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Author Topic: Pope overload  (Read 18194 times)
« Reply #15 on: April 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to No YOU wait a minute ......................, posted by Heat on Apr 5, 2005

[This message has been edited by Onephd]

Nope, no baiting here.  Just stating my OPINION.  

Funny, you are the only one that jumped up and screamed foul.  

What makes you think I would scream anything when Jesse Jackson dies?  Do you think that because I'm a Black man that I think everything Black is right?  Perhaps your thinking is tainted by skin color , but not mine.  I call them like I see them. If you are wrong you are wrong Black or White or whatever!!

Funny how you didn't jump on any bodies case when the tread discussion went from the Pope to Michael Jackson, and then on to Johnny Cochran.  Where was your self-rightous BS then? You didn't accuse anyone of "baiting" in that case.  More importantly you did see any black person jump up and cry foul.  Look at you? You could not wait to jump up and state something negative about Jesse Jackson.  Who in the hell is talking about Jesse Jackson?Huh  Nobody but you.  oh yeah, I guess there have never been any dishonest or bad white people.  Go figure

Perhaps you my friend that is too sensitive or maybe you just like to try and bust my chops when you get a chance.  But rembember, I stand by what I say, admit when I'm wrong, and apologize to those I may offend.  

So please if all you want to do is bust my chops or accuse me of being a racist or political take it some where else.

Try focusing on the subject of the post and not worry about trying to attact every word of it literally. Please stop trying to make any black man wbo states an unpopular decision out to be an angry militant of some sort.  

I posted about my thoughts and OPINION on the tread about there being too much made of the Popes death.

« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Oh please give it a break, posted by Onephd on Apr 5, 2005

Dude,  I'm part Black, Indian or whatever.  One of my daughters is brown.  I do not believe in race.

Please bring your black sister over to my apartment and I'll give her more love than she ever had before.

I love black girls!....Cause my mami was part something.  That's why I've got kinky hair.  

Don't be so quick to play that card...........


How would I know what color you are?

Put the name Jerry Falwell in that post.  Whoever you would like.  They are all the same.  

Take a chill pill and don't play that card till ya really need it.

« Reply #17 on: April 06, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to How would I know if you're black?, posted by Heat on Apr 5, 2005

Dude let it go!  I have been posting here for a few years.  Up until a few weeks ago, I clearly stated that I was black in my profile.  I have posted about the experiences of black men in Bogota etc.  Its not hard to know who is black and who is white etc on this board.

Im' not even reading your posts and I would suggest you simply don't read mine.   Your contributions(uhmm) are non productive and you want to be some type of Poppa smurf.  thats fine.  what ever helps you sleep at night.  I'm not mad at you, and I'm not wasting anymore of my time with you.  You have some type of agenda other than finding a wife.  I could and will be spending my time corresponding my lady friend rather than trying to have a conversation with you.  I suggest you do the same so we both can find what we are looking for.  ha ha.  

Again, notice how much support you get with your rants and raves.  NONE.  Join the crowd and stop trying to impress everyone.  This is not an intellectual debate, its a BB to express ideas and experiences and opinions.  Let it GO.  

Peace out and best of luck in the search..

« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: How would I know if you're black?, posted by Onephd on Apr 6, 2005

OOPS! I didn’t know that you were black. Was I supposed to?

What difference does it make anyway and why are you so sensitive about it?

Ray :-)

« Reply #19 on: April 04, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Pope overload, posted by Patrick on Apr 4, 2005

Better get used to it Patrick because this pope coverage isn't going away any time soon. When they finally say enough about the pope's life, then there will be a lot of coverage about electing a new pope, and so on. But I agree with you- enough is enough. I'm almost to the point where I'd rather watch the Micheal Jackson trial. Nothing against catholics.
Pete E
« Reply #20 on: April 04, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Pope overload, posted by zack on Apr 4, 2005

Plant the pope.Put Michael in a cell with a 250 lb child molester.Lets move on.


