Title: in regards to racism... Post by: senge on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM Any info on how black and asian Americans do with the ladies of Columbia or SA in general? I assume most white guys have no problems, since white Americans are universally accepted as potential mates.
Title: Re: Onephd Welcome back !!!!!!! Post by: KentR on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to in regards to racism..., posted by senge on Aug 7, 2003
Welcome back, this Kentatl, sorry change my e-mail address..I am on bellsouth.net...Tell me about your trip..afroameratl2000@bellsouth.net Take care, Title: Just get on the plane and go!!! Post by: Onephd on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to in regards to racism..., posted by senge on Aug 7, 2003
Never mind all of the foolishness that somehow got introduced to the topic. If you want to go to Colombia, just go. Contrary to all the hype, women love good men, regardless of color. Sure there are women that have preferences. For example, Odee.com has about 600 (+-) women in its listing of women from Bogotá. About 50% have a stated preference for white or tan men and about 50% have no preference in terms of skin color. So again, All Latinas do not "Loveeee White men" as someone put it. Now Bogotá has often been described as the most conservative of the places that men visit looking for wives, so you can infer from there. Again I will tell you that as a black man, I have had no trouble attracting Colombian women (black or white, but mostly white to be honest since I visit Bogota mostly). Now maybe the population of women in the agency pool is not representative of the women in overall population of LA, but that is besides the point unless you just plan on going out on the street to meet women. The women you are interested in are from the agency pool most likely and I can tell you that a Black man can do well. The agency owners will tell you honestly that Black men do very well. WE just don't go down in as great of number as men from other races. Finally, I had lady tell me that I was not black, but brown or dark tan .. I got a laugh out of that as she was being so specific and I guess that black is black there and brown is brown. Here we lump everything together. ha hah ha. Anyway, man just go and forget the foolishness that gets posted here. I just returned from Bogotá and saw several Black men with there lovely white and tan latina girlfriends in the mall. I also saw white men with there lovely latina girlfriends in the mall as well. Title: Right. Post by: Jeff S on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Just get on the plane and go!!!, posted by Onephd on Aug 7, 2003
You don't need "most" or "many" or "some" just one. Title: I'm glad you went man. I told you how it would be, even in Bogota. Post by: Aaron on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Just get on the plane and go!!!, posted by Onephd on Aug 7, 2003
I'm writing Chapter two. Take Care, Title: Re: in regards to racism... Post by: senge on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to in regards to racism..., posted by senge on Aug 7, 2003
Excellent points everyone. Thanks so much. Title: Allright Senge, fess up... Post by: Jeff S on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: in regards to racism..., posted by senge on Aug 7, 2003
Are you really Tiger Woods in disguise? Black and Asian, a "teacher" from Long Beach??? - Jeff Title: Re: Allright Senge, fess up... Post by: senge on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Allright Senge, fess up..., posted by Jeff S on Aug 7, 2003
No Tiger here, no such luck, otherwise i'd be rich and with a blond on my arm :) No, i'm a black man with an interest in latinas and filipinas. I'll post a fresh thread about my own experiences with all races of women. Title: here it is !!!!! Post by: Aaron on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to in regards to racism..., posted by senge on Aug 7, 2003
senge, keep in mind that i am talking based on my experiences of travelling to different parts of colombia for 4.5 years, and costa rica, as well as based on what many of my latin friends tell me. they're mostly colombian, some puerto rican, and one costa rican. there are some from venezuela also. you ask a really good question. it is a complex issue. what you will find in latin america, particularly in countries with a greater number of people of african descent, is that there is allot of mixing between races, between whites, indians, and blacks. this is true especially in cali, cartagena, barranquilla, santa marta, and san andres of colombia. there are other less travelled cities and places in colombia were there is still allot of racial mixing. there, it is to the point as a daily thing to see. very prevalent. you can see white men dating darker women or white women dating darker men as a preference. also keep in mind, the history of slavery in latin america was very different than in the usa. blacks during the days of slavery were allowed to keep their african customs, language, and music. because of this, they maintained a closer connection with their african roots. and are more unified as a people. also, keep in mind that spain as a colonial power of the day, ruled over latin america with policies of exploitation. spain really didn't do