Title: Another thing ! Post by: Aaron on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM You see,
This is why I am very appreciative about the cross-cultural experience that I am having. It bettered me as a person. Since I'm hoping to marry a Latina, I've thought long and hard how it would be for her parents to have a son in-law of a different race and/or culture. I thought about how they would consider me, would they accept me, would they understand me, would they sincerely apprecitate me as a PERSON. Not just as a gringo, or not just as a person of a particular ethnicity or race. Then, I started to think what would happen if I were in her parents' shoes, and if I had a daughter, for example a black daughter. And what if my daughter would want to marry someone that was not black. I asked myself the questions: could I accept it, could I accept him, could I appreciate him. I came to the conclusion a long time ago, YES !!! There wouldn't be anything wrong with it. If the guy loved my daughter, and took good care of her, then that should be the only thing that matters. Race shouldn't be a controlling factor, given the opportunities, people should be able to overcome despite racism and discrimination. Often times, it was people from my own race that had some of the most negative things to say about me, but I did what I had to do regardless of how they felt. Love and friendship has no color, and lifetime marriages are made in heaven, ordained by God, not by a black priest or a white priest. Aaron |