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Author Topic: Pope overload  (Read 18191 times)
« Reply #30 on: April 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Pope overload, posted by OkieMan on Apr 5, 2005

I think that the dark side of OkieMan is emerging :-)
« Reply #31 on: April 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Pope overload, posted by zack on Apr 5, 2005


The only "dark side" of me, is that of a protective parent and grandparent.  I have no toleration for pedophiles; no matter who they are!


« Reply #32 on: April 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Pope overloa..., posted by OkieMan on Apr 5, 2005

Just kidding with you Okie. I don't have much tolerance for pedophiles either.
Pete E
« Reply #33 on: April 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Pope overload, posted by OkieMan on Apr 5, 2005

The crime as I have heard it is only groping.I don't condone that,it can mess with a kids head,but its not in their with murder.5 years would be plenty.2 more like it.
But he  is a sick little f- -ker.With lots of fans.Go figure.They were talking about him on a TV talk show a couple of years ago.Donna Brazil,a black political consultant said "I didn't know Michael Jackson was Black again." God what a  insult to his heritage to turn himself in to a freak to try and change it.He was a cute little kid.Even about the time of his "thriller" album he still looked good if modified.


Cali James
« Reply #34 on: April 04, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Pope overload, posted by Pete E on Apr 4, 2005

You heard it here first, the next Pope will be Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos of Colombia.  (-:

Pete E
« Reply #35 on: April 04, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Colombian Pope, posted by Cali James on Apr 4, 2005

Really?Are you serious?There has been one non Italian Pope in 400 years and he just died.
But,if you are right,they will be proud as hell of him here.They are a little egocentric in their news here.If it wasn't for Juan Pablo Montoya they would not even know what formula racing one was.I mean they are a little behind in their car situation here.A race car would be a new Hyundai.
I mean you think you haven't heard any news other than the old pope,if the new one was Colombian there would be no other newshere for awhile.Farc could invade Bogota it would be  on page 2.
But,it would be a SMART move.Where are most of the new would be catholics?Yup.South America.And if they don't watch it the Mormans will kick their butt.Italy is in the bag already.I don't know if your old enough to remember the saying "is the pope Italian?"It was kind of like a version of "does a bear sh!t in the woods?" A forgone conclusion.
OK,OLD broma.These people are at the airport waiting for the pope to arrive.One guy yells out "there is his plane." Someone asks " How do you know?" He says "see that TWA on the tail?That means Top Whop Abourd."
Actually,for as slow moving as it has been in the past,I think the church out of necesity or just new thinking will be a  more progresive and outreaching in the future.
The question is will they next pope be the next John Paul or will they go for a safer fill in choice in between?Remember the guy who lasted 3 months? Seems like younger blood is needed if they want someone to be around awhile.
Question.Wasn't John Paul at 58 Real  young to be choosen? I would think a record but then remember the lower life expectancy of the old days.
I grew up a catholic and I consider you to be one of the most serious I have met while still being an open minded person.And I appreciate your not taking offence at my diatribes.


Cali James
« Reply #36 on: April 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Colombian Pope, posted by Pete E on Apr 4, 2005

[This message has been edited by Cali James]

Well in the old days, the college of cardinals was almost exclusively Italian,  nowdays it's more evenly divided.  From what I've read, Hoyos is a leading candidate.  I'm hoping for a non-Italian, I would personally like to see the new pope come from Africa or Latin America.  Yes, I think late 50's was very young, some of the names I'm hearing are men in their mid 70's.  The Colombian cardinal is somewhere in his 70's.  Cardinal Ratzinger is almost 80 and I've heard his name also.  Oh well, one thing  we can be certain of it won't be an American bishop, thankgod!!  The American bishops should be embarrassed by how they've handled the gay clergy/molestation issue over the past 50 years.  What a disgrace.

