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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2003 => Topic started by: Cali vet on May 30, 2003, 04:00:00 AM

Title: Two Items:
Post by: Cali vet on May 30, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
Following an interview today with an agent from the US Embassy in Bogota here are two items:

1. He asked that any man who comes down to visit an agency, even for a week please register with the embassy: T: 091 383 2542 in Bogota.

2. This year since January there have been 28 kidnapping cases involving US citizens. A bad year so far. Last year there were 26 for the full year.

Title: Re: Two Items:
Post by: cancunhound on June 02, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Two Items:, posted by Cali vet on May 30, 2003

That is an alarming trend.  I found this quote referring to 2000 and 2001 I believe:
"In the last two years, 18 American citizens, mostly dual nationals, were reported kidnapped. Of these, 14 were released by their captors, in most cases after a ransom was paid. One was rescued by Colombian authorities. One remains in captivity, and the fates of two others are unknown. Because of widespread guerrilla activity and U.S. policy that opposes concessions to terrorists, the U.S. Government can provide only limited assistance in these cases. Under Colombian law, those who fail to coordinate their efforts to resolve kidnapping cases with the Office of the Anti-Kidnapping Director (Ministerio de Defensa/Programa Para la Defensa de la Libertad Personal) could face criminal prosecution."

Title: Re: Two Items:
Post by: Pete E on May 30, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Two Items:, posted by Cali vet on May 30, 2003

In the past most of the kidnappings of US citizens that I heard of were US oilfield workers working in remote areas.I have heard of no other kidnappings of US citizens.
Do we know if any off the other kidnappings were tourists?
If so,its getting scary.I guess I will still come with my wife in December but lay real low.I do want to take her to Santa Marta.Is that safer?