much to economically support the latin american colonies. so, what started to occur was that the majority of spanish colonizers, if they were not rich, they remained in the lower social classes, and were poor. the latin american colonies were classist societies, and remanents of the classism from that era still exist today in latin america. so, this set the stage. what you had were classist societies, with a few wealthy white settlers, and the majority of whites in the lower classes, and are poorer. then, you had the blacks who maintain their african identity and indians who maintained their indentity, too. many people believe that all the indians were exterminated, but that is not true except in certain places. in some locations, most of the indian population was exterminated or assimilated due to racial mixing. but, in colombia that is not the case. there are still many regions of the country were the indians are present. many of the people of cali have indian blood, and many professional people throughout the country are of indian descent. now, back to the classist societies of latin american colonies. keep in mind, that what usually happens when you mix poor whites, blacks, and indians together. THEY MIX AND INTER-MARRY. look at any low income american community that has both whites and blacks. you find that the community will have a high number of interracial relationships. what happen was that in these societies, the poorer people begin see the value of the person based upon his skills, ability, and resources. and they picked partners who could help them get by from day to day, regardless of the person's race. this kind of context allowed for racial mixing to be more acceptable. as opposed to the usa, where blacks were not allowed to even "think" about dating a white, and white males had their black concubines in the closet, and raped black women. as more and more mixing took place, people begain to see both the positive and negatives of a group of people. for example, people began to see the positives of the blacks and their culture, and this is how many african customs, music, religion, and food became to be assimilated in latin america. now, with this all in mind, even though there was mixing, there was and still is racism. however, there in latin america it is of a different form. there racism is based on classism; whereby most blacks and indians are of the lower classes. there, the people of the lower classes are usually meant to stay in their place. in colombia they use the word NICHE, it is the parallel of the word NIG*ER here in the usa. to tranlate it literally, it means niche in english. it was used to refer to blacks in colombia because they were a group of people who were skilled workers, and they had a niche to support themselves. what later happened was that the blacks of colombia took the word, and started to use it amongst themselves as a term a endearment, just like black people in the usa use the word nig*er as a term of endearment. so, in colombia, sometimes blacks will refer to themselves as "niche" or they'll say "negro or negrito". the most popular colombian salsa group, which is from cali, is called GRUPO NICHE. they're a group of mostly black and indian musicians, and some whites. i met them before in person. i went to their cali studios. they will definitely tell you there is racism in colombia. however, race mixing is very prevalent. also, you have to keep in mind that since there has been so much mixing between races, mostly everyone refer to each other as "negro or negra" even if they have lighter skin. they do that because they know that they are not "pure white," but somewhere down the line in the family history, there probably was some mixing. many people make a big joke about it. in colombian and other latin american countries were the racism is based upon classism, what you find is that people do not make up wild stereotypes about the darker skinned people. not like what was done here, where people would say "blacks are like monkeys, and have tails." in my experience with the women, i tend to like whiter latinas. that is the majority of what i dated. some were rich some were poor. i've had about 15 girl friends. from what i have experienced, from the ones that i've dated, many find darker skinned men very attractive, and they preferred men from brown to tan skin color. they didn't like the blonde, blue-eyed, or very white skinned type of men. they just didn't like it. they had their preferences. what they did like to see was the constrast in the skin color when they were with someone darker, and they were very out going ladies. they loved to dance to tropical music and play sports. they told me that most of the guys they met in the agencies who liked to do the same things, and would try it with them, had darker skin. they liked that. on the other hand, on occasion you will find some lighter ladies that prefer white guys. that's fine. also, there are some darker skinned agency girls that prefer white guys over black guys, and others that want to meet only black guys. i'm black, and i have no problem with getting dates with women of all colors. i remember one time, when i didn't know all this, i saw a really beautiful white girl in an agency. i wanted to go out with that girl so bad, but i was insecure because i didn't think she would