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Author Topic: Not a Chronlicle, but news nonetheless!  (Read 4809 times)
« on: November 27, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »


Well... well... well... A few days can make a dramatic difference. especially if you have help.

On Sunday a week ago I received an email from a fellow P/L'er who was in Manila to try and get his wife's visa straighted out.  Any guesses?  I'll give ya three...

I am trying very hard to make evreything make sense in my mind, but the problem is that everything is going on in my wife's mind, which I have yet to decypher.  

For the record, here's what's gone on in the last week or so.  I have been keeping this stuff to myself until everything shakes out, but now is as good a time as any to invite you all along on the roller coaster that I call my life :c)

Up until Art's email, which I will get to in a paragraph or thriteen ;c)  I had begun to put the pieces of the puzzle together from talking to everyone that Ayesa knows, that I have contact with.  The list is short, but was very informative.

From my conversations I have gathered that Ayesa's mother wasa the main author of the letters I recieved during our two year correspondence.  I'm not sure yet, whether Ayesa ever wrote me a letter or even posted herself on 4everyoursDOTcom.  I'm don't know if it was simply Ayesa, being impatient and not wanting to wait for replies, which sometimes took months through the beloved Philippine Postal Service, and her mother began simply by helping her or if Mommy Dearest concocted the whole plan herself, but i do know that there was immense family pressure placed on her to marry me.  Was it because she was getting cold feet?  Was it because she got impatient with how long the process was taking and grew bored?  Because she had a boyfriend?  Or because her parents wanted in to my pockets?  I don't know, but I plan on finding out :c)

There are tremendous holes to fill in this story.  I have had to make my own conclusions in many areas and everything is subject to change.  I don't believe or disbelieve anything until Ayesa looks me in the eye and tells me herself.  If she never does that, then I will never know for sure.  I would not be very pleased if that were the result!

Thanksgiving SUCKED!!!  Family everywhere.  My cousins with their girlfriends and boyfriends.  Everyone happy and having fun.  And here I am days removed from hearing that my wife has no intentions of ever seeing me again and trying not to bring everyone down.

Sunday I recieved an e-mail from Bear with a subject line:  I have found Ayesa.  I was paralyzed.  I am sitting there staring at the computer in disbelief, literally shaking.  I didn't know whether to cry, punch a hole in the wall, faint or what.  I was stunned!  It took me a few minutes to work up the courage to open the e-mail.  Honestly, I was anticipating and e-mail that said, "Howard, old friend... The rumors are true.  Your wife wants nothing to do with you.  She wants you to leave her ALONE!!!".  That's not what it said.  

Art has been careful to be very honest with me on this matter.  He tells me what is aid and what he thinks, but doesn't color anything one way or the other.  I truely appreciate his candor, compassion and honesty.  If this marriage is saved, is Art's doing, not mine or Ayesa's.  Well, initially anyway.  He said they had a meeting at 4pm at a neutral location.

I was on pins and needles!  I was and am trying not to get too excited about all of this, but am trying to not be too pesimistic either.  One way might kill me, the other might kill the relationship.  It's a tight, tight rope to walk!

Ayesa did not show up at the meeting and Art was pretty pissed at her.  I was too.  To inconcenience him like that made me a little upset, but he took everything in stride and so did I.  He said that he was going to call her aunt and give her a piece of his mind for blowing him off and wasting his time like that, short as his stay is there!  And I said, go for it!  I like Art, he's tactful and kind, but don't try and take advantage of him!

When he talked to Ayesa's aunt--her real Aunt.  Linda is Ayesa's mother's sister--she told him that Ayesa did want to come home but she was afraid to call me because she needed more money and I had been so generous already.  Art told her that is she was serious, that he and Honey would like to make another appointment to meet with Ayesa to try and talk to her.  NOt to talk her into or force her to do anything, but at the very least to get some answers for me.  They made an appoint for 2pm the next day.

Again the pins and needles.  Again, nothing.  At least this time Linda called Art, or when Art called Linda to confirm, I'm not sure exactly which is the case, he was told that Linda couldn't get her there--they were meeting at Linda's office, where she works, the only place she has good access to a phone--and that they would like to try and do it the next day at 4pm.

