Title: Uncle Needs Wife - Help! Post by: InfoWriter on January 05, 2005, 05:00:00 AM Hi all! I’m helping my uncle find a mail order bride because his first THREE American marriages ended (gold-diggers). He loves Asian women most, but also like Latin women but he knows nothing about the 'net and I have done a bit of research but want to make sure I don't leave anything out. Can someone please post a step-by-step plan for finding a mail order bride just so I know I'm doing everything right? For example, should he sign up with a service first - is it better to order access to addresses or what? Any advice would be appreciated. He's a great guy who deserves a devoted wife. I don’t want to order a guide. I’m trying to get advice from REAL guys who are here in this board who have gone through the process.
thanks! Title: Re: Uncle Needs Wife - Help! Post by: roadken on January 05, 2005, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Uncle Needs Wife - Help!, posted by InfoWriter on Jan 5, 2005
e-mail me direct.