... in response to I suspect you protest too much..., posted by Griffin redux on Jun 6, 2003If a man won't stand up for his woman's honor, then he might as well surrender the family jewels, 'cause he ain't a man. You can think what you want, but when you imply it in a public forum, I am obligated to respond.
As far as "testing the trust" goes, we all have to face it sometime in our lives. If you don't lay your trust and faith in each other on the line, how do you know if it's really there and not just a pipedream? I prefer to *know* I can trust my wife, instead of just hoping she will do the right thing when a situation comes along.
When Marina returns, we will be ready to move on to our next step in life, which is to create a stable and loving family. We are already discussing all the things we have to do and prepare for before we bring a new life in this world. That discussion wouldn't even be taking place if we both didn't feel secure in what we have. That security comes from knowing we can trust each other.
My original observation wasn't really on trust, anyway. It was about my wife's separating from her ethnic identity, and the fact that she finally had a chance to experience what friendship should be like. You just led me astray with your pithy comments...