... in response to Is Cal back yet?..., posted by Frank O on Aug 9, 2003I have been back in the states for about a week, after my visit to Kiev I
went on a fishing trip in Canada. The fishing was terrible, I should
have stayed in Kiev. Although I did feed the mosquitos and black flies,
I'm sure they appreciated my coming to Canada. ;^)
I'll post a more detailed Kiev trip report shortly, but I can say this
much - I didn't meet who I was supposed to meet, but ended up having an
excellent time anyway and met a few nice women. In fact, I probably had
a better experience NOT meeting the woman I was supposed to meet because
I had zero expectations after that fell apart. However, the most unusual
aspect of the trip is how the local Ukrainian women I know are behaving
since I visited Kiev. I showed them my photos of the women I hung around
with in Kiev and now for some reason they are finding me more
interesting. Funny how that works, isn't it?