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Author Topic: Why we (Men) Can Be Scammed? Long Post  (Read 25343 times)
« Reply #30 on: July 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Why we (Men) Can Be Scammed? Long Post, posted by OkieMan on Jul 9, 2005

Howdy Okieman,
Men are not scammed generally because of a lack of brainpower although sometimes that along with poor judgement is a factor.  Many men want to believe that this is an oasis of youth and that we actually belong with these beautiful 20 year olds despite the fact that we maybe graying, balding, overweight, and generally crotchety.  In the U.S. the odds of a normal guy (NOT wealthy or model material) of age 45 linking up with a young beautiful babe of 22 is about one in 10,000 maybe more (I am guessing).  So in Colombia the odds are much better but if mens expectations are out of whack (50 year old going for 19 yr old) I believe you are likely to be scammed.  Fathertime and mother nature have changed our bodies in many annoying ways but have left our brain in much better condition than when we were 18 or 20. In my opinion we may have a mental overconfidence that our general physical appearance can not back up hence we are open to be scammed by the Colombian babes who may find us physically a little grotesque.  Sadly the calender has taken some of us out of the game for some of the girls but there are plenty that are within a reasonable age range that we have a real shot at.  

    Some of the Colombian girls motivation may be entirely different than ours. While we are conteplating marrying a girl they may just be hoping for a few free meals and and a gift or two.  With motivations so different we are ripe for the picking and never have any real chance with a percentage of the girls pictured on the websites. Another large factor is that many our "Spanish Challenged" so we can't decipher the situation as easily.  
I do not mind taking the chance because even if the odds seem long there the payout appears to be worth the risk.
Buen Suerte!

« Reply #31 on: July 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Why we (Men) Can Be Scammed? Long Po..., posted by fathertime on Jul 9, 2005

you are a wealth of good advice
« Reply #32 on: July 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Why we (Men) Can Be Scammed? Lon..., posted by papi on Jul 9, 2005

Thanks Papi, just when I was feeling like a bloated gasbag you go and swell my head!
Most of thoughts come from observation and listening to others, including the vets on this site, since I am veteran of only 2 of these trips thus far.  
Buen suerte!
« Reply #33 on: July 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Why we (Men) Can Be Scammed? Long Po..., posted by fathertime on Jul 9, 2005


Very good insight.  I feel bascially the same way.  However, I am personally not chasing after the 21 year olds with silicone boobs.  I am more interested in the 30-35 year olds.  I also realize that I have only been to Colombia twice.   But, there are guys on this board that have shared their stories, and they have been to LA countries many times for many years.  Now, some of them probably don't want to get married anyhow.  They are just looking for having some fun.  Having said that, there would seem to be many men that for one reason or other can't outsmarta so-called "simple little latina".  Maybe these girls aren't as simple as we were led to believe???
I don't know.  Either way, I am not giving up, but I am making some observations today.


« Reply #34 on: July 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Why we (Men) Can Be Scammed? Lon..., posted by OkieMan on Jul 9, 2005

If they're busy trying to outsmart you and you're busy trying to outsmart them, what kind of life together would that lead to? I don't want a marriage where my wife and I are busy trying to outsmart each other. WTF? We have a marriage of cooperation and sharing - where neither one of us needs to or wants to outsmart the other.
« Reply #35 on: July 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to You don't need to outsmart them, posted by utopiacowboy on Jul 9, 2005


My point exactly!  I certainly don't want to go through that crap. I want what you apparantely have.  Simple, but wonderful.  A loving wife, a companion, and lover.  A lady to share my dreams and my life.  Again, I say it sounds simple, but if someone is purposefully telling you something untrue; if that person does not have honorable intentions, then nothing will work.  I am not saying the latina I was with was that deceitful.  But, if you believe what some of the other posters on this board have gone through, it makes you wonder?  Untimately, all of us have to live our own lives; but I am hoping that we, on this board, can be a little help to each other. I feel that I have learned a great deal since I have been posting here.  Hopefully, someday, I will find the right lady, and "ride off into the sunset".


« Reply #36 on: July 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Why we (Men) Can Be Scammed? Lon..., posted by OkieMan on Jul 9, 2005

I would think 30 to 35 is pretty reasonable and attainable.  I saw on my Ukraine trip a 50 year old go for an early 30's gal and he succeeded (He proposed and she accepted) of course you never know how it turned out.  I have seen a photo of you and you are a runway model in comparision so I think you got a good shot.  
These "Simple Little Latinas" have been hit since age 13 so they are sophisticated in that department. I think they may be well be simple in many other respects.
See ya
« Reply #37 on: July 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Why we (Men) Can Be Scammed?..., posted by fathertime on Jul 9, 2005


You have seen a photo of me?  How did you do that?  At any rate, thanks for the nice comments. Frankly, I have been told that by a number of latinas; but then again one of them is not home in bed with me yet either! Maybe some day.


