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Author Topic: Buenaventura?  (Read 5166 times)
« on: March 23, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

Hey guys,
I am corresponding by email with a calena.  She has her own fashion business.  Today, she told me that she is designing some clothes for some models and they are travelling to Buenaventura.  Do any of you guys know that city?  She said it is on the Pacific coast.  I also thought that it was interesting that she mentioned this will be the first time she will have been able to see the ocean.  She will be gone a week.  I am not sure if this is a fashion show or what.  I hope to be able to travel to see her in May or June.  Well, anyhow, I am just curious if any of you can tell me about this city and area of Colombia?  For whatever reason, I don't remember it being talked about on this board.


« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Buenaventura?, posted by OkieMan on Mar 23, 2005

You really have to want to go there. I have heard that there are sometimes problems with guerillas on the road to Buenaventura from Cali. I just asked my wife who had never been there why not? She said that she thought it was dangerous because of guerilla and paramilitary activity.
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Buenaventura?, posted by utopiacowboy on Mar 26, 2005


I certainly hope that everything will be alright for my little calena.  She is travelling for business reasons, and I would assume that she is travelling in a group, since she is designing clothes for some models. I am not aware of why that location was chosen.  I would have thought that Barranquilla or Cartegena would have been better if there will be a photo shoot; but I really don't have anymore details. At this point, that is really all I know.  She is supposed to be gone a week.  When she gets back, I will hopefully get a lot more info from her.  Take care.


« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Buenaventura?, posted by OkieMan on Mar 26, 2005

She's a local so I am sure she knows what she is doing. I wouldn't worry about her. I would rely on my wife's opinions about the areas she is familiar with but in this case it is just by reputation. The actual situation may have changed (and probably has changed) for the better.
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Buenaventura?, posted by utopiacowboy on Mar 26, 2005

Yeah, I am sure you are right about that.  I just got an email from my little sweetie. She is too busy to give me the details now, but I will find out everything when she gets back.  I think that she is excited about seeing the Pacific Ocean for the first time; or any ocean, for that matter. If I understand correctly, she is supposed to leave tomorrow.
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Buenaventura?, posted by OkieMan on Mar 23, 2005

Howdy OM,

I've never been to Buenaventura so can't help you out there but I would like you to mention to your lady that you know a tall, good looking gringo friend of yours and he'd like her to put in a good word for him with those models she is working with. ;-)  

Muchas gracias,


« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Buenaventura?, posted by pablo on Mar 23, 2005

Hey Pablo,

You are a real hoot! ha  I will tell my calena what you said.  She has a very good sense of humor, so I bet she will get a good laugh about that.  Frankly, I just found out today about her trip.  I am very happy about this opportunity for her.  I am just hoping she can write me a little more before her trip.  She leaves on Sunday and will be gone for a week.  By the way, she and I are really developing a strong connection; at least as much as someone can do by correspondence.  I am very anxious to go see her, but I cannot travel to Cali until the end of May, at the earliest.  So, for now, I am biding my time.
Changing the subject, but are you back in Medellin yet?  I hope that all goes well with you.


« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Buenaventura?, posted by OkieMan on Mar 23, 2005

Good to hear how well things are going with your novia.  Although I was jesting about the recommendation I wouldn't mind dating a few nice models.  Tell her I can do a photo shoot if she ever needs one.

Like you, I am still Stateside.  We will most likely be in Colombia the same time.  Bide your time well Grasshopper.

Pete E
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Buenaventura?, posted by OkieMan on Mar 23, 2005

Buenaventura is about 60 miles west of Cali on the Pacific ocean,over a mountain chain.Its Colombia's number one pacific port,probably because its about the only one.
The road was said to be dangerous to travel in the past.Now I am told you are OK if you travel in the day time and the rebels have not stopped anyone even at night for months I think.The weekend or maybe holidays the best time to travel, lots of police and army on the highway then.
Bueanaventura itself is reported to be fairly ugly,not much to see.There are areas along the water its not supposed to be safe to walk.There is a national park type area to the south thats supposed to be nice.I guess you can go river rafting.One guy told me the rafting guides were AUC,paramilitaries.For a gringo these guys are mostly no problem and having them around means you are not likely to run in to the true bad guys,FARC.
I have never been to Bueanaventura.Nobody has ever told me a good reason to go.The type of girls we run in to are not likely to have ever seen the ocean,even to Beanaventura.People with a little more money have probably been to Cartagena.My one girl has been to the ocean at Bueanaventura only.The other had been to Cartagena plus I just took her to Santa Marta.


« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Buenaventura?, posted by Pete E on Mar 23, 2005

Almost due west of Cali about 150 K (90 miles), the highway is called Via al Mar and you will cross the Farallones de Cali.  Only one town of any size on the way and that is Dagua,(a pretty area where the $$$ from Cali have weekend places) no real beach so most people head to  Playa Ladrilleros or Juanchaco.  Decent hotel is the La Estación-good food at La Sombrita de Migual or Rico Marisco. Not really on the Pacific but sits on the west end of the Bahia de Buenaventura. The road is not that safe across the Farallones not so much "FARC" butlots of truck/car traffic and crowded on Friday, Saturday and Sunday  If you go try and eat at the  Embajada de Ginebra (very crowded on the weekends)about 15 K out of Cali. Fantastic Food!!  Couple of restaurants to try in B'tura are La Sombrita de Migual or Rico Marisco.  The city is not attractive at all.  Weather like Cartagena/Santa Marta-hot and humid.  
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Buenaventura?, posted by Pete E on Mar 23, 2005


Thanks for your input.  Since I just found out from her today about her trip, I do not have many details.  I have emailed her again asking for more info, but mainly I want her to have a good time and make some money.(this is all work related)  By the way, I hope that you are doing well.  My plans are still a work in progress concerning coming to Cali to see this lady.  She and I are getting real close( as much as I can tell by emails).  She is a very sharp and beautiful lady; so I am anxious to meet her in person real soon and make sure for myself, one way or the other. Hopefully, this joyful occasion will take place by late May, early June.  So, when I make it there, I will look you up.  Take care.

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