I have always worked with children either through volunteer work or youth programs. It gives me great pleasure to announce that my wife is 3 months pregnant. The most amazing part is how she is now taking care of her body and what she put into it. I thought I'd have some reservations about having another child but those where quickly lost when I saw my wifes tears of joy. To say we are closer would be a gross understatement, true love really knows no limits.
Soon come or mas tarde - these are the expressions my wife uses that drives me nuts!! The Colombians are known for being lackadaisical, now combine that with island life and the double whammy is in full effect. Once we were shopping and I forgot the condiments, first expression from my wife 'mas tarde.' I took the time to explain that we were already in the store and how much time we would save by getting everything at one time as opposed to returning. She admitted that 'mas tarde' was a habit and now realized the negative impact it could have on our life. She has made great progress and I've been forced to get things done more expeditiously (get my shit together). This is turning into a win-win, however, it was looking ugly in the beginning.
Pt 2 mas tarde ;-)