... in response to spanish learning, posted by Goliath on Dec 20, 2001Like you, it had been a while since I'd taken Spanish. I'd had some Spanish in high school but only one semester in college for my language requirement.
A couple of years ago, when I decided to go to Cali, I started practicing with a CDrom program called "Think and Talk Spanish" by the Berlitz company. You can usually find it in Staples or Office Depot for about 10 bucks. It's great for beginner's or for those of us who have been out of
the loop for a while.
You might check your local library, too. You'd be surprised at the number of AV language materials they have. In fact, I'm using a tape series now I got from the library called "AMR Instant Conversational Spanish". Each edition consists of four tapes and a work book. They start at beginner's level and go up to advanced. They also have specialty series like Spanish for law enforcement officers, medical professionals etc.
Consider taking some classes, too. I just finished a four month course at a local community college. The instructor was a native speaker (Cuban guy) and had us reading poetry, writing essays, and debating social and political issues in Spanish throughout the classes. Big help. And while I've not mastered the language by any stretch, my Spanish is much better now than it was say a year or so ago.
One word of caution though. If you do decide to enroll in a conversational course make sure you can actually speak at least a little Spanish initially. Big attrition rate in the class I just took. We started with eighteen students finished with just eight. Most of those who bailed did so the first week - they only knew a couple of words and were really lost from the get go.
Best to brush up with the software and tapes first.
Good luck to you
Jim L.