Sevastopol - Blond 31 yrs old, 7-yr old son, Vladik. Uses email addresses at, stel.sebastopol,, or via SBI agency.
Her SBI "agency" claims it is not a marriage/dating agenncy. The SBI owner demanded I fax or mail personal financial information including complete bank account info, w/o this owner even giving a name when they sent me email from SBI - this financial information was demanded as a condition of continuing correspondence with Ms. Melnikova thorugh this agency, after I made initial contact). If you are/were
corresponding with Ms. Melnnikova (or anyone with that
name - I have evidence she "loans" her name to other
women), or have other experience with the SBI agency in Sevastopol, respond to me on this list. I will then communicate personally to tell you of my experiences with her. Thanks.