« Reply #38 on: July 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Why we (Men) Can Be Scam..., posted by OkieMan on Jul 9, 2005

I am assuming that was you with the initials kp. For your privacy email me and I can give you more info.   The latinas have said to you that you were a runway model!  I hope you were not as scantily clad as those models!! When swimming with the latinas I normally where the longer sort of bathing suit so not to be mistaken as a runway model or well-hung homosexual:.)
« Reply #39 on: July 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Why we (Men) Can Be ..., posted by fathertime on Jul 9, 2005


Not that I looked like a runway model! ha  I just meant that many of them were sweet and complimentary about the fact that they thought I was handsome.  Naturally, I was not going to correct them. ha ha   Besides, I was too busy checking them out too. ha


« Reply #40 on: July 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Why we (Men) Can Be Scammed? Long Post, posted by OkieMan on Jul 9, 2005


   I have to laugh sometimes... but look at it this way. Men up here can't find
what they want. A A.W. will clean your bank account out and everything else, she
can included future earnings she will even be more happy. A man will fight and
scream for years in divorce court to keep every last cent. Men go to Colombia
and meet a beautiful woman what do they do?Huh Ask her to marry them on the
first or second date.... take her to the mall and buy her anything they want....
put up with her being less then trueful... Never meet the family... half the time
they don't even know if she has kids or not.... Now I am not making this
statement to include all of us but there is alot of guys here that are not the
brightess bulbs in the lot. I met some guys going to a TLC party last June and I
will tell you I could see at least half of them were going to get their asses
handed to them before they left. At least half of them were scared to talk to
anyone standing by them selfs looking around like a deer in headlights..

  Some of these guys need to start using their coconut for more then knocking
on doors with. If you get scammed its your own fault no one else don't blame
the agency don't blame your mom, just look in the mirror and say "next time I
won't be so stupid". I got scammed but I was alot smarter next time.

« Reply #41 on: July 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Why we (Men) Can Be Scammed? Long Po..., posted by Fuzzyone on Jul 9, 2005


Very insightful post.  I believe you also had a sad tale concerning a lady from Peru?  I don't remember the details, but it is obvious to me that you know more than I do about this latina thing; and yet something unfortunate happened to you.  This is the sort of thing that I was talking about.  It can happen to any of us.  However, I am not as gullible as the men you mentioned that you saw on the TLC tours.  I have not even proposed to a latina yet.  In May, I was close, but I wanted to take one more trip to see her; and I was very curious to know what would happen when I came home.  Well, that is when my eyes were opened, and the poop hit the fan!  So, live and learn-- certainly.  I guess these are the lessons of life.  But, it certainly seems that life has gotten much more complicated than when my parents or grandparents were getting married, raising kids, etc.  I am not saying that they had it easy; because they did not.  But, let's face it.  With the 50% divorce rate we have in this country, everything about relationships is way more complicated than they were just one generation ago.  Too bad!


« Reply #42 on: July 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Why we (Men) Can Be Scammed? Lon..., posted by OkieMan on Jul 9, 2005

Actually I screwed up I let something else do the talking and did not do what I
should have. Sometimes Pride can get in the way and stop you from doing what
you should. I saw alot of signs that was screaming to me to dump the girl but I
thought what would the guys at work say... what would my parents say?

  I read alot on this board telling me what to do but I screwed big time because I

« Reply #43 on: July 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Why we (Men) Can Be Scammed?..., posted by Fuzzyone on Jul 9, 2005


Okay, you said you didn't listen to your "little voice", or read the red flags.  Just as an object lesson to help me and others; what were the red flags?  In your mind, was she being dishonest, or was it simply a case of not being compatible?  I can see where there would be many cases of two people not being compatible enough.  But, if one of the two is not being open and honest; then naturally it will never work.  Read Utopiacowboy's posts today.  He seems to be one of the truly lucky ones.  He not only met the lady, and married her.  But, guess what?  She actually loves the guy!  She actually told him the truth, and now they are living a happy fulfilled life.  I can tell you that is what I want.  No games, no lies.  Just honesty.  If I meet a lady that I don't go for, I am not going to string her along. Maybe some of these girls are just desparate enough to do this kind of stuff.  But, either way, it's a crappy deal.  Naturally, I would not condone it if a guy treats a latina like crap either.  It's a two way street.


« Reply #44 on: July 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Why we (Men) Can Be Scammed? Long Post, posted by OkieMan on Jul 9, 2005

It is too bad that you "were sheared like sheep" by one of those uneducated women.  If you had been properly educated in SPANISH, you may not have been such a dumbass, and may have figured out what was going on sooner.  It seems you want to blame the women for your lack of social abilities, communication  and character judgement.  The women you are meeting are well educated in the Colombian means of self-preservation.  You have now been schooled in the real world of Colombia, deal with it by learning spanish, growing some balls, and going back to try again.
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