want a black guy. well, i later found out, that her boy friend was a black guy from the usa. she got married. there was also another time when i was in an agency minding my own business, eating breakfast. then BANG, a really foxy mamacita came in for the first time to be a member. she was 4 years older than me. she was a high maintance white lady. i didn't pay much attention to her because she was older, and i thought she wouldn't want to date a younger guy. but later in the day, she called back to the agency and requested me for a cita. we went out. she told me that she loves r&b music, and has travelled to the usa and has gone to many clubs; and she had enough nerve to tell me that the reason why i like latinas is because they have nice butts. still to this day, that woman asks about me, and wants to know when i'll be in town. aaron Title: With all due respect I disagree with you Post by: Georgina on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to here it is !!!!!, posted by Aaron on Aug 7, 2003
Aaron, I guess your experience in LA has been muy buena and I am glad for that. I don't mean to discourage anybody from going South, but I have to tell you that is my opinion that the racism going on in LA is far worse than in the United States. Comments like "mejorando la raza" are very common in my part of the world. Sad but true. Take care, Georgina Title: I'm sorry to hear that Georgina. Take care. Aaron Post by: Aaron on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM Title: Re: here it is !!!!! Post by: Brazilophile on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to here it is !!!!!, posted by Aaron on Aug 7, 2003
"blacks during the days of slavery were allowed to keep their african customs, language, and music. because of this, they maintained a closer connection with their african roots. and are more unified as a people. " That is only partly the case. Blacks were NOT allowed to keep their religions. Both Santaria and Condomble developed by "hiding" the animist gods of African religions behind the saints of the Catholic religion. Specifically, the Ife religion was brought to Bahia, Brazil and its gods, the Orishas, became saints in Catholicism and are the Brazilian Orixas in Condomble. If you go to Bahia, you can find more information on the correspondence between the Orixas and the Catholic saints. In addition, the Brazilian "dance" called capoeira, was in reality an African martial art brought to Brazil by enslaved Africans and practised by them. To hide its military purpose, some movements were stylized so it could be accepted as a non-threatening "dance" by the slave owners.
This may be the biggest reason why race relations in SA and the US are so different. The emancipation movements and the independence movements overlapped in SA. As insurgents rebelled aginst Spain and Portugal and Simon Bolivar did his thing, slaves were also rebelling against their owners. The biggest slave owners and the most powerful representatives of the colonial powers happened to be the same group of people. The independence wars kicked them back to Europe. Few of the remaining people were of the traditional ruling class. As Aaraon stated, the majority poor of all races intermingled and intermarried. In fact, slavery in SA was functionally ended in the years 1810-1840, with only 10-25% of the African population still enslaved, even though slavery officially stayed legal for several decades on. Brazil officially ended slavery in 1888. But that is a big contrast to the US where the independence movement started BEFORE slavery was well entrenched, so that the biggest slave owners were powerful leaders of an alrady independent US and not of a colonial power. Between 95% and 98% of the African population in the US was still enslaved at the time of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. History lesson over. Title: Re: Re: here it is !!!!! Post by: DOMINGUIN on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: here it is !!!!!, posted by Brazilophile on Aug 7, 2003
Its a pleasant break to read a post from someone who actually lnows what they are talking about. Title: I'm afraid of you. Be cool and go in peace. Post by: Aaron on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: here it is !!!!!, posted by Brazilophile on Aug 7, 2003
Yup, I knew about hiding African dieties by portraying them as Catholic Saints, and the history of Capoeira. Good points. Aaron Title: A friend's reply Post by: Edge on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to here it is !!!!!, posted by Aaron on Aug 7, 2003
