... in response to Buscando and spanish immersion, posted by locoabogado on May 18, 2005Loco, there are good immersion schools in Costa Rica. I am here now trying to put a tour together. I am good to go on Panama but not sure on the schools in Panama– I leave for Panama Friday and have lots of contacts there so could ask around if you are interested in Panama but my gut tells me that immersion if that is what you want is probably better in CR. The first Panama tour is in September. Anyway, I will know more on the tour status in CR after my photo shoot the end of the month. There are also a couple of agencies based here too. my url is
if you dont want immersion, i took some lessons in Cali at some of their English schools. much cheaper than going the immersion route and of course there are plenty of agencies in Cali. hope this helps