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Author Topic: LP  (Read 21302 times)
« on: August 21, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

Is there anything more that would make the world around here hate you like.. ummmm 1500% instead of 200%?

"Me married? You gotta be kidding. Has to be vicious rumor perpetrated by my enemies...."

lol.. rotflmao!!!  This is too much! :-)
Email me sometime lp when you have time: briannovo at hotmail  (Will be edited/deleted in less than 24 hrs).

kinda anonymous but I know, but the search engines pick up stuff these days too quickly to put up anything/anywhere that's real.  I get enough spam and crap as it is.


« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to LP, posted by BrianN on Aug 21, 2005

[This message has been edited by LP]

...Seems you were amused by that comment. Odd, since many people claim I have no sense of humor. Ah well, I still have to call 'em as I see 'em and although  I understand you're being a nice guy now I'm gonna bash a few points you made earlier. The rest is mostly musing.

I'm not here to make pals and if someone dislikes me you can rest assured I'm not all broken up over it. Besides, you'd have to be one messed up hombre to harbor hatred over some words written on an internet forum. Then again, lots of people in MOB are messed up. For example, I see from Lee's post we can add pedophile to the list of categories. I doubt anyone "hates" me in the true sense of the word. Course, I may be wrong so this motley crew is free to vote me off the island anytime they want. Lol, I'd consider it their loss not mine. And I certainly don't hate anyone here. I'm either entertained or disgusted at times but that's about it.

I find it somewhat ironic you'd be addressing me because I wanted to respond to your Globetrotter advice but you edited "the BS out of it", to use your words. I couldn't reply from where I was but now that I'm home here's some BS for you: First, stop calling people "dude". You're 47 years old for Keerist's sake. Next, anyone with a lick of common sense or knowledge of MOB is smart to consider a prenup. Maybe you're living under an overpass but there are those among us who've slaved all our lives to accumulate assets worth protecting from the blindness and stupidity that often accompanies marriage, epecially one based on the kind of "love" frequently seen in MOB.

You seem to think (as do many) that A/W will take all they can in a divorce but those from an impoverished culture, where they've been oppressed by the male population since birth (and have thus become very adept at manipulating them), will not. That strikes me as pretty clueless. Women are the same everywhere and even if they weren't the legal system they'll be using is the same one domestic women employ. Not to mention most who come over are already versed in how it works. I would've thought you'd have considered all this when importing your Dudette but it seems not. Perhaps you were so focused on filling that hole in your soul you failed to consider just how risky this racket can be. Or who knows, you might simply be another quintessential MOB loser. I'm not saying you are but Lord knows there are plenty out there.

If you want to roll your own dice fine, but you shouldn't suggest others succumb to blind faith the way you did. I'll give you lots of credit for going slow and taking time to develop your relationship but to assume others in MOB will do the same, or that they should leave themselves wide open to having their clocks cleaned even when they do, is short-sighted. I mean come on, were talking about people who half the time can't even communicate well when they decide to marry. Nor are you in a position to give such advice. You're nowhere near "successful", having done the deed but a few months ago. You may have known her for some time but the legal hook isn't set until marriage you know. Come back in about 7 years, then you can huff and puff.

And do you honestly believe FSU women have "everything" to lose by emigrating? That must be why a fair percentage of them will do just about anything, from lying, stealing, bumping uglies on the first date, or marrying a geezer half their age to do so huh? And why even the honest ones are using every MOB resource at their disposal to escape the life they have. Do such actions imply these women lie awake at night worrying about what they have to lose? Use your bean. You also seem unable to differentiate MOB women from the rest of the female FSU population. The truth, much more often than not, is MOB women are as desperate as the men who seek them. More so in most cases, because they're both lonely *and* poor. All told you display a distinct lack of common sense. Either that or you should've devoted time to more than a single girl. That's the problem with one-woman MOB wonders or those who deal solely with MOB: not enough experience to learn how things really are.

Lastly, if you've been around here any length of time you know that while I still visit the FSU on occasion I long ago distanced myself from the cesspool of MOB because once the stink gets on you it's difficult to remove. It may not be a concern for some but for others it can have real consequences. If you've escaped them you're lucky. And you're lucky to be done with it too, because the smell grows worse every day.

Lol, how's that? I watered it down to keep the Hate Factor below 1500%. If you still want to chat you know where to reach me...

« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to LP, posted by BrianN on Aug 21, 2005

At least you disguised your email address.  I've seen guys who were hesitant to post an e-mail contact address in their profiles who later posted it in a message.  Spam is part of the reason I created profiles.  Only members can view them, so no e-mail harvesting robots (what you call search engines) can see them.
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