... in response to Re: Cali take out option, posted by Landover on Sep 29, 2005Cholessterol,163.
Actually just taking testosterone lowers it 50-80 points without any other effort.I was usually 230 or so before that.I eat what I want.I even did a heart scan,an MRI type look at he heart and then a angioscan I will call it,I am not sure that is the term,a camera on a wire through the artery to look at the heart.All no symtoms,just to KNOW my current state of heart health.Its fine.Because my father died of a hesart ttack at 43.But he was a HEAVY smoker,worse for your health than probably anything the FDA thinks they are protecting us from while delaying any new usefull lifesaving proceedure 5 years minimum,causing huge numbers of deaths in an effort towards safety?Government intelligence,the oxemoron again.
In the US medicine is geared toward what insurance will pay for and treating the problem afet it has occured,excedt for very generasl advice like keep your cholesterol low,which costs thekm nothing to say.A Doctor friend who is way ahead of mainstream in my opinion AND a cardeologist does not get concerned about cholesterol unless it is very high,like high 200's.ALSO,there is a POSITIVE corelation between cancer and low cholesterol.I BET you never heard that before.
Typical US treatment.Say just lower your cholesterol,do nothing else untill symtoms occur.Then do a treadmill stress test which you will pass unless you alreasdy have advanced heart disease.2 stories.One guy DIES on the treadmill.Another passes the test only to develop extreme symtoms and have bypass surgury 3 months later. Treatment by cost of treatment priority,and out of line costs dictating poor treatment.My last colonoscopy,Colombia 3 weeks ago,$90.The one befote in the US 28 months ago,$4500,insurance paid.A 2 hour proceedure.They paid a share of a very poorly ran hospitals overhead for that,not what a 2 hour proceedure should cost.
In the imformatin age its stupid to be unaware,and your doctor is not likely to tell you much.Its give a pill and on to the next 10 miniute appointment.So in a place like Cali,were you can afford care that is trully preventative in more than the most general terms,you have a huge advantage.First rate medical insurance,$80 a month.Better than you would get in the US for the $500 one that is headed toward $1000.And an appointment TODAY if you want.Last year in the US my insurance paid about $5000 for me to go to an emergency room,which was not necessary except I did not have 3 weeks to wait for an appointment.My only night ever in a hospital.I was not sick.You just have to play that game or wait 3 weeks.$2500 for the room.I could have been in the best Hotel in Paris with 2 hookers and $200 champaine flowing like water.
Next question?I bet there are some other mainstream ideas
that are not very usefull.
One hint.Life extension institute,non profit medical resaerch organization.There is a big book you get as a member that has more imformation in it on my Colits issue than I EVER got from 6 doctors,3 of whom wanted to cut out my colon. No thanks.I was not looking for a solution WORSE than the problem.NEVER surrender your good judgement to a supposed proffesional who gives you a few miniutes of his time.