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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2005 => Topic started by: pablo on January 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM

Title: Health Insurance en Colombia
Post by: pablo on January 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM

For you expats living in Colombia, did any of you purchase health insurance?  If so, what is the company contact information, the type of coverage, and the premiums?

Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Health Insurance en Colombia
Post by: pablo on January 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Health Insurance en Colombia, posted by pablo on Jan 6, 2005

Thanks gents for the information.  I will look into it and do a future post on it.

Title: Re: Health Insurance en Colombia
Post by: thundernco on January 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Health Insurance en Colombia, posted by pablo on Jan 6, 2005


There are two different types of health insurance there:
The Instituto del Seguro Social is the national social services organization that handles health care and pensions and does not allow for very good access or very good care.  What you want to get is a good private eps (Entidad Promotora de Salud) health insurance, plus the insurance add-on. On those programs, the care matches up to, or is better than most anything I've seen.  There's Suramerican, Coomeva Plan Dorado and S.O.S. amongst others. I used to pay somewhere around 300-400K pesos if I remebr correctly, for a family of four, at SOS Comfandi. The plan was the best they had and we could pick our doctors, get preferred appointments, included dental, vision, etc..  When my daughter was born , we picked the hospital and the whole thing cost me $1.50 USD.  I was amazed, the service was great, baby healthy as was the esposa.   I think we got set up through Servicios Integrales CTA, they are on Cl 25 2Nbis-61, and their number is 6614501.  Hope this helps -TNC

Title: Re: Health Insurance en Colombia
Post by: JBond on January 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Health Insurance en Colombia, posted by pablo on Jan 6, 2005

I pay for my mother inlaw's health insurance. It's called EPS and gaves her full coverge for about $50.00 a mounth, it also includes dental.

When you are Cali, just ask around, From what hear it's one of the best.