Aaron - my friend wants to post the message below. At the present time he cannot post - I think he has applied for a password and apparently there is some type of "snafu". His background is that he has lived for many many years in Central America and the Caribbean. Aaron says, "you ask a really good question. it is a I DON'T SEE ALOT OF WHITE WOMEN DATING DARKER MEN IN Aaron says, "also keep in mind, the history of slavery I say, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. AFRICANS THIS ENTIRE PARAGRAPH IS INCOHERENT GARBAGE. THE so, this set the stage. what you had were classist WRONG!! THE MAJORITY OF SPANIARDS WERE ALREADY HAVING INDIAN BLOOD AND BEING INDIAN ARE NOT THE SAME. now, back to the classist societies of latin american NO DUDE POOR WHITES DID NOT INTERMARRY WITH BLACKS AND YOU ARE A COMPLETE NAIVE FOOL. THE SPANIARDS RAPED as more and more mixing took place, people begain to SORRY BUD BUT I DON'T BELIEVE LATIN AMERICA EMBRACES "BLACKNESS", ON THE CONTRARY THEY DENY IT. MARRYING A LIGHT SKIN PERSON IS "MEJORANDO LA RAZA". SURELY YOU'VE HEARD OF THAT. now, with this all in mind, even though there was NEGRO OR NEGRA IS A TERM OF ENDEARMENT. HOWEVER, THEIR RACISM IS NOT JUST BASED ON CLASSISM. ASK A in colombian and other latin american countries were SO IN THE USA YOU ARE SAYING ITS COMMON TO BELIEVE HOW MANY WEALTHY BLACKS DO YOU KNOW IN LATIN AMERICA in my experience with the women, i tend to like whiter I'VE CERTAINLY HAD A DIFFERENT EXPERIENCE THAN YOU. Title: Re: A friend's reply Post by: Brazilophile on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to A friend's reply, posted by Edge on Aug 7, 2003
I want to point out that the colonial and racial history of the Caribbean is different from that of SA. Many islands in the Caribbean were trans-shipment points for slaves going to the US (New Orleans for example), Brazil (Salvador), and Colombia (Cartagena). This was needed to prepare the newly arrived slaves for sale. This meant feeding them better than on the slave ships, healing them from wounds and illnesses suffered on the slaves ships, and inflicting severe psychological brutality in order to "break their spirits". That included demeaning and devaluing dark skin and African features, and elevating white skin and European features to god like levels. In the Caribbean there is more of the "good hair", "too dark", and "elevating the race by mating with a lighter skinned person" attitudes than there is on the continent. The real end of the history lesson. Title: That might explain it Post by: Ralph on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: A friend's reply, posted by Brazilophile on Aug 7, 2003
That might explain why my experiences have been different than yours. I have heard the mejorando la raza saying a few times. I think that is pretty darn silly. I can tell you Dominican girls go way out of their way to straighten their hair and not have their hair look like a black persons. Also fairly silly. I mean I love the way my novia looks after spending 3 hours in the salon, but i also love the way she looks when she just lets it dry naturally when we are at the beach. I can say i experienced racial issues in Mexico, Brazil and Colombia as well. I can also say that when out in public and noticing couples of mixed races or greatly different skin color at least, there seems to be more lighter skinned women, with darker skinned men down here. I am not sure if there is a reason for it, other than preferences of the ladies. There are racial issues all over the world. The bottom line is no african american male should even hesitate for a second when contemplating a trip to LA. Any racial issues would inconsequential. Title: Brazilophile, Edge is posting that old RobbySanJuan.. Post by: Aaron on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM Title: Edge, it's good that you have friends. Post by: Aaron on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to A friend's reply, posted by Edge on Aug 7, 2003
And it's definitely smart for you to have second sources for information. I don't know who you want to believe, just ask other Latin people. One point I do want to make, did you know about a group of black Colombians, you see many especially in Cartagena. You will see many of the black women who sell fruits out of pans, and even carry the pans on their heads. Do you know the history of this group of people? Or, maybe we can listen to some Salsa by Willie Colon, who was a white Puerto Rican, you ever hear his song Che Che Cole? Or let's listen to music by Joe Arroyo, who was born in Cartagena, and is notorious all over Colombia, but now lives in Barranquilla. He has a song called Yamulemau. The entire song is in an African language. We can hear all this music in a discotech in Juanchito of Cali. We could meet at Chango, it's one of the most popular dance clubs in Juanchito. "Chango?" Where do you think "Chango" comes from? Did you ever hear of the Afican diety "Shango?" Edge, be careful who you talk to, there are allot of guys who feel insecure about history, and want to maintain an attitude of superiority. Also, all the salseros will tell you, the roots of Salsa, and what people started it. Especially, merengue. Take Care, Title: Re: Edge, it's good that you have friends. Post by: Edge on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Edge, it's good that you have friends. , posted by Aaron on Aug 7, 2003
[This message has been edited by Edge] Aaron - you can respond to my friend's post or send him your e-mail at: mangu35@nospam.com. and just a brief reply to Aaron's response Aaron you were unable to respond to any of the your mythical description of latin history was one Title: I don't have time to correspond with Robert. Chao. Post by: Aaron on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM Title: No but you have plenty of time to clutter up this board with frivolous posts. Post by: lswote on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM Title: No but you have plenty of time to clutter up this board with frivolous posts. Post by: lswote on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM Title: I'm Cuban today, and we believe Salsa was from Cuba. Post by: Aaron on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Edge, it's good that you have friend..., posted by Edge on Aug 7, 2003
