... in response to Sex and Women in Peru, posted by grant5432 on Jun 3, 2003Hi,
I think it is impossible to generalize about the sexuality of any culture. It is completely up to the individual person and her beliefs.
Also, I think there may be a bit of game playing at times by certain women who want to make you think they are "good" girls when they are actually far from it. Your are a gringo, so it is very unlikely you have any local contacts and know her real history. So you have to watch out for that scam a bit. I ran into a girl in Cali who pulled that one on me. Use your head and watch for inconsistencies in her story and her actions.
In Chile, it is quite interesting. Nearly everyone is Catholic but every woman I have met is quite sexually active. The Catholic church has a very strong influence on the gonvernment and the laws (example, divorce is still illegal in Chile) but not on the morals. My quote is that the Chileans are Catholic, just not very good ones.
I have found that Latin women in general understand and accept the sexual nature of men. They know they won't have much of social life with men without sex. That's just the way it is down here.
Also, be aware that some Latin women are experts at what most AWs have forgotten, you can manipulate a man by using sex. They have something we want and they know it. In Latin America, it is the only real power women have over men, and some use it to perfection. They will give it and then take it away, until they get what they want. I have known several women like that. Also, the more attractive the woman the better the game works. This ploy works really well on gringos fresh in from the great female waste land, also called the USA.
Good luck in Peru, I really like Peruvian women.
take care,