... in response to Re: Re: Need recommendations, posted by 104gummiand on Apr 1, 2003It's tricky to think of them now. I read Russian not too badly but I can't write very well. So I use Magic Gooddy to help speed up my translating. My girlfriend doesn't speak a lot of English so we correspond almost entirely in Russian. Most often problems will be with words that have several meanings. And there are some Russian constructions that don't translate well.
Some examples I can think of are. У меня есть(I have). This is a pretty common phrase. But my program translates, Я имею. This is a less common form and I don't know when it is the proper form to use. Or if I want to say мне нравиться(I like) my program uses Я люблю(I love). Мне нужен(I need) is Я нуждеюсь from my program. Understandable but not proper.
Another one was when we discussed the difference between праздником and выходной. The first means holiday, the second day off. When I translated her letter from Russian to English it said something to the effect, "you are confusing the word "holiday" with the word "holiday". Yep, that's confusing all right.
It also always uses Вы and never Ты in all their forms. Everyone I wrote to preferred if I used the more personal Ты.
There are many more but I can't think of them now. My usual tactic is to write my letter in English, translate it with my program and then proof read it and change the mistakes that I spot. And any word that I'm not certain I now what it means I look up in my dictionaries. Then I try to find the version that I think fits best. It's still goofy translating but usually understandable.