As far as your diatribes, I don't take offense.  I understand your point of view but see things a bit differently.  From my perspective, the church has in a sense two natures, one divine because I believe it was instituted by Christ and another human as it's members are like you and I, prone to  goodness but also sin.  I think a lot of the scandels and injustices have come from the human nature of the Church, priests, bishops, ordinary people doing bad things to people or themselves.  I think despite some of the Church's misdeeds, overall our world is better for having had it.  It would be interesting to see how the world would have developed had Christianity been a 1st century fad that died away.  Would the world be better?

« Reply #37 on: April 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Colombian Pope, posted by Pete E on Apr 4, 2005

Although highly unlikely, what Cali James said about the next pope being Latin, does have some merit to it.

“QUITO, Apr 1 (IPS) - Observers both inside and outside the Catholic Church believe there are numerous cardinals in Latin America and the Caribbean with sufficient merits to succeed Pope John Paul II, and although they feel such a scenario to be unlikely, they are not completely ruling out a surprise choice.”

Full story:

« Reply #38 on: April 04, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Colombian Pope, posted by Cali James on Apr 4, 2005

You want to hear something funny?  I heard that there are Irish bookmakers taking bets on who the next Pope will be?
Can you believe that crap?


Michael B
« Reply #39 on: April 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Colombian Pope, posted by OkieMan on Apr 4, 2005

[This message has been edited by Michael B]

What's weird about that? Brits and Irish both hold betting pools on every major election.

The pool for who:
Dionigi Tettamanzi (Italy)     11 - 4
Cardinal Angelo Scola (Venice)    20 - 1
Silvano Piovanelli (Italy)     80 - 1     
Francis Arinze (Nigeria)    11 - 4
Godfried Daneels (Belgium)    20 - 1
Cardinal Marc Ouellet (Canada)    80 - 1    
Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga    9 - 2
Keith O Brien (Scotland)    20 - 1
Cardinal Julian Herranz (Roman Curia)    80 - 1    
Joseph Ratzinger (Germany)    7 - 1
Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini (Italy)    25 - 1       
Cardinal Edward Cassidy (Australia)    80 - 1    
Claudio Hummes (Brazil)    9 - 1       
Norberto Rivera Carrera (Mexico)    25 - 1       
Lopez Rodriguez (Dominican Republic)    80 - 1    
Count Christoph von Schoenborn (Austria)    14 - 1       
Juan Luis Cipriani (Peru)    25 - 1       
Michele Giordano (Italy)    80 - 1    
Ennio Antonelli (Italy)    14 - 1       
Ivan Dias (India)    25 - 1       
Cardinal Edward Clancy (Australia)    100 - 1    
Jaime Lucas Ortega y Alamino (Cuba)    14 - 1       
Angelo Sodano (Italy)    25 - 1       
Philippe Barbarin (France)    100 - 1    
Jose Da Cruz Policarpo (Portugal)    16 - 1       
Cormac Murphy-O'Connor (UK)    33 - 1       
Cardinal Emmanuel Milingo    100 - 1    
Giovanni Battista Re (Italy)    16 - 1       
Miloslav Vlk (Czech Republic)    33 - 1       
Diarmuid Martin    100 - 1    
Cardinal Dario Castrillion Hoyos (Colombia)    18 - 1       
Sean Patrick O'Malley    33 - 1       
Geraldo Majella Agnelo (Brazil)    100 - 1    
Giacomo Biffi (Italy)    18 - 1       
Wilfred Napier (South Africa)    40 - 1       
Cardinal Turcotte (Canada)    100 - 1    
Crescenzio Sepe (Italy)    18 - 1       
Cardinal Marco Ce (Italy)    40 - 1       
Agostino Cacciavillan (Italy)    125 - 1    
Jean-Marie Lustiger (France)    20 - 1       
Cardinal George Pell (Australia)    50 - 1       
Jose María Rouco Varela (Spain)    125 - 1    
Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone (Italy)    20 - 1       
Cardianl Ruini (Italy)    66 - 1       
Father Dougal Maguire (Craggy Island)    1000 - 1    
Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Argentina)    20 - 1       
Theodore McCarrick (US)    80 - 1    

