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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2003 => Topic started by: mudd on July 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM

Title: Reputable agency in Lima Peru?
Post by: mudd on July 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
anybody know of a good agency or agencys in Lima?

Title: Re: works fine for me!
Post by: grant5432 on July 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Reputable agency in Lima Peru?, posted by mudd on Jul 21, 2003

As I just posted in another message, I have been using   I don't know of other agencies in Peru.  This seems
to be the largest one and seems very reputable to me, run by a very
honest husband and wife team.

Title: helpful people
Post by: grant5432 on July 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: works fine for m..., posted by grant5432 on Jul 24, 2003

Also, I should add that they were both very helpful.  Graciela was
assisting me when I had questions about certain women.  Most of them
she was familiar with and could tell me which ones had a really good
heart or a great personality.

Also, I met someone who's sister married a gringo from the  tour.  I never met her, but I saw many pictures of her
and she is very attractive  (too bad I didn't find her first).  They are now
married and living in the states.

Title: Re: Reputable agency in Lima Peru?
Post by: Buck on July 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Reputable agency in Lima Peru?, posted by mudd on Jul 21, 2003

E-Mail me.

Title: Re: Reputable agency in Lima Peru?
Post by: NW Jim on July 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Reputable agency in Lima Peru?, posted by mudd on Jul 21, 2003

Check out Can't vouch for reputation, but seems to be a growing outfit that updates its site.

Title: Re: Re: Reputable agency in Lima Peru?
Post by: pablo on July 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Reputable agency in Lima Peru?, posted by NW Jim on Jul 21, 2003

Hey Mudd,

I don't know if you did an archived search on Lima and agencies but I did find a long thread here:

He also recommended a small agency there.


Title: Re: Re: Reputable agency in Lima Peru?
Post by: mudd on July 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Reputable agency in Lima Peru?, posted by NW Jim on Jul 21, 2003

i am wondering if this is the same agency that was talked about a year ago in the archives, and the story was not good. ill post about it later when i find out.

Title: grant5432 back from Lima yet?
Post by: NW Jim on July 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Reputable agency in Lima Peru?, posted by mudd on Jul 22, 2003

Wasn't grant5432 going to Lima in mid-July on the Latin Magic tour? Perhaps he could give us an update based on his experience.

Title: Just back from Lima!!
Post by: grant5432 on July 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to grant5432  back from Lima yet? , posted by NW Jim on Jul 22, 2003

  Yes, I just got back yesterday from Lima!  The only agency I know
about is the agency.   This sounds like a different
type agency than the ones in Cali.  

   I didn't go on the tour, so can't vouch for how that is, but I did stop in
and go through the catalogs and met and spoke with Raul and Graciela,
who own the agency.  They seem like very good and honest people, and
it seems Graciela interviews and screens most of the women in their
agency (but some join merely by the internet).  I actually had been
getting email addresses from them and emailing the ladies myself, and
then meeting them myself.   When I was there visiting there was another
gringo there and apparently they can help you set up a meeting with the
lady.  When I was in the waiting area, a woman walked in who was the
date of the griingo who was there.  They met, said their hellos, and were
off on their date.

   I don't know of any other agencies in Peru so I don't have anything to
compare it to.  I did find one woman I really liked, but something must
have happened because all of a sudden she didn't show up to a date and
stopped taking my calls.  I fear she may have seen me out with another
lady the previous night, I'm not sure.   In any case, I plan to return to
Peru soon to continue my search.


Title: Re: Just back from Lima!!
Post by: pablo on July 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Just back from Lima!!, posted by grant5432 on Jul 24, 2003

Great to hear you had a good experience in Lima.  Curious though, did you first place your post requesting info on agencies while you were in Lima on the 21st?  You say you are now back from your trip.  That seems like a quick trip if you posted it before leaving.

Any other comments about your experiences there?  We'd all like to hear a good trip report.

Title: Re: Re: Just back from Lima!!
Post by: grant5432 on July 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Just back from Lima!!, posted by pablo on Jul 24, 2003

I was in Lima from July 9th to the 21st....   Yes, not enough time so I am
planning on returning.