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Author Topic: Trip Report  (Read 2266 times)
« on: May 31, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

Yesterday, I returned from a 17-day trip to Brazil.  My noiva rented a furnished apartment for us to stay in together.  One objective was to see how each of us lived on a daily basis and how well we could live together.

I will give more details about my trip over the next few days.  The one major thing we discovered is that we need 2 bathrooms; one for her and the other for everyone else.

From the very first day, I could not believe how much time she spent in the bathroom for any number of reasons.  She likes to take frequent showers, sometimes 4 in a day.  Styling her hair and putting on her make-up could take up to 30 minutes.  Half of her clothes would be hanging up in the bathroom drying or something so she would do half of her dressing in the bathroom.  I took several showers with her underwear hanging in the shower stall itself.

Everyday I found myself needing to use the bathroom and having to wait until she finished and got out. We talked about this halfway through my trip and she confessed that she her family has also complained about her bathroom use.  She didn't change but I felt more comfortable about asking her to get out when I needed to go.

Hoda has warned us about the high Latina standards of cleanliness.  My noiva is clean and tidy, but not so much more so than me for that to be a problem. I don't live like a pig so my place will be easy to clean up for her visit.  We plan to find different housing after we marry.

I also discovered what it is like to be in another country with a different language while your loved one, and main connection to that country, goes off to work day in and day out.  Even though I greatly enjoyed being with her so much, and I brought my laptop and some work with me, I found myself quite bored after the first week.  I am very relieved to be back in the US and going in to work this afternoon.  

I now realize that we need to develop pretty detailed and comprehensive activity plans for our ladies when they come here to live with us.  They need a place to go to everyday, like a class or a friend's house, just to get out of our houses.

« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Trip Report, posted by Brazilophile on May 31, 2005

BP, I feel you BIG TIME on the need for an additional bathroom :-) I learned early from my father....get that additional bathroom! Get used to the underwear hanging in the bathroom. It seems that many women will throw everything in the washing machine...except their underwear! Good move on finding new housing with her, when she arrives.

BIG CATCH, GOOD CATCH...on your part in feeling what it's like to be in another country with a different language while your loved one, & main connection to that country is away at work, day in & day out. You knew, that it was a matter of days, before you returned to what is familar to you. Your lady won't have that option once she's here. Good idea in planning some activities for her....but allow her some time, to discover things on her own. Even the most detailed & comprehensive planning can't occupy all of her time or keep her attention.

Are there any Brazilian restaurants or bario's near where y'all plan on living? Is there a Brazilian consulate near by? Is a car needed to visit the local supermarket or ESL class. Oh BTW, get VOIP service, once y'all get settled. It'll provide a relatively cheap way for her to call home....whenever she needs too, without busting your wallet!

« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Trip Report, posted by Brazilophile on May 31, 2005

Sounds like a good trip

My wife is also very clean and always looks nice but she doesnt take 4 showers a day!

Just be warned that if your novia is like that then it could be worse when she gets here. I am talking about spending excessive time in the bathroom or whatever (reading between the lines a little Wink

I know you are all in love now but if you are the kind of guy who likes to go go go then she might be even slower here.
I have to wait for my wife sometimes. I learned new word in Spanish "Muevete" - I already knew Rapido Apurate!!! but I need another word for LETS GO!!!!
She likes to look nice and have me looking nice - ironing clothes etc
But the time spent ... WOW

oh yes - i forgot
Add the time she will be spending in the shower with time spent on the phone, sleeping in, ironing clothes, make up = the day goes fast!



« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Trip Report, posted by JimmySTLOUIS on May 31, 2005

I thought about the issues you raised.  When waiting for her I did assess whether how long she as taking was making us very late.  I found that it didn't.  She starts preparing herself in plenty of us to leave to get where we want to go on time.  

You mention sleeping in and ironing.  She frequently offered/asked me if I wanted any clothes ironed.  I always declined because all of my clothes were permanent press.  I discovered that on the days that she didn't have to work, she slept in quite late.  On several mornings I left her in bed to do work or watch the news.  She even remarked that I tended to rise early even when I didn't need to.

« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Trip Report, posted by Brazilophile on May 31, 2005

good idea, activity plans to keep them busy. an ESL english class is a good start, unless she is already fluent in english, but she could meet a few friend there also. A person with nothing to do gets bored and homesick pretty fast.
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