And we believe the roots of Salsa are from Africa. And we believe the music existed long before puerto ricans and cubans played it in NY. But, when the big record labels heard it, they wanted to market it as an American invention, and not give homage to it's roots. Aaron Title: Re: Edge, it's good that you have friends. Post by: Edge on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Edge, it's good that you have friends. , posted by Aaron on Aug 7, 2003
I have not really paid attention to what you are talking about. My friend asked me post the reply and that is the extent of my involvement. I am too busy right now to pay much attention to PL. Heading out of town this weekend to the Bay Area and taking the wife up into the beautiful Colorado Rockies next week to get out of the heat. I tend to believe what my wife tells me about these matters since she grew up in the latin culture. My friend is not Robbie San Juan but he has tons of experience down there. He also has spent alot of time in Venezuela and recently Colombia. He is in the states now. It is his opinion - respond to what he says if you want. I am not endorsing what either of you say because i have not followed the thread. Take care. Title: Man, I must be good !!!!!!!!!! It was Robby SanJuan after all. Post by: Aaron on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Edge, it's good that you have friend..., posted by Edge on Aug 7, 2003
Tell him I say "Hola" !!!!! Title: Look Dickhead... Post by: Edge on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Man, I must be good !!!!!!!!!! It was Ro..., posted by Aaron on Aug 7, 2003
[This message has been edited by Edge] It is not robbie san juan - You tell him hola. you really are an idiot. That is why I do not waste my time. Take care Title: A Slight Correction Post by: burbuja2 on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Look Dickhead..., posted by Edge on Aug 7, 2003
I think you should show a little (but only a little) respect to Aaron and refer to him as Mr. Dickhead. Title: Wow !!! You really did something there. Post by: Aaron on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM Title: Re: Look Dickhead... Post by: thundernco on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Look Dickhead..., posted by Edge on Aug 7, 2003
Hey Edge, Email me and let me know when you're going to be in the city, if possible we can hook up for a drink or dinner? If not, another time, enjoy the trip. Title: By Edge, tell Robby I said hello. Post by: Aaron on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM Title: Bye Edge, tell Robby I said hello. Post by: Aaron on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM Title: Re: here it is !!!!! Post by: donald on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to here it is !!!!!, posted by Aaron on Aug 7, 2003
She requested YOU for a cita?? now that's an interesting twist...WHAT COJONES! so what happened on the cita??? she's right about the BUTTS and that is really NOT earth shattering news! Title: Re: Re: here it is !!!!! Post by: Aaron on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: here it is !!!!!, posted by donald on Aug 7, 2003
yup "D", she requested me, and we had a great time. now, i know on the board, i come off as an a*z-hole, but i'm really not like that in person. it's just an on-line persona. when i get in the mix, it's on !!!!! and only the older ladies now how to deal. and i don't hang out with other gringos because i like to keep my business to myself. each time this lady and i meet, we cannot keep our hands off of each other. she has the nicest body. but, i'm kind of scared of her, because clearly she has more experience, and she's a social smoker. i'm allergic to cigarette smoke. i can remember the moment when she came in the agency, there was a another older gringo i was talking to, and i told him that she was the kind of women that i prefered to meet. he said he didn't like those types of ladies because they're too high maintance. each time we go out, i spend $40.00 USD on the date, and i don't return back to the pad until like 5:00 am. all in good clean fun, no sex. Title: here it is !!!!! Post by: Cali James on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Re: here it is !!!!!, posted by Aaron on Aug 7, 2003
You've mentioned a couple times that you don't like hanging out with any of the gringos when in Colombia. It's certainly a personal choice but I think you're making a mistake. Sure there's some weirdos but a lot of the guys are pretty cool. I always try to hook up with some of the guys when in Cali. If I'm not sure who's in town, I'm almost guarenteed to run into somebody at the malls or Blues Brothers. I think hanging out only with the Calenas, unless you're on a short vacation, misses part of the fun of going to Cali. Cali James Title: James, it's just that most of my friends are latin... Post by: Aaron on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to here it is !!!!!, posted by Cali James on Aug 7, 2003
