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Author Topic: buy yourself a dacha  (Read 2332 times)
« on: May 20, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

A retired American from Phoenix is living in Ukraine, near Odessa, and his small pension allows him to live quite well.
Last week he bought a small dacha, which anyone can do with enough patience. It is approximately 2 acres in size, lots of mature fruit trees and grapevines, a large garden area, and an older 2 story stone house which does need new windows and some other work.
It is located about 5 miles from the Black Sea, 3 train stops out from Odessa on one of the local milk runs.
He is very happy with the place, especially since he paid the whopping price of $5,400.00 in total for the whole place.
Maybe some others might consider getting something like that for their summertime visits.
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to buy yourself a dacha, posted by europete on May 20, 2003

Your post caused me to become curious about where expatriates are living.  I found this:

I suspect this would include both expatriate Americans and legal aliens who have reached retirement age and returned home.  (Just a guess.  I don't know if green card workers pay into social security.)  At any rate it's interesting data.

« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to buy yourself a dacha, posted by europete on May 20, 2003

My father-in-law sold the family dacha this last year.  Had a nice "cabin" (good sleeping quarters and kitchen essentially) plus land with mature producing fruit trees and berries.  Standard outhouse/pit toilet on the edge of the property.  It had electricity for some light bulbs but no running water in the cabin.  Water was allocated once a week to the dachas and they saved it in a large storage container.  This water was used for the garden. Located about 1/5 miles from the Volga.  Sold it for $2000.  Vandalism during the winter was a problem.  Word of mouth seems to be the standard method of finding a buyer or seller.  My father-in-law is about 72 yo and could no longer take care of the place.  It was a nice setting with enjoyable evenings eating and talking.
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to buy yourself a dacha, posted by europete on May 20, 2003

What real estate agency did he use? I have been looking in purchasing property in or near Odessa. I contacted some agencies, but it seems to me they are charging over market value due to targeting Americans. Last trip over there I looked at the flats/homes advertised for sale in the city. The prices were a lot lower than what you find on an agents website.

I would like to speak with this gentleman. I have a good understanding of the process to purchase and own real estate in Ukraine, but I would like a fellow Americans perspective and thoughts on the matter that has completed a transaction.

Would he be interested in talking about his experience?



« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: buy yourself a dacha, posted by MNKenr on May 20, 2003

Write to:Bill Gudeman, e-mail address ''
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