Pins and needles... pins and NEEDLES!  God!  At that point I WISH I had a needle, preferably Heroine!!!  But, I digress :c)

Art suggested that it wouldn't hurt if I called Linda myself and gave me her number at work.  After School last night, I wated up as long as I could--'til about Midnight-- and decided to call and thank Bernadette for her help.  

"Bernadette?  She's no home right now..."

I decided to call Linda and just tell her myself that I would like to talk to my wife and to thank her for being so supportive of Ayesa.  The picture being painted to me is that Linda is the only one she trusts right now.  I don't know what's going on with her parents, if her cousin is just a "crab", or what the real story is and I won't until Ayesa gets home, if that's what she decides to do.

At 4am this morning, 4pm in Manila, I got a phone call from my wife.  Just recounting it for you now, is bringing tears to my eyes.  We talked for a little while, I asked her alot of questions, she answered most--I didn't ask anything that tough on the phone.  She said that she wanted to come home--meaning here--but that she was ashamed to cost me anymore money.  I told her that she was more more important to me than any amount of money!  And that she should never be afraid of asking me for anything.  I reminded her that I am her husband and she replied that she knew that already.  I told her that Art would take care of anything that she needed and that I would reimburse him.  I asked her again if she's sure she wants to come home and she says that she is.

I talked to Art for a while and told him that I would wire him whatever he gave her immediately and obviuosly thanked him profusely for his tireless efforts!  The plan was that he would meet her at the airport and take care of any taxes or expenses that were standing between her and a flight home, but Art will be out of Manila on business when Ayesa has planned to try and book the flight, so he just gave her the money she said she needed.

Art said she seemed very sincere and I must admit the tone of her voice was that of a lost child expecting to be scolded rather than embraced.  She was very apologetic in her tone.  It was very good to talk to her!  I didn't just let her off the hook, but I wan't a jerk either.  I just want this to be settled one way or the other, yelling at her on the phone, or in person for that matter, won't accomplish anything at all.

One thing I can say for my wife is that she has never lied to me.  Maybe there have been things she has chosen not to tell me, maybe I haven't asked some of the questions that I should have, but she has never given me a reason to doubt the things that she does tell me.

Art and I agreed that I am alot closer to an answer than I was a week ago.  If she takes the money and runs, then I know it was a last gasp effort to get more money out of me.  If she ends up here, then I know she was telling the truth, no matter how little sense it makes to me.  Either way it's money well spent.

So that's where I stand right now.  I am being guarded in my optomism and know that just ny her return our problems are not solved.  I have decided how I want to approach helaing our marriage, if that's what's in the cards and figure that if it is nothing mor ethan a scam, she'll tire more quickly of the new proactive Howard.  What do I hope to gain?  I hope to first gain the truth and then some peace of mind.  Heck, hapiness may still be in the cards!  I have learned not to read into anything.  I have done everything that I can and more.  Art has been a true blessing in disguise!  I never counted on having that ace in the hole!

It's my wife's move.  No matter what she chooses, I hope for her and myself, that's it's the right one.

Faith?  I'm gonna wait and see what happens :c)

Hows that for drama?


« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Not a Chronlicle, but news nonetheless!, posted by Howard on Nov 27, 2001


I hope she comes home and things get better.  Ched has taught me that a happy filipinia, is heavan on earth.  I hope you and Ayesa find that happiness.

Dan and Mares

« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Not a Chronlicle, but news nonetheless!, posted by Howard on Nov 27, 2001

Howard, if her mother did "participate" in some of the correspondence, would this be a tremendous shame from her cultural perspective?  Would the average (whatever that is) fillipina feel comfortable talking with her "new" (and in that situation extra new) husband?

You mentioned briefly the speculation about a boyfriend, as I have said and others have pointed out, I don't know the whole story, but could it be that this is a fear of yours more than something that was indicated by her actions?  I ask you to consider this, because with all the uncertainty you have been facing, and continue to cope with, it seems that that a person's fears would surface.  If you do feel it is fear based, you may want to be careful that it doesn't drive a wedge in the middle of an already difficult situation.

« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Howard, a cultural question., posted by HappyIdiot on Nov 28, 2001


I have trouble answering average Filipina questions, because none of the ladies that I know follow any particular trend.  I know of two cases, mine is one of them, where there was "help" with correspondence.  In fact, I think it may be more common than most think.  But, in the other case she told her husband out of guilt and the fact that she thought that she needed to be honest with him.  She talked to my wife about "coming clean" and Ayesa was too afraid that I would be upset, which I once was, but now am not.  When I get the rest of the story, IF I get the rest of the story, I will post it here.  From what I have learned and from what I have seen earlier on this board, it is not uncommon for younger ladies to have help.  Friends, family, schoolmates...  It seems more like a bunch of High School girls collaberating on each other's relationships, rather than anything outwardly deceptive or cruel.  It just comes as a shock, because we base so much of our relationships on these letters, or at least I did.  (Ayesa had no Internet access, no phone, all we had were letters and the visit I made, which was only a few weeks.  And we spent most of that busy with family and ultimately doing preliminary visa work.)

I appreciate your concern and with other's you may even have a valid point.  The only Boyfriend I have alluded to, my wife told me about.  As long as she wasn't intimate with him, and I don't believe she was ever, after we became engaged I don't care.  I had plenty of girlfriends before I met my wife, she doesn't hold them against me.  She has given me no good reason to assume she has or has had a boyfriend since we have been married.  I just passed along what I had been told.  As far as I am concerned we are starting over from the moment she gets off the plane.  I will be aware of difficulties we have had in the past, but will not dwell on them.  After getting her back here safely and of her own free will, my only concern is getting the two of us to communicate better.  We have a few options that I plan to pursue tactfully, but seriously.  Hopefully, one will involve CC and a Purple G-String :c)

Feel Free to ask anything you think I might be able to answer, but remember I can base my answers on the Filipinas I know well and that's a small group :c)

Take Care


« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Not a Chronlicle, but news nonetheless!, posted by Howard on Nov 27, 2001

At least you found out!!! Nonetheless, I find the whole thing pretty bizarre, the best that can be said is that there is an enormous communications problem between you and Ayesa. Hope, she will realize what she got in you! Best wishes!
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Not a Chronlicle, but news nonetheless!, posted by Howard on Nov 27, 2001

Hope she comes back to ya! If she has any sense! She'll realize the love & patience you've given, doesn't grow on trees. And that this will be her last chance, at finding & keeping a man, such as yourself. If she burns you... The "karma" surrounding her, will deny her any real happiness in the future.


p.s. You need to copywrite your adventures.

« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Not a Chronlicle, but news nonetheless!, posted by Howard on Nov 27, 2001

I personally no a lady who came to the US on a Fiance'  Visa when she was only 16.
Her mom "inspired"  (Coached) her daughter from start to finish.
As soon as the daughter arrived the mother came on a visitors visa.
She then TNT'd (overstayed). She married an American and eventually
the mother settled down here in the US.

So it does happen that parent's "sell" there children.
Of course this is the minority of situations.

The daughter and her american husband have an odd relationship but are still more or less together.

« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Not a Chronlicle, but news nonetheless!, posted by Howard on Nov 27, 2001

Howard, I am very thankful you are blessed with such good friends as Art.  My prayers are with you that your wife, Ayesa is returned to you with love in her heart and that knowledge of it finally reaches her brain. Maybe she is the woman her Mother led you to believe she was and now can express herself in true feelings for you.

Blessings to you,



« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to "Hope renewed,  praise to God", posted by FilipinaCupid on Nov 27, 2001

Hello Jean:

We hadn't heard from you in quite a while.  It's good to hear from you again.  Don't stay away so long.

Stephen & Tess

« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Not a Chronlicle, but news nonetheless!, posted by Howard on Nov 27, 2001

Time will tell Friend. Good Luck. When is your next gig Dude? Sorry I wasn't able to make it that night but I will next time.
Jeff S
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Not a Chronlicle, but news nonetheless!, posted by Howard on Nov 27, 2001

This story has more drama than the hospital scene in a Mexican soap opera. To me, this news raises more questions than it answers. It sounds like your dream of a close, happy, communicative relationship is, as we nautical types like to say, a ways over the horizon, at best. I wish the best for you, Howard. Good luck and keep us posted.
-- Jeff S.
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Not a Chronlicle, but news nonetheless!, posted by Howard on Nov 27, 2001

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