« Reply #21 on: April 04, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Pope overload, posted by Pete E on Apr 4, 2005


What Michael needs is to be put in with the general population of San Quentin for 24-48 hours.  Then the warden could ship his corpse home!  Even that is too good for the little maggot!  I hate anyone who is a child molester!  But, the other half of this continuing saga is that over the last 10-12 years, look at how many "celebrity" trials there have been?  To that end, I vote to put a bunch of those slimy lawyers in prison with Michael; starting with Michael's lawyer with the bad hairdo! ha  They wouldn't last two days!  Unfortunately, Johnny Cockroach, I mean Cochran is already pushing up daisys!  The news media tried to eulogize that creep after he croaked.  What a dirt bag!  So, fellows, take your pick-- the Pope, Michael Jackson Trial, or just hang loose until the NEXT CELEBRITY TRIAL!   Sounds fun!!!!


« Reply #22 on: April 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Pope overload, posted by OkieMan on Apr 4, 2005

Since the pope and Michael Jackson have been brought up in the same thread, I think it is important to remind ourselves of the widespread child abuse that has occurred in the Catholic Church.  It is now widely known that bishops would take problem priests they knew to be molesting children and simply move them to another church.  A person that has compassion for children and guided by moral principles would never have done this.  And the pope is also on record for saying he thinks the scandal was overblown.  If he truly had love for children wouldn’t he have worked day and night to remove this corruption from his organization even if it was one child ?  In the final analysis the image of the church was more important to all of them then the children of their gullible flocks.  Does this mean the pope was a bad person?  I don’t think so.  He did many good things.  I think the larger lesson is that popes, cardinals, and priests are no better and no more moral then the rest of us.
« Reply #23 on: April 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Pope overload, posted by valuedcustomer on Apr 5, 2005

I agree.  No matter who did the deed, if it involves molesting children, they should be horse-whipped, shot in the head, and chopped up for fish food!  As you can see, I am not tolerate at all about child abuse or neglect, in any form!  I raised 3 sons, and helped to raise a step-daughter.  They are precious to me, as I am sure the many children who were molested in the multitude of cases that we have been discussing in this thread.  However, I do not have a special axe to grind with any particular group or religion.  Truth is still the truth!


Cali James
« Reply #24 on: April 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Pope overload, posted by valuedcustomer on Apr 5, 2005

This is just my opinion but I think the child molestation cases are the product of a gay clergy here in the United States.  If you look at the victims, they're many cases post pubescent boys.  It happened in San Jose, a priest took two boys camping, gave them some kind of drug and then orally copulated them, disgusting.  I myself am Catholic.  I'm disgusted that gays are allowed into the priesthood.  I think the seminaries may prefer gays to people who are straight.  My friend who interviewed with a seminary, met with the seminary's psychologist for entrants.  My friend was left with the impression that if you were not active sexually (chaste) you were considered abnormal and less worthy of admission then if you'd been a homosexual.  I've heard similar stories many times.

I never heard the Pope downplay the problem personally.  All good Catholics should be scandalized by this.

Pete E
« Reply #25 on: April 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Pope overload, posted by valuedcustomer on Apr 5, 2005

One of the problems with institutions is they have an immage to protect.Some US Cardinals got way more in to protecting their immage than protecting the children in their flock.We can't blame the pope directly for that but perhaps he should have tried to flush out the truth more than the US news media.
Was  the scandal overblown?As important as it was yes.
Although getting the church to fess up,which they never really did was worth overblowing it.I think that Cardinal in Boston should be in Jail.I think he just got moved out of the limelight.
And,I don't think the church has ever really fessed up for the inquisition.Maybe a mistakes were made comment.When I was a kid the nuns claimed it never happened.Maybe they didn't know any better.But someone upstairs had to know
better.Think about it.184  years ago  in Colombia you could be tortured and then if thought guilty burned at the stake.For YOUR BELIEFS.800 people met that fate by gods little helpers.And thousands were probably maimed for life.Just 2.2 lifetimes of the last pope back.
On a possitive note,you would have to say they have made great strides in the  184 years.Things do change.Truth and reality do have to eventually be accomodated ,if not directly addressed.You don't get fried for saying the Earth is not the center of the Universe anymore.
But,in times back great ignorance abounded.It wasn't exclusive to the catholic church,but they seemed to be leaders in it.Now we have the Muslims about where the catholics were a few hundred years ago.
The good old days were not good old.Those who think so are ignorant of history.


