Acknowledgements :
-- Patrick --
for providing this forum for shared information and light hearted fun at times. Thanks for allowing me to post my adventures here. I figure I've just about run out of posting priviledges here for a while so I'll probably go back into lurk mode for the near future. Feel free to group it all together and post on the trip report page if that still exists and you want to.
-- Jeff S. Bob S. and now Eric S. (naw I'll stick with WB) --
Thanks guys for giving me motivation and information to try this endeavor. It sure was worth it
-- Miho --
Thanks for giving me the time of day and putting in the effort to respond. So far so good!
-- Thank God for spell check --
for all of my posts except this one ha ha ha It hopefully has saved me from looking like a total dufuss somewhat.
-- Everyone else --
for reading my story up to this point I hope I haven't bored you to tears.
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I wrote this lengthy journal (45 pages in Microsoft Works) for a multitude of reasons.
1.) Primarily for myself to reflect on years from now.
2.) Also to print up and send to my mother back in NY as she is not Computer Savey but an avid reader and she wants to know what happened more in detail.
3.) It was my turn to repay everyone here with a trip report.
4.) To chart Virgin territory here I suppose. Since there is limited information on Japan here. I figured I'd present it in detail as I saw it for anyone else luking out there and is interested.
Summary and some random thoughts
$ 540 Airfare
$ 470 Japan Rail pass for 3 weeks
$ 490 Luggage, passport renewal, Clothes, and research materials.
$ 150 Japanese Class books and a lot of time and studying
$ 1650 ish pre trip expenses
I took $2500 in Travelers checks for 22 days - figured around $100 a day it worked out quite well and realisticaly. I came back with about $ 85 money exchanged and $700 in uncashed travelors Checks. I used this to pay $ 625 for 12 nights in hotels on the credit card. and the rest for developing film when I returned. However I had the benefit/ perk of staying at the Four Seasons Chinzan-So Tokyo 5 nights for free which would have been $2000 - $2500 probably.
Planning time == 1 year and forming lots of internet fiendhips ahead of time.
People = very kind and very friendly I can't say enough about the Japanese people (except maybe for the people out on the street in Niigata). Though there might be some language barriers to cross to really get to know them. But I found the Japanese to be my kind of folks. I wouldn't mind immersing myself in their society for a while.
Women == over all shy and reserved but very nice and intelligent if you can find the people who want to communicate with you. Though some of them were apologetic, all of the women I arranged to see spoke good enough English with me.
My trip worked out so well because I had made many arrangements to meet people in almost all of the cities I went to. otherwise I think my trip would have been a lot lonlier and frustrating.
I have tried to communicate with asian women through both here and in Japan with dismall resuts for getting responses. I have looked at other web sights too. many of them list very few Japanese to begin with and I am very skeptical (chicken) to try them. I have had the most luck meeting the Japanese through the AOL international penpal board. just be yourself and don't act like a male sexual preditor and you will probably have a good chance of meeting nice people. I sure have. You will have to be patient and dilligent though to weed out the women who just want to play games thinking it is fun to try their English skills for 1 or 2 letters and lets see what responses I get.
I did not post any really racy and titilating stories because basically that did not happen on my trip. It was my goal to see a sizable portion of Japan in three weeks to get a broad overview if the country and variety. I was able to visit 11 - 12 cities in this time and maybe I have visited more of Japan than a fair amount of Japanese have. 2 or 3 days in each city was good for my purposes but it is hard to begin to get to know someone well also. I figured I would post some of the cultural nuances that caught my attention instead.
Finally I would say I had a great trip and I would encourage more people to visit Japan or speak out about your previoous visits there. There are many single women in Japan who have a lot to offer and are looking to meet foreigners. You just have to find them.
I have been fortunate to meet "The Mighty" Miho a girl who has certainly catched my attention and is putting a considerable amount of effort into forming a good relationship with me so far also. no complaints other than our size difference and there is nothing that can be done about that ha ha ha.
Want to look into visiting Japan? Nothing ventured nothing gained --- take a chance.
Windmill Boy