may be less important here,or SEEM to be less important because the woman may be happy to get you anyway.But do not kid yourself it does not count.Here or in the states she sees a guy who looks good she will probably at least be aware she is missing something.And if there is not much else going for your relationship she might stray.
This whole discussion may seem shallow.But ask YOURSELF.IS appearance important to you???
And,with women's appearance its even more important because guys are MORE in to appearance,in general.The thing standing between a relationship with many women in the states is 20-40 lbs,or more.Sold out happiness for
f- - king jelly roll.
I don't mean to be cruel,especially since I have 2 people close to me who this is an isssue with,My daughter in law basically has had her hormones
screwed up every since my grandaughter was born 8 years ago.She has finally figured it out,no thanks to traditional doctors.
A friend is bordeline diebetic and struggles alot with this.He can gain 40 lbs if he just lets up a little to enjoy life.I think the first step is to get your hormones checked by a doctor that does not think that if you are on the very bottom of normal range you have no problem.I recommend getting dialed in to opptimum range,as in the hormones of a 20 year old.Do an internet search.I suggest Palm Springs Life Extension Institute,but there are many others.Go for the real thing,drugs.Don't get sold worthless supplements unless you can verify with a blood test they are working.There is literally BILLIONS of dollars of fraud in the US with almost WORTHLESS stuff.
About diet.I find lots of fat people are carb addicts.Yes I know fat has more calories but with carbs you get hungry again fast and eat more,a vicious cycle.I can do this myself if I let myself.I just went 40 hours eating nothing for a prep for a colonoscopy.I was not very hungry.But add some sugar and I get famished.So my advice.Go low carb stricly for about 3 weeks.Then switch to moderate carbs no sugar,then back again untill you lose it.It requires discipline but you will not be hungry.When you get where you want to be maybe you can eat anything or you might have to alternate back.
About exercise.I suggest lifting weight for building muscle and increasing metabalism and moderate aerobics you can do for a sustained period.Like walking,particularly with some hills or on a treadmill with an incline.You do not need to break in to a run,but can if you want to.Just like the diet it should not be that difficult so you will keep doing it.
About gastric bypass.Really ugly.You sh!t part digested food.Your body will digest the sugars fast but not the protien you need.I could agree in spirit with Heats suggestion of a bypass,big action needed.But that its the last way you want to do it.
We didn't even touch health here,just appearance.Don't eat yourself in to the grave.
One more little comment re AW.There is a whole industry of designing clothes to hide your fat,but they need to come off sometime.AND,NEWS,guys basically do not care what you wear if you look good in it.So you are doing the fashion thing for yourself.EXCEPT,reminds me of a what they said what they meant list I got mailed.
Guy says"those shoes don't go with your outfit"
Message,"I'm Gay."