Hard to believe, we are approaching our Fourth Annual Galveston Beach Party.
Would like to invite anyone who might have interest to make it to our annual Galveston beach party on July 19th. Expect to have several couples from the Dallas area, Austin, San Antonio, the southwest and ofcourse the Houston area. There are several new RW/AM couples from the Houston area and we look forward to meeting them.
If you are from elsewhere in the country, such as that cold water from the Pacific Ocean (let Lena swim in some warm water KenC!) and you have plans to be in the area or would like to make the trip, please feel free to e-mail me for details. It is a wonderful networking event for the ladies and several ladies have met some wonderful lifetime friends. Some people will make a weekend of it, others will just go to the beach. Friday the 18th many of us will see different things in Houston (amusement park, space center, etc), on the 19th we will spend the day at Galveston, Stewart beach. Saturday night we all go out and have a nice dinner and dancing. Sunday we do whatever (biking, chess tournament, golf, cook-out, etc).