and when I get to Latin America, I try to get away from all American influences as much as possible. As for the assasination attempt I posted about. A week or so before my last trip to Colombia, I posted on the board where I was going to be staying. Also, at that time, I was in the middle of a flame war, as usual, on the board. When I was in Colombia, a young teenage girl brought a container of rice and pork from a little merchant on the side of the road. The box of food had the name and address of the restaurant. I wasn't in at the time to meet her. When I got back, the agency owner told me a young girl came in and brought me something to eat. That she said her family has a business, and they want me to try the food to see if I would like it. I looked in the box, and it looked as if someone had put something in it. I didn't eat the food, but I did call the telephone number on the box, no one was around at the restaurant. The agency owner and I decided to go to the restaurant. The address was on the box. We went, and the place was in an extremely dangerous part of Cali, far away from the agency. They say the place is almost as dangerous as AguaBlanca. We found the restaurant, and it was this dirty old shack, and near the shack there was a smell of burning marijuana. A boy and a man came outside, and I asked them if a younger girl similar to the one who left the food lived there, they said no one of such a description lived there. At that time, the agency owner told me that we better go, and don't stay too long. The agency owner told me that it was someone who wanted to poison me. It could have been a boyfriend of a girl who I dated, it could have been a girl who was pissed off, or I think it could have been someone who has been in flame wars with me on this board. For example the Yalg character, who was supposedly in Cali the same time when I was there. James, I keep to myself because it's hard to know who is who, and the intentions of people. I know it is kind of cynical, but that's just my take on it. So don't be offended, however, you can guarrantee, I don't go out of my way to stab gringos in the back for their ladies. Aaron Title: Re: James, it's just that most of my friends are latin... Post by: donald on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to James, it's just that most of my friends..., posted by Aaron on Aug 7, 2003
WHAT HAPPENED TO THE FOOD?? Title: Donald, I didn't eat it. I have a question. Post by: Aaron on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: James, it's just that most of my fri..., posted by donald on Aug 7, 2003
Donald, Now don't be offended, because I'm sincerely not trying to offend you. You haven't said anything to me that was offensive, but my instincts tell me that you're a Calena. Am I right or wrong? If I am wrong, you can call me a fool, and I wont say anything. If I am right, then I love you. Take Care, Title: Re: Donald, I didn't eat it. I have a question. Post by: donald on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Donald, I didn't eat it. I have a questi..., posted by Aaron on Aug 7, 2003
a calena named donald?? you're not a fool aaron; Title: be polite donald.... Post by: Aaron on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM Title: Donald a caleña? Post by: cancunhound on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Donald, I didn't eat it. I have a questi..., posted by Aaron on Aug 7, 2003
Dude you're not helping your case here. LMAO Title: What does it matter to you? Post by: Aaron on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM Title: Assasination again - Let me get this straight Post by: cancunhound on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to James, it's just that most of my friends..., posted by Aaron on Aug 7, 2003
Well at least there was no poor mut that bought a bullet for you. But you were willing to go to the worst barrio in Cali just to track down a girl that delivered a box of food? Brilliant. You believe it was an assasination attempt just because the agency owner mentioned that "maybe the food's poisoned"? You seriously believe that a fellow board member was behind this master plan? Come on! But just in case somebody's taking notes - Aaron does not eat fried chicken, so let me suggest a spiked "sandía" would be more appropriate. But with this kind of gullibility, just ask him to jump off a cliff, (just say it'll be OK). http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/test2.html Title: Dude, how are the peanuts from the gallery? Post by: Aaron on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Assasination again - Let me get this str..., posted by cancunhound on Aug 7, 2003
The agency owner and I didn't know where the restaurant was until we already got there. The taxi told us that the place was considered a dangerous part of town after we arrived. If it didn't happen to you, then mind your won business. FOOL !!! From Aaron Title: Show was great from here Post by: lswote on August 09, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Dude, how are the peanuts from the galle..., posted by Aaron on Aug 7, 2003
Watching Patrick ASSASSINATE YOUR ASS! Title: Re: Re: Re: here it is !!!!! Post by: donald on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Re: here it is !!!!!, posted by Aaron on Aug 7, 2003
