Thank God for Colombia and South America, because I think Black women in the US have picked up the worst traits in modern Ameroca society.
Look how Black women are portrayed in television and music videos.
On most television shows; Black women are smart ass, know it alls, and materialistic. On music videos; materialistic hot looking bimbos, fawning over a Rapper or Basketball star.
In 15 years of working in a business / office environment , I yet to meet one black women who wasn't defensive or arragant.
The pool of decent Black women for a Black man must be small.
Head south gentlemen, where an endless pool exists of decent women for you.
And for a white guys, a hot looking black girl wouldn't be caught dead with a white guy in the US.
It is some kind of stigma for a black girl to date a white man.
Little chance for meeting a nice looking morena for the average white guy, again head south to Colombia an endless pool.