Well, my relationship with the young lady from Latvia has finally come to an end. Yes, it's the same one who had a strange attitude to money, when I posted all those months ago! The plan was, she would come and stay with me, but not to just sit at home "like a monkey" as she put it, I was suppposed to find her a job (of course I would have taken care of her but she was very much set on having her own financial independence, following some past experiences.) But my
business is based on a small Greek island, which is great for loafing around on rhe beach but does not offer opportunities for careers in graphic design (there is plenty of unskilled work here in the tourist business during summer but no way this girl would want that.) And no, she didn't want to work in my office either (thought I was just creating a job for her.)
I was still trying to find a solution when she seemed to start cooling off on the phone, and the messages became fewer. Finally it came out, that her job situation back home has improved, she has found a new set of interesting friends there, soon she will have her own apartment instead of living with mum etc etc. And of course, after 6 months I still hadn't found her that job over here.
So all you guys who warned me off her back then, can now say "I told you so!" and tell me to change my handle!
But before you do, consider this... last time I went to Riga to see her, I hired a car, and while she was tied up for a couple of hours with work, I drove a couple of blocks down the road (literally less than half a mile) to see if another girl I once met, whilst she worked as a dancer in a Greek night club, was still there. She was, and she looked great; I said I was there on business, had a quick cup of tea, then made my excuses so I could get back to the other girl's apartment at the agreed time (promising to return to Riga soon on business!)
So guess where I will be going in a couple of weeks? Maybe while I'm with No.2 we'll bump into No.1 (that would be a gas.)
Cover your ass, that's what I say.