... in response to move to Cebu?, posted by jfred on Sep 2, 2001From what info I have been able to gather, a foriegner cannot own property in the PI, unless they are very wealthy, however, they can own the dwelling on it. There are many loopholes and complicated issues involved in doing so, such as squatters rights, etc. If seriously considering this, I would strongly recommend consulting a Philippine attorney, as a good attorney can educate you about the do's and don'ts.
Cebu is getting more expensive every day, but still seems to be quite affordable. A NEW house starts around $10,000, if you look around. I used to have some good links for homes, I'll try to find them for you in the next day or so.
The visa issue really isn't a hard one. You will need to get extensions to the original visa issued, and will have to leave the country once a year. (You can turn right around and re-enter, but you must leave.) One other option is a retirement visa, which requires you to deposit $50,000 to $75,000 in a philippine bank.