... in response to Kharkiv Also Has . . ., posted by Dan on Nov 17, 2001One needs to exercise good judgement when dealing with the agancies. Money is of course their sole reason for existence and the success of your relationship is secondary at best. This does not however negate the fact that there are many, many sincere women that belong to these agencies. Let's face it, it is extremely difficult for many of these ladies to meet foriegn men in any way other than through the agencies. Many may argue that of course if they sincerely want to meet foriegn men, they should just go to an internet cafe and join up with some on-line introduction or dating service. But unfortunately, its no different than telling Americans that if you want to make a fortune, it is as easy as trading commodities over the internet. Well, that doesn't really help. The fear of the unknown, the overwhelming thoughts of how do I start, etc. prevent many from even considering or attempting to do such. The same is true for U/W about just walking into their nearest internet cafe and "wha la", prince charming is just a few key strokes away. There are many fine and wonderful women that have little to no experience with computers let alone the internet. Also, there are numerous who are unemployed and live with their families that just don't have the few Grivena it requires to use such a internet cafe. Although this is improving, there are still many that prefer to use agencies. And why not, the foriegn man typically foots the entire bill. So despite the motives (MONEY) of the agency owners, there are many good ladies that belong to these agencies in addition to the scamming ones.
As to Dmitry's agency, although I did not specifically refer to him, he does own one of the bigger ones. I have had several dealings with him, some good, some not so good.
The good: His agency has hundreds and hundreds of ladies to meet. For $200, and given enough trip time, you could be introduced to everyone of them that would like to meet you. Some will be very sincere, some will meet you for a free dinner. He does have resources available to get you out of a pinch should you find yourself needing last minute transportation or accomodations.
The bad: You will definately PAY for those last minute problems to be resolved. His primary interest is money. Of course anything he arranges in prepration for your trip like transportation, apartments, etc. he makes his commission on (that means you'll pay about double than what you could get it for having a contact there not associated with an agency). As a very close friend of mine quoted to me after informing him of my pending return last September, "I don't care about Dwayne, he has Inna, I can't make anymore money off him". Well, after all, business is business so I can't fault him for this attitude. But one would hope that this whole idea of associating with the agency would be to ensure the client is successful as well as harboring continued positive relationships if for nothing else, public relations, referrals, repeat business, etc.
My advice, it doesn't matter which city you go to (unless tourist attractions are important), make your arrangements through a contact not associated with an agency (having dealt also with Jack and his associates, I would say he is the only exception to this), use non agency interpreters, and when using agencies to meet women, remember that they are in business primarily to make money!
The reason I did exclude Jack is, 1) he has given me more advice and time free of charge and without expectation of being paid than any other person in this whole arena, and 2) although using his service and never so much as once writing to any of his ladies, he still has the interest in you and your success and is willing to continue helping you achieve it. Now that speaks a whole lot about his character. A lesson that many agency owners just don't get. A little compassion, understanding, and maintaining a positive relationship is an investment worth more in the future than trying to turn a few hundred bucks today!
My last $.02 worth