... in response to can you elaborate?, posted by mkelly121 on Jan 11, 2002Well, I work with these girls. For over a year I was an outsider. I guess you might have to be a minority to understand it. They stick together in their little group, and for a long time it was filipina's against the white girls...as far as doing the worst jobs at work. Alot of the white girls would complain about the filipinas. They would say how they got the best sections, the be scheduals etc...etc...
But the closer you looked, the reasons they got all this was simply because they were the best workers, and they earned it. If I had been predudiced like the others, I would have missed out on some very good relationships. Now they trust me, I am one of them, so to speak, understand??
The only problem I have now, is that when one of the pinays are having trouble they come to me, and ask me to go to management. The last time this happened, I went to management, and they had my work file out, and basically threatened my job. They said I was working up the filipina's, and causing trouble. WHO ME?? It is not that, it is because they have found someone outside their race, there that they trust. But anyway, I had to tell them if they had a problem from now on, they would have to go themselves. I think we need a union. Why do we stay at this job??? $$$$$ From what I have seen, if a lot of pinays work at a certain place, you can be sure there is money to be made. They are pretty smart women:)