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Author Topic: Why we (Men) Can Be Scammed? Long Post  (Read 25303 times)
« on: July 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

Hi guys,

It would appear that the board has now turned much of it's attention back to our main topic (women- and latinas in particular)!  With that in mind, I want to run something by you.  Most of us are in the 30 something to the 50 something crowd.  So, none of us are young, goofy teenage boys.  Also, we all have at least some basic common interests- mainly meeting latinas, dating, getting married, whatever.  So, here we are week after week comparing notes.  Some guys are having great success; a few are even happily married.  But, the biggest majority of us are still searching for "Ms. Right".
In the course of that search, there has been numerous sad stories, mine included.  I believe that most, if not all of us are at least resonably intelligent, well-educated, etc.  So, how is it that latinas, who are not supposed to be overall as well- educated, and sophisticated, and certainly not as well travelled as us--  are beating us right and left?  At this point, I am assuming that the vast majority of us have no intention of scamming the women.  Even the guys who are going to LA strictly for fun and games (sex!),
are not abusing the women involved. Those women are willing participants.  Do you think this situation is as simple as many of us thinking with our "little heads" and not our big heads?  I personally don't think so.  Naturally, we are turned on by these women.  I also realize that I and others have asked these similiar questions before.  But, HOLY COW!  Why is it so difficult?  The normal relationship thing is one issue.  That can take time, and we all want to end up with the right lady.  But, how is it that women from Latin America, or even the Eastern European women some have visited, can scam the crap out of some of us so easily?  I will not even try to recount the multitude of posts that have talked about this scam or that scam.  You would think we are being sheared like sheep!  I realize that some of us are either new or fairly new to the latina scene.  But, no matter where we go in this old world; there seems to be a girl/woman who can tell us a line of PURE BULL, and we believe it, and get taken.  According to the AW, we are the ones that are the DIRTY DOGS!  Well, I must confess I am mystifyied.  There is probably no great answer for my question.  It will probably be  a rhetorical question, but it bears asking anyhow.  I will say that I have personally not lost any serious money due to some latina's sad little story.  But, many of you have told some pretty hair raising stories on this board.  Maybe you can enlighten us on how you got taken to the cleaners? By that, I mean why you didn't see it coming?  Having said all of this, I  know that all latinas are not scammers.  I am not saying that.  But, still there are enough stories just on this board to make you wonder-- WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?


« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Why we (Men) Can Be Scammed? Long Post, posted by OkieMan on Jul 9, 2005

[This message has been edited by jediknight]

"So, how is it that latinas, who are not supposed to be overall as well- educated, and sophisticated, and certainly not as well travelled as us-- are beating us right and left?"

part of the problem is that there are many guys that have the same misconceptions about latinas  that you do and if you go down to SA with this attitude you will get burned every time. i think many guys go to colombia thinking they have the smarts,charm and class of james bond and that they'll be meeting simple women with no wordly experience, that they are no match for our experience and so called intelligence....let me inform you that you will find everything in colombia just as you would here, women that are not the sharpest tools in the shed and others that are much more witty, charming, intelligent and educated than anyone on this board. the fact that you may have more disposable income to further your education or travel doesn't make you any smarter or wiser. i've seen many gringos in bogota and barranquilla that have degrees, businesses, are well traveled but are as far away from sophisticated or refined as you can imagine.

the answer to you question is that these girls are not simple girls, they are alot smarter and wiser than you would like to think and if you go to SA with an attitude or belief that you are more educated, travelled, etc than they are and that this puts you at an advantage, you will be in trouble.

« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Why we (Men) Can Be Scammed? Long Po..., posted by jediknight on Jul 10, 2005


First of all, I do not think I am James Bond.  I also don't believe I am either that nieve or gullible.  But, when I first started on this search, all I knew would haved  filled a thimble; and then I started trying to educated myself via the internet and books in the library.  After locating the obvious websites, and reading them; I knew that there was a lot of "ole crapola" in the claims of the agencies.  However, I did think that the ladies would probably be happy to meet me and other american men. In fact, I am sure they are; some for the right reasons, and others so they can fleece us!  I also realize that all latinas are not scammers; but there certainly does seem to be  many misconceptions on the part of american men about this process.  Some of those misconceptions I have believed, and others not.  But, as I had said, when I wrote this thread; it may all turn out to be somewhat a rhetorical question.  There may not be a big, overwhelming answer, like I might want.  Still, I am amazed that this process if far more complicated than I originally had envisioned.  Having said that, I will continue with my search; work on learning spanish, and hopefully, I will be much wiser along the way.  Thank you for your input.


Pete E
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Why we (Men) Can Be Scammed? Long Post, posted by OkieMan on Jul 9, 2005

Its pretty simple really.All of the scammer or disinterested or just mysterious behavior is a red flag screaming we are messing with the wrong woman.There will be none of that with the right woman.Even big issues like language will become easier,you will both be on the same page.
Now the why do we mess with the other types could fill a book.Little head thinking and wishfull thinking and just plain ignoring all the signs are SOME of the reasons.Waiting for a reasonable explanation can be a big one.Expecting them to behave like we think they should.It will never happen.
BUT,if we remember there will be none of this bullshit with the right woman and move on and not even waste any time trying to figure out the WRONG WOMAN its actually pretty simple.As in easy said sometimes hard to do I guess.
Your mission should you choose to accept it is to keep on keeping on and to drop any chica regardless of how attractive at the first sign of BS.Actually even thats not simple enough.Keep looking untill one really jumps out of the crowd as being CRAZY ABOUT YOU.
The right one will not give you ANY of these problems.
So do I have the right one?Yes one could be,she totally qualifies.But I am the issue.Is this what I want?I guess if she had lots of choices she should be dumping me.


« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to its actually pretty simple, posted by Pete E on Jul 9, 2005

Great post. Why does a relationship have to be hard work? I think you've hit on something - when you've found the right one, everything falls into place. Even when I could barely speak Spanish and my wife and I were having these crazy conversations on the phone arranging our meeting in Bogota and trip to San Andres, we were still able to communicate and be on the same page. No head games, no guessing about motives, no nada. We rarely have any kind of disagreement or misunderstanding.
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to You are SO right, posted by utopiacowboy on Jul 9, 2005


You are right, but I would have to give much of the credit to your wife; in that it is obvious she was sincere (before she became your wife).  Yes, we all know that it could have gone either way.  Maybe you would not have been attracted to her, and maybe she would not have been attracted to you.  But, the foundation started when both of you went into the deal with honorable intentions.  No scams, no games, etc.  Now, you are living the life that many of the rest of us want.  I know I do.  I just want to find a good lady; the right lady-- and forget all the BS! True, that is easier said than done; but it is only possible when both parties are honest and sincere in the first place!  Sounds simple, but apparantely it is not.



« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to its actually pretty simple, posted by Pete E on Jul 9, 2005

very good advice. a guy in Bogota once told me that if a latina is not biting on your ear by the second date - she's not that in to you. i think there is some truth to that. i like the part from mission impossible too
Frank O
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to CRAZY ABOUT YOU, posted by papi on Jul 9, 2005

Well that sounds very good. But most Ukrainians were doing much much more by the second day than biting ears man.
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: CRAZY ABOUT YOU, posted by Frank O on Jul 9, 2005

la verdad! vamos amigo!! ya!
Frank O
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to CRAZY ABOUT YOU, posted by papi on Jul 9, 2005

Well that sounds very good. But most Ukrainians were doing much much by the second day than biting ears man.
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: CRAZY ABOUT YOU, posted by Frank O on Jul 9, 2005

that sounds like just the place for you Papi can go there and get your body parts removed for free.......
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to its actually pretty simple, posted by Pete E on Jul 9, 2005


I agree with what you said.  You are personally acquainted with me and my last situation.  But, yes, I am moving on, and soon I will doing what I need to do to travel again.  However, the main reason why I brought all of this up, is that so many other posters were also discussing their problems in this area.  I was not simply referring to my own.  BTW, I hope you are enjoying your trip. Stay safe.  Someday, I am sure I will meet the right lady.  I know that other men on this board have similar goals.  Best of luck to us all!


« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Why we (Men) Can Be Scammed? Long Post, posted by OkieMan on Jul 9, 2005

[This message has been edited by papi]

Only a small percentage in Latin America, are serious scammers taking gringos for a lot of money.  Usually it is just for chump change but it is the principal that matters and annoying since you don’t want to waste your valuable time or money.  Others are flakes or babies.  Almost all don’t like conflict and will not tell you their true feeling.  You will get better with experience at this thing.  Also, I have said this before: don’t put all your eggs in one basket.  

Okie, I know some guys here don’t like TLC but I was thinking it might be a worthwhile investment for you.  Hire a really good translator and have her work the room for you.  I would bet money that with 500 candidates attending a party and with a good translator – you will do great.  I speak reasonably good Spanish but would still hire someone to help me work the crowd, take numbers/notes.  Pick up the phone and call Bruce. He is not a bad guy despite what my dear friends Heat and Jake have to say on this matter! I would try TLC again even after attending not so great a tour in Panama last year

Remember, a lot of guys here like Heat have a great deal of experience or are ex-pats and have a lot of time to invest in the project and live in Colombia.  You don't so –blow a little money and make this thing work for you.  I would budget $5000- $1000 grand and call it your LIFE HAPPINESS FUND - to locate, land, marry a latina and set her up here in the US with clothes, English, driving, etc.  Do TLC or try ONE OR TWO GOOD AGENCIES.  

You are a nice guy – don’t over analyze, just have fun and do it.  And if some flake beats you out of $10 or is a no show, move on.  You have a more important mission.  G..d, where was a guy like me when I started this project?  I'd for sure have a few more pesos in my pocket.  I have made so many f...g mistakes!  But I am off to BAQ this week to take another crack at Latin Love

« Reply #13 on: July 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to BRUCE/TLC IS YOUR ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!, posted by papi on Jul 9, 2005

steveo I can't believe that you would even suggest this !!!!!!!!  you want him to spend $3000 on a hope and a dream HuhHuh?? I could sit at Micki dees  in Cali for 2 days and meet more ladies ........ are you on tlc payroll now HuhHuh??
« Reply #14 on: July 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: BRUCE/TLC IS YOUR ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!, posted by Jake on Jul 9, 2005

I wish I was on the payroll!!! I prefer parties over citas. Really, a grand is chump change compared to the pesos I have blown on this project over the years. I dont know where you get $3K. The party is $1K plus expenses which you would incur with other services. Besides, I wanted to see if you were awake today. I knew this post would fire you up buddy! I will take Bruce and his Panama Hat over a lot of other scumbags I have met. Working the malls, discos is OK - I have met some ladies doing that too but the odds are better in a room with 500 motivated chicas. And letter writing - is really not all that its cracked up to me. Maybe other services are better but i just assume get on the plane
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