The pool for his Pope Name:    
John Paul    7 - 4       
Anthony    25 - 1       
Alexander    40 - 1    
John    3 - 1       
Clement    25 - 1       
Honorius    40 - 1    
Paul    5 - 1       
Nicholas    25 - 1       
Boniface    50 - 1    
Andrew    10 - 1       
Theodore    25 - 1       
Valentine    50 - 1    
Pius    14 - 1       
Stephen    25 - 1       
Peter    50 - 1    
Benedict    14 - 1       
Josephus    33 - 1       
Adrian    50 - 1    
James    14 - 1       
Celestine    33 - 1       
Sergius    50 - 1    
Matthew    16 - 1       
Franciscus    33 - 1       
Felix    50 - 1    
Leo    16 - 1       
Julius    33 - 1       
Blessed Urban/Urban    66 - 1    
Gregory         25 - 1       
Blessed Innocent/Innocent    40 - 1       
Sixtus    66 - 1

Pete E
« Reply #40 on: April 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Colombian Pope, posted by Michael B on Apr 5, 2005

I notice a guy from Nigeria who has equal to the best odds?
Is he black?A black pope?Why do I think we will see a black US president first?
I suspect he is not black,even if from Nigeria.I doubt they are up to being for a black cardinal yet.There must be some black priests?Bishops?
And women? Forget it.Maybe in a few hundred years if they are still around.
Hmm,if this betting line continues to the end some some enterprissing cardinal could beat they hell out of his bingo games with a little insider imformation.


Cali James
« Reply #41 on: April 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Colombian Pope, posted by Pete E on Apr 5, 2005

He's black and he's a Cardinal.  Definitely one of the favorites as the Church in Africa is traditional and growing.  Regarding women in the priesthood, it will never happen in the Catholic church.  For those who want the Catholic look, smells and bells etc, but with a women priesthood, they need only look at the Anglicans.

Pete E
« Reply #42 on: April 04, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Pope overload, posted by Patrick on Apr 4, 2005

To me its like the tsunami.Its  important,but not so important there should be no other news.I have CNN internation for my main world news,and I don't care much for them anyway,but since Friday I have not seen them talk about one other thing but the pope.I don't watch it full time,turn it on to see whats happening.Yes its the number one story,BUT THE ONLY STORY??
Between the funeral and the new pope selection I know they will talk about almost nothing else for 2 weeks or so.


« Reply #43 on: April 04, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Pope overload, posted by Patrick on Apr 4, 2005


I read you loud and clear.  However, I also recently posted something about the Pope's death.  One of my questions was asking if the latinas were really into the Pope thing or not?  I am Protestant, no Catholic.  I mean no disrespect, but I am not in mourning over the old boy passing away.  He was 84 and had been in poor health for many years.  Death is a part of life, so to speak. However, I respect the fact that a major world figure has passed on.  Personally, I was a lot more interested when Ronald Reagan died last year, and he was 93!  By the way, I somehow missed the ladies in the sexy mourning outfits.


Pete E
« Reply #44 on: April 04, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Pope overload, posted by OkieMan on Apr 4, 2005

Just about all the latinas I have met I would call socially religious catholics.They don't even go to church but do buy in to the cultural thing they were brought up in.The non catholic christians I have met I consider more sincere in their faith,its not a cultural thing they fell in to.
BUT,the pope does have huge status if you are a catholic.My one girl friend spent alot of the weekend here and watched alot of the news about "the papa".She had great affection for him.I asked her if she ever goes to church.She said no.
And,if you are a SERIOUS catholic,the pope is considered the succesor to christ and St.Peter and INFALLABLE???
There are no infallable human beings.Ones with lots of institutional baggage are  anything but infallable.
I don't think I need a middleman between me and god and the catholic church is the biggest middleman going.
But out of respect for a seeming very sincere and warm hearted guy I should not expound further on my thoughts here.
It might even be  interesting seeing who they come up with and where the church will head.Its not stuck in time,just VERY slow moving.Even here CHANGE IS INEVEIVTABLE.I won't expound on all the bad  things they used to do and the dumb beliefs that had to give way to reality.And  don't expect abunch of old guys who swore to celibacy all their life to say its no longer neccessary.


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