I am off to Kiev on Friday. Got a real surprise from the embassy. Back in mid November I emailed the Embassy regarding interview time frame. I was told at that time they were working on week of DEC 22. So. I figured on an interview in mid Jan. Well, Lena faxed the Kev-1 form to them on Nov 27 saying we were ready for interview.....as of yesterday we had not heard anything from them as to interview date. I finally got tired of waiting so I called embassy yesterday and very nice man told me they had sent Packet 4 to Lena on Dec 1st. and our interview was DEC. 18th............WHAT?

Yes, Dec 18th. Now I have 4 days to make reservations at the busiest F***in travel time of the year. So I call Delta...Sure we have space for you and just $1800 per ticket.....Hey Mr. Delta...are you crazy?

So I get on the phone with the folks at Russia House here in Atlanta. And after an hour of searching the schedules they finally found me some space. Friday I go Atl...Phila...JFK...Kiev and returning we will go Kiev...JFK...Wash DC...Atl ...a little round about but the good news was the tickets were only $1680 for both of us and still Delta/ Aerosvit. It is no wonder the airlines are going under. Xmas in Ukraine and New Years Eve in Atlanta with my honey...it can't get sweeter than that. Hope everyone has a great Holiday Season.