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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2003 => Topic started by: Chris F on July 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM

Title: "Young girls in Cali" Cali trip Part 2
Post by: Chris F on July 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM three with meeting dad and grandmother go off very well and they both like and are impressed with me very much. The next few days went very well with her...we visited a church in a small city outside of Cali with her grandmother and went to services. We continued to get to know each other and I did not see any signs from this girl that she was nothing but very sweet and kind.

On day five she gets an e-mail from her mother and I was there when she read it. Mother was going to be late with the University fees that she sends to Colombia from the United States (remember she is living there) This was going to cause a late fee from the University which Olga was not going to be able to pay. Olga was very upset that she may not be able to continue her studies this semester.

I ask her how much it was and she told me 180.000 pesos. ( about $60 bucks) I said "here" and gave it to her and at first refused to take it. I told her please take it it really is nothing for me. She told me she would pay me back and I told her not to worry about it. It really was nothing and I have no regrets giving it to her...even now.......

I told myself that if things went well....I was going to ask her to go to San Andres. Five days and four nights with airfare and hotel is only about 240 dollars each.The reason why is that why I love Cali woman...I am a little tired of the city.......Many who have been there multiple times know what I am talking about......Since I found what I thought was " a potential special someone" I wanted to go with her somewhere different. Even though I payed for her too.....I was already paying 75 a night at the the little extra money for the next five days was worth it to me.

I told her that since she had paid for my manicure and a special little gift when I arrived that I wanted to get her a special gift as well and would get it in San Andres.

Before we went to San Andres, her father smashed his hand into a wall over his anger and being upset over his second girlfriend of ten years leaving him and marrying a rich American Man.  He was only in the hospital for a day. I ask Olga if she wanted to not go and stay with her Dad under the circumstances...she said no. I said ok.

We arrived at the hotel in San Andres and I was really disappointed. Had to walk up four flights of stairs, small dirty poorly air conditioned room..I was spoiled at the Inter hotel in Cali and this place was disgusting.......I told her we are going to Hotel Sunrise. She said you will lose your money here and I told her "I don't care" this place is a dump.  I did end up getting some money back and the Hotel Sunrise was about 70 dollars a night....I do recommend it...

She told me that she wanted lotion for her gift. I said that's fine...again...nothing so far told me anything negative about this woman....

That first night was very romantic..we went to a very nice seafood restaurant on the other side of the island. She was very sweet and the evening was picture perfect.

The next day she ask if she could have her hair braided.Many girls do this at San Andres.
And for a whopping 20,000 pesos  (a lousy seven bucks) she was very happy.  We ate fried fish in the beach realize..this is the whole fish skin and all that is on your plate. Fish eyes are a delicousy there. She was quick to ask me....."Are you going to eat your fish eyes?"..........."Heck No!!....knock yourself out sweetheart"........hey its a culture thing...they also love fried chicken feet you know........

That night we took a romantic walk on the beach and sat and watched the ocean. It was time for her to tell me one of her deep dark secrets..a secret that was going to help me realize the nasty mood swings I was going to experience later on.........

In her broken English she told me......"I throw up"....I looked at her in shock and said how often....she looked back and said to me "Is it important for you to know?"...I said yes and she said "everyday...... sometimes twice."

She was Bulimic. She has been doing this for six years and medical specialists, family members, exboyfriends........... no one had gotten her to stop.

Are you going to tell me to stop doing it?....she said

To be continued....if you wish.......

Title: Re: San Andres Hotels
Post by: cancunhound on July 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to "Young girls in Cali" Cali tri..., posted by Chris F on Jul 26, 2003

Since I assume you got one of the Decameron packages with Avianca or AeroRepublica - sounds like you initially stayed at the Isleño (I don't recall the pods at the Aquarium being 4 stories).  The Isleño did look pretty shotty.  I had a great room at the Aquarium and will definitely be back.  How was the beach at the Sunrise?  I walked in and checked out the lobby - that place did look nice.

Title: Re: Re: San Andres Hotels
Post by: Pete E on July 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: San Andres Hotels, posted by cancunhound on Jul 28, 2003

I did something similar,paid in advance for a place I took one look at and said forget it.We went to the Sunrise.It cost about $100 just walking off the street Feb.2000.They have 3 buffet meals a day and I think you can buy a package that includes them.We did not,so it cost alot more,about $10 per meal as I racall.
The beach is very nice and there is a great pool built out over the water and a Pelican bar way out at the end.Very nice setting.The Aquarium was booked,the hotel looked nice but there was no beach,just kind of built out over the water.
The "town" of San Andres is walking distance to the major hotels.Its a duty free port,lots of good buys,lots of shops.
The island is small and if you don't like beaches and water sports there is not much to do.It seemed very safe.Small enough the cops probably know about any bad guys.The natives are black don't worry be happy types.They speak good english.They don't like being part of Colombia,they were taken over by Colombioa 50 years ago or so.The cabies drive big chevy's,unlike the rest of Colombia.Its quite different than the rest of Colombia.I have never been to Jamaca but maybe more like that than Colombia.Good place for a hotel on the beach.Seems like the only history is some pirate stories but there is nothing to see.
I would skip Providencia,another  nearby Colombian island. Very quiet,no good hotels,mosquitos ate us up.Unless you are an outdoor type you will probably be bored.Not much to do if you don't scuba or hike.
Oh,contrary to what our travel agent in Bogota told us,there are 2 airlines that fly to Cartegena.The one we took had a flight booked at 9AM,we left at 8PM.


