green borsht... or what I call wild borsht because my honey saw it out in a field and started picking it with her russian friend and that night we had it for supper... and later she dug up some to put in our garden for the future.. yummy
instead of buying new undies when hers wears out she goes to wallmart and buys elastic... makes sense to her -- why throw out perfectly good truessee (my spelling) when they just need elastic... amazing LOL
nesting... she has painted the kitchen... bedroom is next... put my place in order and is trying to reform me from being MR. BORDOCK (my spelling) LOL.
when times are good they are fantastic... I am still trying to learn to be a good husband when the hormones set in... like riding a wild horse... sometimes you stay on and sometimes you get thrown off... ive gotten thrown off a couple of times but I dont quit easily... LOL the main thing is patience and the knowledge that the storm will soon pass...
the way she makes me smile every day... I think ive used my smiling muscles more in the past few months then the past 40 years...
anyway as someone else said your mileage may vary... just my observations with my ukranian wife... all the best,