« Reply #26 on: April 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Pope overload, posted by Pete E on Apr 5, 2005


 All very true.  When any group, organization, government or religious organization starts getting into trouble for any and all problems, crimes, etc;  the first thing they do is the old CYA routine.  They point the finger at someone else; they pass the buck.  They do any and everything but face the truth and correct the root cause of the problem.  I know that we are not comparing apples to apples; but look at the big corporate scandals over the last few years.  The Enron bunch, Worldcom, you name it; First, they thought they could get away with it.  When that did not work, they stalled, passed the buck or whatever. Now, many of them are enjoying the hospitality of a Federal Prison.  The Catholic Church has gotten themselves into this mess because the leadership thought they were above reproach. Let's face it,they are very connected and powerful.  But, finally, the parents, the government watchdogs, etc said enough is enough.  Finally, you have to have someone who has the guts to stand up to anyone who is pulling this crap!  There are not too many leaders who will do that, but there are a few.


« Reply #27 on: April 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Pope overload, posted by Pete E on Apr 5, 2005

It is true that they are more decent now then 200 years ago, but they have been drug kicking & screaming to that position by secular society.  They don’t kill people anymore because they don’t have the power too.  Secular society shaped by science and technology has been the real leader of society for the past 200 years.  Authoritarian hierarchies are on the way out... being replaced by heterarchical communities of people cooperating with each other.  The Catholic Church is the oldest and biggest hierarchy in existence, but it is fading fast.. especially in Europe.  In France, less than 9% of Catholics attend church anymore... even in Italy less than 30% attend.  The recent abuse scandle has left a permanent imprint on the American Church.  Latin America is their best hope for growth... but the Mormons and Protestants are very competitive.  What worked in the middle ages doesn’t work today.  People can find far more meaning forming their own church of 10 people meeting over the Internet.  And with the Internet providing instant communications it’s going to become impossible for any organization to hide it’s dark little secrets for very long.


Pete E
« Reply #28 on: April 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Pope overload, posted by OkieMan on Apr 4, 2005

I saw Larry King the other night,they were talking about Johnny Cochrane.They had his daughter on the phone,who sounded like a very nice person.Someone called in and asked the $64,000 question.Did Johnny  spring a guy he knew was guilty?There were 2 honest people there.Marsha Clark says yeah,I think he knew he was guilty.Chris Darden avoided the question,saying it doesn't matter now.It does matter,he was being kind.F Lee Bailey,true to form lyed his Ass off,saying Johnny really thought OJ was innocent,proving the old joke,"how do you know when a attorney  is lying? You can see his lips move." Sorry Burbuja.I don't think Bailey even knows what the truth is anymore.
My answer.Johnny was NOT stupid.Of course he knew he did it.He was a very likable guy,and his putting the LA cops on trial was brilliant,but he got alot of fame out of springing a guy he  knew damn well was guilty.
That verdict,then alot of overturned verdicts recently based on DNA evidence seems to shout there is one legal system for the poor,a different one for the rich.
But,I don't think Michael is going to buy his way out of it.But  I don't think what he did should be considered an offence that gets you 20 years.He is just a sick puppy who bought himself some playmates who happened to be way too young.Sh!t if he was in to chicks he could have a ball here no problem.What a little dork.


« Reply #29 on: April 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Pope overload, posted by Pete E on Apr 5, 2005

I agreed with most of what you said, until you said what you did about Michael Jackson.  So, ask yourself this.  If sweet Michael was groping or othewise messing with your kid; what would you do, (quiz time): 1) Take him to get some counseling, or 2) Take him out into the woods and put a bullet in his sick little brain?  I raised 3 sons.  If I had ever found some pervert messing with one of my boys, I would have killed him before he ever made it to trial!
Fortunately, that never happened, since I would not want to spend a life sentence in prison.  Seriously, I am not a violent person, but that would put me over the edge!


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