Title: Re: Decameron Aquarium
Post by: cancunhound on July 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: San Andres Hotels, posted by Pete E on Jul 28, 2003

I was really pleased with our room there.  Normally, when I go to a beach destination I prefer to stay in a hotel ON the beach, and it has to have a balcony with a view of the ocean.  Although the Aquarium doesn't have much of a beach (there's a little stretch of about 50 yards off to one side), that room and balcony were fantastic - you're actually on top of the water.  I took advantage of the Decameron stay at one and play at all 5 so I was able to check out the other hotels in the chain.  My observations of the Decameron chains there - Recommend: Stay at the Acuario, beach at Isleno, show at San Luis, disco at Marazul.  Johnny Cay, typical Colombian tourist trap - is worth checking out at least once.  The swimming is a bit difficult but OK, do to the eddy effect of the waves that pound the white sand beach area.  It's hard not to consider booking a trip to San Andres when in Colombia - those package rates are great.

Title: Re: "Young girls in Cali" Cali trip Part 2
Post by: Craig on July 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to "Young girls in Cali" Cali tri..., posted by Chris F on Jul 26, 2003

[This message has been edited by Craig]

This message was deleted

Title: So far so good.....
Post by: Calipro on July 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to "Young girls in Cali" Cali tri..., posted by Chris F on Jul 26, 2003

I hope you didn't dump her because she suffered from bellimia.

Title: Re: So far so good.....
Post by: pablo on July 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to So far so good....., posted by Calipro on Jul 26, 2003

Calipro, you serious? "So far so good?"  Let's recap here,  Grandma says she has BAD moods, Dad is the violent type and doesn't care much for gringos taking loved ones away, Mom is in the States, big age differences, and now Chris finds out she is bulimic.  I am sure Chris comes to his senses later, but how many red flags does a guy need?  Ouch!  That was tongue in cheek, verdad?

Title: Re: Re: So far so good.....
Post by: mudd on July 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: So far so good....., posted by pablo on Jul 27, 2003

you forgot going to an island with a man that she barely knosw, sounds like a winner!!!!!

Title: Re: Re: So far so good.....
Post by: Calipro on July 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: So far so good....., posted by pablo on Jul 27, 2003

How cares about the family and their problems. As for the bad moods they are only hear say at this point. Remember she is YOUNG and SEXY and they have a lot of chemistry. I wouldn't throw her out at this point for a little bulimia. No body is perfect.

Title: Re: Re: Re: So far so good.....
Post by: pablo on July 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: So far so good....., posted by Calipro on Jul 27, 2003

Ah, Calipro, not intended as a flame, but you might want to read Chris' continued saga on the next thread does get a little worse.  I will be interested to see how it all turns out for him but I think his trip report is meant as a cautionary tale about how things could go wrong.  

Young and sexy only goes so far unless you like "la cabeza pequeña" making all the decisions.  Granted, family problems doesn't mean you automatically are going to have trouble down the road but I would consider family and relationships when looking at marriage material not to mention personality and eating disorders!

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: So far so good.....
Post by: Calipro on July 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: So far so good....., posted by pablo on Jul 27, 2003

I like to look on the bright side.  

If a young beautiful woman can look in the mirror and see an unattractive over weight woman (I guess that's why she is bulimic) then maybe she will look at an average 40 something guy and think he is god's gift to women!

I'm thinking if the young sexy 21 year old has a little bit of a self esteem problem, it could work out to benefit the guy.

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: So far so good.....
Post by: Mark33 on July 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: So far so good....., posted by Calipro on Jul 27, 2003

     It is the young woman with little self esteem you watch out for. Yes, for a good time short term it may be fun. But for a serious relationship a man would have to seriously have low self esteem himself to think that is what he needs in a woman to make her stay. Realistically, these types of women with low self esteem need constant reassuarnce. They will go with most any guy who makes her feel special. There will be a lot of guys who try for the hot young girl.Do not fool yourself that she is wise enough or has enough sense to turn down attention even when she is with you.
   I have been with girls who have low self esteem. It's an ego boost that such a hot girl is hot for you too,But you realize how their love can go from you to another in record time.
Also bullimia? No thank you. That messes up her mind and her insides.
  You know, if a woman said she wanted to date a man who was bullimic,had mood swing, a bad temper and bad family background we would think she was nuts and got anything she deserves. At what point do we realize a man who puts himself in similar situations and thinks it's a plus to have low self esteem qualities such as those mentioned may not be playing with a full deck?
  Chris, have fun. Then run as far away as you can.She is NOT normal. There are tons of great girls everywhere. A board member once mentioned a saying that if someone tells you who they are. Believe them. She is telling you and showing you who she is. She is an immature girl with family and self esteem problems. Does it get any worse?You are not a therapist. But may eventually need one if you hang out with girls like that for a long period of time.

Title: Re: "Young girls in Cali" Cali trip Part 2
Post by: Red Clay on July 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to "Young girls in Cali" Cali tri..., posted by Chris F on Jul 26, 2003

Please go on, want to hear how her Dad feels NOW about Colombianas marrying gringos, lol.