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 on: August 24, 2005, 04:00:00 AM 
Started by Globetrotter - Last post by Globetrotter
... in response to Don't listen to him people...., posted by LP on Aug 23, 2005

Ya know Moe, I've now been happily divorced for 16 years, and even that part of my life has been a hell of a ride.  I've had long term relationships like you, dated more than before I was married, got more ass than a toilet seat, watched while business took off into the stratosphere.  I have never ruled anybody out...AW, RW, UW, and dated many of them.  "Rather Unique" is just that...not "the only one for me" or "the love of my life"...just one I trust and one that can add to my already happy state, like I will hopefully add to HER happiness.  And just in case she's been an actress for 4.5 years, she still needs to sign this little agreement.  I will never, ever put all of my emotional eggs in one basket, and know that anything can happen, and prepare accordingly, hoping for the best, but preparing for anything.

Getting married has never been "my goal" but if it fits, I'll go there.  I tell her that all of my old concerns are still she and her daughter will adjust.  I tell her I will do everything in my power to assist, but she must do her part, and bring the rest to the party, understanding I don't make the laws here.  I am not to blame for a sh1t society that allows handguns in every pocket, kids that don't feel safe in high schools, a society that kills over parking spaces, massivly corrupt politicians on every level...federal, state and local, that have written into law that they can accept corporate campaign "contributions".....gee, didn't we used to call those bribes?  Well anyway, hopefully there is more here she'll like than not, and maybe I'll be at the top of that list.  

We haven't "set a date" yet.  We're just going to have a look see.  If we continue, maybe we will use the K1 for a 90 day vacation for her and baby next summer so as not to interrupt the school year.  Then she can go home and decide.  Since all the paperwork will already have been done, ya just file again, and wait another several months.  

So, Young Sir...there is nothing carved in stone yet.

The lawyer, you ask?  As nutty as a fruitcake.  No need for the shallow grave as she's in the process of digging her own, but at a proper there was absolutely no need for King Richard to intervene.  That gadget scrambling my mellon?  Na, I just sit under it once a year to make sure my bell ain't ringin.

Things are good here, and I feel in a good, I'm just kickin it up a notch or two.  Glad you're well, and still funny as a stitch...and remember, "It's a great life if you don't weaken."

 on: September 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM 
Started by Globetrotter - Last post by Globetrotter
... in response to Uh, so how does....., posted by LP on Aug 31, 2005

Well, Larry.....(just to exempt Moe and Shemp) my "litmus" test has always she...or will she be...or can she be.... my best friend.  Some of these (even in your case) can only be guessed at, in even the best of times and under the best of circumstances.

Actually, she has made absolutely no "concessions" from 2 years ago, and that is the subject we will discuss in Budapest.  What she has told me is that I was wrong in my thinking as to what she meant.  Therin lies the matter that needs resolution.  Mind you, she is not a poor girl and would be absolutely thrilled if I moved to Russia.  She has a beautiful flat for her, another for her older girl, a brand new Toyota 4 X 4, and generally a nice life where she is.

One shouldn't "compare" one girl to another, but I can't help doing this...AW vs. RW.  I am not much different than you in that I see the difference.  If I'm not mistaken, you are living with an Asian American?

Again, Moe, nothing is carved in stone.  This meeting is just a "look see" although I would love to take it to the next level, if it's good, plus we've now known each other for 4.5 years.  

And, there is no shortage of girls for me to date here..
lawyers, doctors, engineers...well off people.  

I always have respected your input as well as your opinion.


Moe # 2


 on: August 31, 2005, 04:00:00 AM 
Started by Globetrotter - Last post by LP
... in response to Re: Don't listen to him people...., posted by Globetrotter on Aug 24, 2005

[This message has been edited by LP]

...that change anything? It only means you'll be easier to manipulate. It already seems to be happening. As I said, you be doomed Wink

Just be careful Moe, lest you turn into Shemp...there are enough of them in MOB as it is. I hope she turns out to be different than you originally thought, if you get my drift. (Which is she is no different now than she was then, she's simply made concessions in order to move forward). Good luck with it though.

 on: August 24, 2005, 04:00:00 AM 
Started by Globetrotter - Last post by Globetrotter
... in response to Don't listen to him people...., posted by LP on Aug 23, 2005

Oh, by the way...aside from the things I said below about my RW, I also love her!!!

 on: August 23, 2005, 04:00:00 AM 
Started by Globetrotter - Last post by LP
... in response to One More Round....Same Old Girl, posted by Globetrotter on Aug 21, 2005

...he's quite mad you know.

So the great and powerful Globe succumbs to the belief some woman (any woman) is unique. The hook is set and the reeling begins. Resistance is futile. You're doomed, doomed I say.

I knew this would happen. I told you but no, you were adamant it was a done deal. What happened, you spend too much time exposed to that gadget of yours and scramble your melon? Where's the lawyer? The infamous shallow grave? Did you have King Richard stick her under the rubble out at Meigs? Or did she  dump you and this is a rebound thing? Wink

 on: August 21, 2005, 04:00:00 AM 
Started by Globetrotter - Last post by Globetrotter
Well, I have known my Russian squeeze for 4.5 years now.  (Who is also 4.5 years younger than age appropriate, for those keeping score.)  Although we broke up 2 years ago, we have always kept in contact with each other.

We have met many, many times in her country and in 4 others, and I was never disappointed.  Our correspondence over the years is incredible.  I was however, horrified, when she asked for half the value of my house when we got married.  After "broaching" the subject again, she says she never meant this, would sign anything I asked, and that we should try again.  

I have never been short of someone to date, here or anywhere I have traveled to, which has been substantial.  I found the MOB business by accident, while thinking I may expand my business to the oil and gas fields in Russia.  Because of the numbers I deal with, I determined rather early on that I could not afford to do business in Russia and still be alive, as this is mafia controlled business.  But, in the process, I met the squeezarino.

To make a long story short....we have a week long dinner date in Budapest (neutral ground) in 4-6 weeks.  

When I compare this girl to every other girl I have met in the last 30 years, I'm thinking she is rather unique.  We'll see where this trip takes us, but I'm now more comfortable than ever that a Russian wife might be OK for me.  

Mind you, I am probably more cautious than almost anyone on this board
when it comes to CYA, and  "looking at things the way they really are as opposed to the way you would like them to be", but still feel comfortable with the idea.  Actually, I don't even see her as a Russian girl, just a girl I care for....or more.

Oh, she would still need to sign a prenup, but it seems now not to be an issue for her.

 on: August 22, 2005, 04:00:00 AM 
Started by BrianN - Last post by Bobby Orr
... in response to Happily Married to RW, posted by BrianN on Aug 21, 2005

Congratulations!  Brian has a really excellent wife.  You guys out there in single land actually looking for a beautiful wife would be envious.  I hope for the best for both of you.

 on: August 29, 2005, 04:00:00 AM 
Started by BrianN - Last post by PhilMo
... in response to Happily Married to RW, posted by BrianN on Aug 21, 2005

How did you meet? Did you use a web-based agency?

 on: September 12, 2005, 04:00:00 AM 
Started by BrianN - Last post by MarkInTx
... in response to Happily Married to RW, posted by BrianN on Aug 21, 2005

Sorry, I've been away,and I missed this.

Congrats, Brian!

 on: August 21, 2005, 04:00:00 AM 
Started by BrianN - Last post by BrianN
Just to let you all know, we were married in April.

She got here in March. Same woman I went to visit in Novosibirsk in 2002, and 2003.  We started writing in May 2001.

Has been so much fun... And I love DDT (the music that is)...

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