... in response to Things to do in Bogota??, posted by typher on May 15, 2005Re: Things to do in Bogota
I have made quite a few trips to Bogota. It is a vibrant and lively place with many things to do. Since I know Colombian friends and business people I am probably willing to go many places a newby would avoid. If you are with someone who is a native I would feel much more confident and secure.
Santa Barbara (near agencies)
I prefer Andino and Unicentro. There is also another large mall (possibly several) located south of downtown. Don't recall name. Girlfriends sister used to work there. Many restaurants, bars, night clubs, shops etc. near Andino. Check out security at Andino. Parking garage below the mall. Security checks all cars, look under car and in trunks for bombs.
Some large warehouse stores like we have in US, I only saw in south of city. Like Sam's and Wal-Mart. Very large with great selections and low prices. Name Carefour (spelling?). Malls have bookstores where you can locate cookbooks, guides to history, etc.
North end of city is where most gringos hang out. Primarily where people with money live. I've stayed in several homes and several hotels, usually Hotel Andes Plaza, located at the major intersection just east of Zuetana. Zuetana looks like a nice place. I like this section of town because there are many good places to go at 5-10 minute walk. Internet Cafes, grocery stores, neighborhood parks, etc. Agency is a 10 minute walk. Taxi's are cheap but walking is sometimes my only source of exercise in the city. If you don't like the looks of the taxi driver, find another. Buses are an adventure and you can get robbed, usually the
entire bus gets robbed if it occurs, usually in the south of the city or in the country. Leave your nice jewelry, rings and watches in the US. Wear a "beater" or knock off. Pay for dates taxi ride home to insure she gets there safely and doesn't have to take a bus or walk home. After all, it was you who wanted the date and many of the women don't have much cash. A "great" job brings in 300 a month. After rent, food, clothes, there is not much left over.
Chapinero and Chico
Sections of town between the Unicentro in the north where agencies located and downtown. Contain many of the restaurants, bars, Park at 93, etc. mentioned below.
The Park at 93
Restaurants and bars around a block size park. Set up large Christmas tree in season, other activities other times. Even have a TGI Friday's. Personally, I stay away from anything from the US. I'm in another country and desire to experience what I don't have at home. Oh, concept of good service at restaurants is just not there in most places. Be patient and don't act like a pompous ass demanding faster service and constant attention like in the US. They will get around to you when they feel like doing so.
Beautiful area. Visit with a native. Colonial sector, site of original downtown. Actually, many homes here are deceptive. Appears to be poor area but on the inside many are plush, modern, richly appointed homes. Outside seems to be all painted in the colors popular 100 plus years ago to maintain the old flavor of the area. University of the Andes very close. Nice campus. Near Monserrate. There are at least seven colleges in Bogota.
Many in the city, including Museum of Gold, Arts, History, Archaeology, Religion, Natural History and Planetarium, Botanical Garden, etc. I've been to several but not all. Love to visit museums. Have seen hundreds in the US, Britain, France, Italy, South Africa, Mexico. I recall reading somewhere that Bogota has somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 or 50 museums.
Parque de Zoologica. Have not yet visited. Small. Apparently a waterfall somewhere close. Small private nature park or reserve also available. Have not visited either.
Mundo Aventura (Adventure World)
Theme park south of downtown. Quite fun. Bumper cars, small roller coaster, "rubber band" contraption to secure you in harness, two or three people at a time, pull up to some 75-100 ft. height then swign down. A real screamer. Some things are just better outside the US. There was one hokey little place where they tell you a story and walk you out to some area that the floor is oddly tilted and half the people fall on their ass, some breaking skin. Very funny. Can't do this in US due to the litigation potential. Fun for a date. Approx. 45 minute taxi ride from Unicentro area in the north.
Presidents Palace and other governmental buildings. Also cool to take note of security at these places. Note security around private towers (condos?) and other places.
Parks, hotels, flea markets on street (Sundays only?), restaurants. Recommend going to most of these places with a native, not on your own.
Haircuts, manicure, pedicure
Several locations of Antonio's. Indulge you girlfriend by giving her the works. I recall girlfriend had cut, color, pedicure and I had same for about 45 total.
Siete de Augusto (7th of August)
Street where all the leather shops are located. Great prices and you can do even better if comparison shop, although it won't save a lot. Had custom leather jackets made for myself and girlfriend, picked up later in week, for 150 total as I recall. May have been less.
South end of city.
Stayed here several times. Much more earthy and rough. Don't recommend unless you are staying with family and only go out with them. Even so, we walked to bar, pool hall, park, etc in small groups. Never very far.
Many great places to eat all over town. One place near downtown, bad neighborhood, walk thru tiny hallway, thought I was in trouble. Fantastic food, odd stuff I have never seen. These are all over. North end of town has many good places. I recall where but don't recall the names. Be adventuresome. Colombians are carnivores. Steak much better than in US. Grown naturally, fed grass not grain. Meat has flavor. Tiny local dives are great places for breakfast and cheap. Steak places sometimes have live music, romantic atmosphere. Name was something "al Carbon."
About 9000 ft elevation on edge of Andes mountains. Statue of fallen Christ, Church, great view of the city. Good place to take a date and pictures. If you want exercise, don't take the trolly, walk up the mountain or down, but don't ask your date to do this.
Salt Mines
North of Bogota. Agencies take groups. Take a date.
Small city north of Bogota. If you have a car, girlfriend has car, whatever, drive to the area on weekend and shop around for place to eat outside. Someone standing on edge of road to let you taste sample of their food. Try several before you make a choice of where to stop and eat.
Horseback Riding
Several places north of Bogota where you can rent a horse and go for a ride. Don't recall names. I like this for a date also.
Take a date for a train ride. Runs right by the agencies and north of town.
Plaza de Toros
Bullring. January and February is season.
Estadio el Campin
Soccer stadium. National sport. The fans are really loyal and fun to watch.
Gallera San Miguel
Cock fight ring.
Anyway, that's what I've seen and done in Bogota. Absolutely love visiting the city and hope that you have a good experience. Be safe and cautious but get out and enjoy. Most of this was cut and paste from previous notes. Keep many saved files on computer for reference. Just a habit of travel to keep notes to share with my friends.
Somewhere I have an archive CD of more specific notes including restaurant names, business cards, etc.