$40- THAT'S CHEAP!! I PRESUME THIS DATE IS IN CALI... WHERE DO YOU GO?? WHAT DO YOU DO?? WHAT DID YOU SAY HER AGE WAS??? WHERE DID SHE COME OFF ASKING TO DATE YOU - ISN'T THIS THE LEAST YOU COULD DO IS MAKE HER PAY!! Title: Have you ever been to Colombia? Post by: Aaron on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Re: Re: here it is !!!!!, posted by donald on Aug 7, 2003
Donald With the current exchange rate, $40.00 USD comes to 118.224 COP. That is not cheap on a date with one lady, in one night, in Cali. Believe me, I didn't mind her requesting me for a cita. The first date, we went to a newly opened Italian restaurant, two plates of pasta and a bottle of white wine. After the restaurant, we went to Dukes for cocktails. Take Care, Title: Re: Have you ever been to Colombia? Post by: donald on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Have you ever been to Colombia? , posted by Aaron on Aug 7, 2003
no, but since i have been paying between $100 & $200 a night in Brazil - this sounds like a real bargain to me!! Title: Re: in regards to racism... Post by: Brazilophile on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to in regards to racism..., posted by senge on Aug 7, 2003
I am Black and I experience LESS prejudice and discrimination in SA than I do here in the US. I have mentioned this before in LWL and Ralph (in DR) strongly disagreed with me. In my opinion, the US tries to be a classless society and fails miserably. SA countries don't try, and there is considerable class discrimination. The Colombians, Brazilians, Venezolans, of (greater) African descent, ie darker skinned, have told me that there is a great deal of skin color prejudice in the upper class. Dark skinned women are never be hired to be executive secretaries for top management officals. Upper class men and women never marry dark skinned individuals unless they are extraordinary, like a judge or renowned doctor. Bear in mind that the upper class in SA is relatively small, less than 10% of the population. Also bear in mind that in Brazil a Black woman from the working class ( a former maid) was elected to their national legislature a few years ago. Some things are changing. In the middle and working classes, skin color is treated as an esthetic personal preference. Some people like blonde hair, some people like tan skin, some people like brown eyes, some people like dark skin. My impression is that both extremes of skin color, very white and very black, are considered UNattractive. People are referred to by the color of their skin, such as morenita or triguenita, without any perjorative connotations at all. In these classes, how you present yourself in terms of carriage, dress, grooming, and especially how properly you speak the language (sign of education and intelligence) carries much more weight in how you are treated than the color of your skin. (I think the US has a LOT to learn in this regard.) Latin women will be attracted to your gentlemanly qualities, fidelity and respect for her. Forget about US style race consciousness. Many attractive women of all skin colors WON'T be attracted to a dark skinned man but many other attractive women of all skin colors, except those of the upper class, WILL be attracted to a dark skinned man. As for Asian men, Brazil has a fairly large Asian poulation centered around Sao Paulo. Macau, China, is a former Portuguese colony and many Chinese were brought to Brazil as indentured servants, to supplement slavery, in the 19th and early 20 centuries. Foreign Asian will do as well or poorly as anyone else provided it is VERY clear that he lives in North America or Europe. I think there are VERY few Latinas who will follow a potential husband to anyplace other than US, Canada, or western Europe. That IS a very big deal for them, at least the Latinas I discussed this with. Title: not so sure Post by: Ralph on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: in regards to racism..., posted by Brazilophile on Aug 7, 2003
I wouldn't say we strongly disagree. The bottom line is there is certainly nothing to worry about. As you say if you are a gentleman, you will have no problems meeting ladies no matter what color you are. I have been to clubs down here that were very biased as to who they let in. If I was with less than white ladies, we were all denied admission. I then made a trip to the men's room and the same security personel were opening the door and waving me in. Needless to say, I never returned to these places. I still say that at very first encounter, I might have better luck than say Brazilophile, but a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes would have better luck than I do. Probably at least partially because of the exotic factor, and being more "different". This is only at the very very beginning. Unless you are a total mess, you will have zero problem getting by any A fellow PL board member came to the DR to visit and had absolutely zero problems meeting women. There are some race issues down here, but mostly amongst the locals. All the TV personalities etc are white. Miss Universe was white etc etc etc. My novia had me pull the car over before we got to her Mom's house, when I was going to meet her family for the first time. She explained to me that she had brothers and sisters that were "morena". She was genuinely worried about what I would think. I asked her if she was the same color as her brother, does she think I would not be interested in her? She said probably not!
