For a low price, I joined a couple of months ago, placing a personal ad in Spanish w/a photo. The results have been underwhelming, but you get what you pay for, I guess.
A good number of Latinas, maybe 5-7 per week, have responded. Unfortunately, the vast majority are above my preferred age range (20-30). An even larger proportion don't have photos available, and I choose not to spend time on these. The few whose photos I saw did not attract me.
My responses to ladies' ads produced slightly better results. Out of 75 or so E-messages I sent (only to Colombianas), about 6 have responded personally. Perhaps half of those are sincerely interested in exploring a relationship with me.
So my response rate is about 8%, which compares to the usual 30% responses I've had to my TLC mailings.
Maybe this is because a higher percentage of the women in the TLC catalogs and other agency files are seriously interested in marrying a foreigner. The members are perhaps less focused on what and whom they want. Or maybe they're simply flooded with far more responses than the TLC ladies.
Your opinions and/or experiences?