Hey I was in Peru the past week and just got back today. I couldn't respond to your post about Odee in Bogota. they are a good agency and I would not hesitate to use them again. The owner is angela and she makes quite sure the ladies are interested in you before you meet them. it is more of a pure introduction agency in that they don't have any parties or such. they are located across the street from Unicentro Mall and they can get you a nice apartment one or two blocks away from both the mall and their office. lots of restaurants near there too.
Thier women typically look better in person than the email site. when I was a member, I asked about 7 girls and she got me dates with all of them within a half a day.
Their women tend to be very professional and on the older side(30's and up). Angela and her son William run a tight ship. Their women have to pay a nice fee to be a member. Also their women have a tendency to be untapped since many men use LAI and not Odee.
Best of luck and if you have any questions about them or LAI or Bogota, let me know. I have visited Bogota about 8 or 9 times, Cartagena (1), Baranquilla (1) Peru (1)and Brazil (1).
Oh yeah, Peru was uhmmm, very very nice!!!!