Title: Being Black and have been in Bogota and Brazil Post by: Onephd on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to in regards to racism..., posted by senge on Aug 7, 2003
Being Black and having visited Colombia two times (Bogotá) and Brazil (Sao Paulo) once, I can tell you that I had minimal problems with race. In fact there was only one instance in Bogotá where a lady was not interested in me because of race. I raised this same question some three years ago when I was first curious about the entire thing. I was lucky in that some good guys like Hiker, Aaron, and others encouraged me to go. I made my first trip to Colombia in April and I had a great time and enjoyed the company of wonderful women (both black and white). Sure I get some looks in the malls or where ever because I have a nice brown skin color, and I typically dress very nice. I know in Bogota I have not seen a Colombian man of my skin color so people know I'm American and that causes most of looks if there are any. I think more of your edibility to have a good time and meet nice women has more to do with how you carry yourself. Things that help are being physically fit, clean cut, dressing nicely, speaking some Spanish or whatever the native language is etc. Being a gentleman is key. Opening doors, holding chairs etc. basic manners mean a lot to women both here and abroad. Also being honest with the women helps big time. in short, don't worry too much about the color thing. If you are still uncertain, do what I did on my first visit. Try some basic letter correspondence and picture exchanges first to make sure the women are ok with your skin color or race. If you are using an agency, just be frank with the owner and tell them that you wish the women to know of your skin color before they arrive to the interview. That way, the lady won't be surprised. Its just nature that the women expect the men to be white as their are simply more white people going down to SA than Blacks. now bear in mind that my thoughts are related to Colombia. Brazil is an entirely different story and I won't get into that. ha ha ha Title: Re: Being Black and have been in Bogota and Brazil Post by: HansErich on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Being Black and have been in Bogota and ..., posted by Onephd on Aug 7, 2003
Dear Onephd, If you go to Bahia (Salvador) in Brasil....which has many mnay dark people your changes of getting a wife are 1000% better then any white guy!! But first ..LEARN PORTUGESE!! Hans-Erich. Title: Re: in regards to racism... Post by: Cali James on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to in regards to racism..., posted by senge on Aug 7, 2003
[This message has been edited by Cali James] In my five or six years of going to Colombia, I've observed what I can only describe as a cultural bias toward lighter skinned people. It's very subtle at times but in my opinion it's definitely there. I think it would be naive to think that this bias doesn't at some level enter into choosing a mate but I truly don't believe it's that big a factor, especially if you're a foreigner. I think some of this might be explained by the natural attraction to something different or less common (in the same sense that many of us are attracted to darker more exotic looking women). However this doesn't explain it all. Perhaps what I have observed is just the remnants of centuries old clascist thinking that permeated Latin culture so deeply. But in the end, I don't think a person's success in Colombia has much to do with skin color. A good guy of any color shouldn't have much problem. Title: Good points, James !!!!! Post by: Aaron on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM |