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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2001 => Topic started by: Rick on April 14, 2001, 04:00:00 AM

Title: Intro and questions
Post by: Rick on April 14, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
Hi guys!  I'm Rick.  Not exactly new as I've been lurking among the three boards for awhile, trying to decide which area to pursue in earnest.  After much study, I've decided that Latin America (Colombia and Mexico, in particular) can't be beat!  BTW, is it my imagination or does the Russian board seem laden with more than its fair share of actual and potential GCS and scam horror stories?  I know the GCS and scammers can be found anywhere, but YIKES!!  A byproduct of the Russian board's sheer size?  Not looking to start a huge off topic debate here, just curious.

Okay, down to business.  I'm fairly familiar with the many wonderful attributes of Colombianas.  Can anyone give me their general perceptions of the Mexican ladies?  It is my understanding that they tend to be a tad more conservative and traditional than their Colombian counterparts.  Any truth to this?  Also, I've come to understand that the Colombiana, in general, can be very jealous at times.  A myth?  If not, is this a trait that is shared, in general, by the Mexican ladies as well?  BTW, I don't see jealousy as a negative, as long as it's not carried to extremes.

Finally, anyone familiar with Mexican Matchmakers (Guadalajara) or (Hermasillo)?

Your comments and answers are appreciated.  Thanks.


Title: Re: Intro and questions
Post by: Red Clay on April 18, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Intro and questions, posted by Rick on Apr 14, 2001


Title: Re: Intro and questions
Post by: Houndog on April 14, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Intro and questions, posted by Rick on Apr 14, 2001

****Russian board seem laden with more than its fair share of actual and potential GCS and scam horror stories?***

The real answer to that could likely start a flame war of epic proportions....

But a word of advice that works great..."Check Yourself, Before You Wreck Yourself"....IOW's...if it seems to good to be probably is.

****general perceptions of the Mexican ladies? It is my understanding that they tend to be a tad more conservative and traditional than their Colombian counterparts. ***

I've heard that countless times myself....still not sure how some come to that conclusion....I do know Mexicanas don't like to use refusing to move ahead with technology....therefore more traditional?...I've never heard of Donkey shows in more conservative..???? Maybe because they are not as outwardly happy gives that impression? I do think Mexicans generally don't like Norte Americanos much...whereas Colombians by and large like Americans very trip to a Mall looking for a Colombian T-shirt for a souvener and only finding Viva USA t-shirts will convince you of that.

As far as must have missed the thread on "Negative Male Role Models" below?  Growing up in a society where men can culturally can be allowed to have up to five novias will tend to leave some distrust of men on the table.  But like all vague generalities it doesn't nescesarly descibe "Individuals" very well.  My fiancee is a sweet, loving, kind, generous, wondeful lady.  IMO, if that's what you look for then that is what you 'can' find.   However, IMO, if your criteria is based solely on looks, then you can easily get a lot less or a lot worse than you bargined for.

Personaly I have seen and heard of many success stories between Gringo's and Latinas...and some horror stories...I think there is an emphasis here on being careful and watching what you wish for. And when swaggering, bragging know-it-alls come along they are not well recieved here. Simply because smart money and experience tells us that being careful and getting to know the 'person' not just the 'look', is very important to LT happiness. There are several of us here that stress the importance of finding a woman that possess's Morals, Values and Character and finding one that has a Dream, not simply a Plan, in order to minimize the risk of what is a very difficult and risky venue, International Dating...

There are many wonderful LW looking for a good man and dream of being a success in life...having a loving lasting marriage...and there are the others...just looking for a way out....anyone willing to put forth the effort can find a good one....I have.

Regards, Houndog

Title: I beg to differ
Post by: Traveler on April 17, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Intro and questions, posted by Houndog on Apr 14, 2001

I agree with Sancho:

1.  an MOB service is not advanced technology.  what's the next step in the evolutionary process of MOB service??  arranged marriages??  C.O.D. s??

2.  Mexican women LOVE american men.  however, there are exceptions like you obviously.  

3.  Mexico is probably THE most traditional country in latin america as well as the one with the richest culture.  it is quite conservative.  

you look at Colombia with either rose colored glasses or beer goggles.  like Sancho said there is no crisis in Mexico that forces women to flee.  besides, with their proximity to the US there is no reason to marry as a means of escape.

By the way, many Colombian women work in brothels in Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Curacao, Aruba, Panama and the US. mostly almost by necessity but none the less don't try to bestow some sort of special purity on Colombians as compared to the rest of latin america.

Cartagena ranks up there with the leading sex tour places from what I've read.  you'd know more about that than me I suppose.

Title: Re: You are wrong....again..!!
Post by: Houndog on April 18, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to I beg to differ, posted by Traveler on Apr 17, 2001

Oh they flee alright...boy are you full of it...the border is jammed with Fleers every day and night....hence the need for our EXPANDING Border Patrol...get real idiot

Prejudice is the BIG Hold Up for agencies trying to recruit women from Mexico....Deep Pervasive WideSpread Plain Old Fashioned "PREJUDICE"....just like the kind on this side of the same border...between the exact same two groups....Polarization between the Races...Yea...also known by honest non PC people as PREJUDICE....and when you find LARGE GROUPS that ARE'NT PREJUDICED you find Co-Mingling...AKA...Plenty on Both Sides WANTING RELATIONSHIPS.....

Plus have never been to Colombia so you have no way to compare the two...Myself on the other hand have been to with a large Hispanic Community everyday...employ Mexicans...was married to one...have dated have seen both sides of the coin and have the ability thru experience to do comparitive analysis. While you on the other hand are a know troll constanly throwing BS to get attention I suppose....when you can't even get a date....

And I noticed you don't post twenty times a day must be using your niebors computer. Forget to pay your phone bill..high roller. So when are you going to find a woman DESPERATE enough to date you ?????????


Title: no, you are wrong idiot
Post by: Traveler on April 18, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: You are wrong....again..!!, posted by Houndog on Apr 18, 2001

implying that somehow the fact that the seedy Mexican scene including your favorite "donkey shows" is a pervasive trait of Mexican culture.  what about all the Colombian women that work as prostitutes in and outside of Colombia??  how does that mesh with your ideal of what is conservative??  also, it seems that the reluctance of Mexican women to join in the MOB scene as opposed to Colombian women is a definite sign of conservatism.  

again you speak jibberish.  what is your point in paragraph number 2??

hahhahha  I date alot.  its you, that couldn't find a date so therefore were forced to go to another country.  

its YOU that had to find a woman desperate enough to date you.

no moron, Mexicans go to the US to work not look for American husbands.

your own words belie your previous post.  If Mexicans are prejudice against Americans and are therefore reluctant to use an MOB agency they are more conservative, conversely, according to you, Colombians are more willing, and open to cross-cultural marriage, and therefore more liberal in their attitudes.  duh!!!!  like I said before, Mexico is probably the most traditional (conservative) country in LA.

the irony of ironies, you accusing someone of posting too much.  

instead of posting all day, I suggest you start reading some books.  this will help greatly in improving your vocabulary.   adios enano pendejo!!

Title: Re: Ahhh you poor lonely fool...
Post by: Houndog on April 18, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to no, you are wrong idiot, posted by Traveler on Apr 18, 2001

We have armed gaurds and barbwire for a prevent people from fleeing north....there is no such problem on our northern border idiot.

Almost 1 million Mexicans try to FLEE to the US yearly....more than all the Colombians in 20 years. What are you offended by the truth..You..."White Envy"..himself....????????????????

Crawl back into your crack...cockroach...


Title: maybe it has something to do with Mexico sharing...
Post by: Traveler on April 18, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Ahhh you poor lonely fool..., posted by Houndog on Apr 18, 2001

our border and Colombia being 3000 miles away.  do you follow my logic.  it must be tough getting laid just twice a year right Dog???  don't you have a hobby or something to do other than posting on the internet??

if Mexico had the same standard of living as Canada, there would be no barbed wire or armed patrol men.  If Colombia had the same standard of living as Canada, there would be no MOB agencies.  think about it hijo de cien putas

the MOB industry is completely opportunistic.   for the owners who make money, for the women who seek greener pastures, and for the men who are looking for a mate without the "complications"   i.e. dating in your case, or getting a date.  

Title: Re: maybe it has something to do with ???????
Post by: Houndog on April 19, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to maybe it has something to do with Mexico..., posted by Traveler on Apr 18, 2001

You don't like women or the men that like women do once again see them as only opurtunist....maybe that's why you have such incredably long dry spells...and have this strange aversion for wanting to find women in bars. But you miss the whole point of life and the fun of real social interaction...I don't believe you like girls at this point, and it's obvious why they don't like you...but let's play what if....just imagine things were different for a minute...ok just pretend you like girls.....they real point is to have them like you back even when their not drunk...and even when you're not giving them money....and to do that first you will need a new mine for example...Tuff...can Take on and Best the biggest of all trolls(which you're not by the way, you're just a bit player)but yet can extend a helping hand whenever needed....are you keeping up here....and by being just a REAL Person...even you could get a girl to like you when she's sober...even ones you don't have to hire...sure you might not be successful at your case and stuie's it will take some extra work...but after a few tries you will see first, that most guys aren't like you, thats why women like them, and second that women can like men even sober, without money and yes, even when they're Not desperate...

Well I know you're nieghbor probably wants their computer back so start working real hard and before you know it...You're long dry spell will be over..Let us know how it goes...


Title: Re: Re: maybe it has something to do with ???????
Post by: Sancho on April 19, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: maybe it has something to do with ??..., posted by Houndog on Apr 19, 2001

Calm down lil dog! pop that beer open, take your anti-depressant(doctor orders) and leave the girls alone, why do you hate them so? If a woman chooses to go out that does not make her a prostitute, your lady in Cartagena went out with you? and if a man chooses to approach a woman on his own, and talk to a woman on his own without a translator it is not a bad thing, its normal! its called dating, a very old fashioned ritual, dating is what gives people a chance to get to know one another! you should try it sometime, unfortunately in your case you cant get a date because women do not exactly get turned on by being disrespected!

Title: Re: Re: Re: maybe it has something to do with ???????
Post by: Houndog on April 19, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: maybe it has something to do wit..., posted by Sancho on Apr 19, 2001

Ohhhhh so you only find that women will talk to you after they've been drinking too. Now why am I not surprised by that....LOL...

So it appears that you and Malandope are the truly desperate ones here....not only do women have to be drunk to stand you.....they also have to be in a foriegn country....LOL...and if money is going to change hands I'll bet they will even stand close to you  maybe touch your arm.....

Get a life...a personality...get real....and do something about your ignorance and someday maybe both of you can get a real date like the rest of us. Hey and just think....even you might find one that wants a relationship....yea I know you have miles to go on that journey ...keep your fingers crossed and pray...keep telling yourself nothing is immpossible....LOL


Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: maybe it has something to do with ???????
Post by: Sancho on April 20, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: maybe it has something to do..., posted by Houndog on Apr 19, 2001

HMMM? Apparently you have been skipping your medication again, first you bring up "Donkey Shows" "hatred of Mexicans" "underage girls" etc, and now you are constantly associating alcohol and bars with any women who is not from an agency? I feel very sorry for that victim of yours from Cartagena! oh well, Im sure she can find a battered womans shelter with room for her! and then a real man who is secure in himself to take care of her! o man, sounds like one of those bad mailorderbride news stories in the making! you say LOL!
           I send my prayers to Cartagena

Title: Re: Mexico...are you sure it's safe ??
Post by: Houndog on April 20, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: maybe it has something t..., posted by Sancho on Apr 20, 2001

APODACA, Mexico (AP) -- Wearing business suits and cowboy boots, they flew in on private jets, landed at several airports and took a short drive to this northern town in a fleet of brand-new X-Terras.

They were Mexico's drug lords, who control most of the drugs smuggled to the United States, along with their bodyguards, various associates and their contacts in government.

Sixty men in all, they gathered in a restaurant, drawing the notice of local people as well as police in nearby Monterrey.

A participant in the three-day meeting, as well as associates of the smugglers, government officials and others familiar with the drug trade, gave independent accounts of the summit, speaking on condition of anonymity. Their descriptions differed slightly in detail but agreed on what the central purpose of the meeting was: to join forces after 12 years of bloody turf wars and form a new cartel that would unite operations and cut costs.

The alliance has been in the works for three years, but was made more urgent by a tough line from Mexico's new president, Vicente Fox; by a court decision making it easier to extradite drug smugglers to the United States; and by a proposed U.S.-Mexican crackdown on money-laundering, according to government insiders as well as associates of the smugglers.

A multibillion-dollar industry
Although nobody has a good estimate of how much money Mexico makes from drug smuggling, the White House estimates that about half of the $65 billion in drugs that Americans buy each year come through Mexico. By any estimate drug trafficking is one of Mexico's top sources of income, rivaling the top legal industries of oil, tourism and assembly-for-export plants.

The industry is so pervasive that it has corrupted law enforcement from top to bottom. Police assigned to drug duty are routinely arrested for collaborating with the smugglers, and in 1996 Mexico's newly appointed drug czar was found to be on the payroll of Carrillo Fuentes. Former Gen. Jesus Gutierrez Rebollo remains in jail.

The last major drug cartel in Mexico collapsed in 1989 when its longtime boss, Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo, was arrested. The new alliance would end the war of succession that has killed hundreds of people, and mean a major shift in the drug trade in the Western Hemisphere, creating a syndicate better equipped to evade law enforcement.

Rafael Macedo de la Concha, Fox's new attorney general, said his agents investigated tips about such a meeting and found no evidence that it had occurred. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration refused comment.

But the sources said the meeting took place January 26-28 around a long wooden table in a restaurant's back room, a picture window offering a garden view. Screened off from the main dining area, they talked as waiters in tuxedos served steaks, roast goat and dried beef soup, a regional specialty.

A who's who of smugglers
According to the accounts, the guest list at the January meeting read like a who's who of Mexican drug smugglers:

-- Juan Esparragosa Moreno, who Mexican authorities say is a veteran drug boss known as "El Azul" for his dark, almost blue-toned skin; other heirs of the late Amado Carrillo Fuentes, aka "the Lord of the Skies," including Ramon Alcides Magana, a former policeman known as "El Metro," who authorities say saved the life of Carrillo Fuentes' son and became a close confidant. They represented the Juarez drug-smuggling organization, which operates along Mexico's Caribbean coast, central Mexico and the west Texas border.

-- Humberto Garcia Abrego, accused by Mexican authorities of running the Gulf drug gang of his brother Juan, who is serving 11 life sentences in a U.S. prison for drug smuggling. The Gulf gang operates along Mexico's Gulf of Mexico coast. Accompanying him was Jaime Gonzalez, who associates say slipped out of the maximum-security Almoloya prison to attend the meeting.

-- Ignacio "Nacho" Coronel, reputed leader of the Colima gang, which operates in the Pacific coast state of Colima and along the far eastern border with Texas.

-- Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, wanted by Mexican authorities, and representatives of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, who recently escaped from a Mexican maximum-security prison in a laundry bin. The two men work in a semi-independent but coordinated manner along Mexico's Pacific coast and north to the Arizona border.

-- Gilberto Valdes, a businessman who sources said represents smugglers in the southern state of Chiapas.

-- Two men in military uniforms with generals' stars, to whom the others referred as "representatives of the attorney general's office," the participant and associates said. And, they said, a group of Colombians was present as consultants.

These five major drug-smuggling groups make up a new cartel, not yet named, which encompasses many smaller gangs, the sources said. The only major group to decline the invitation to the meeting was that of the Tijuana-based Arellano Felix brothers, who run the bloodiest organization, all the sources said.

Analysts who study the drug trade confirmed an apparent alliance, although they didn't know about the meeting.

Macedo, the attorney general, said his office asked nearby residents about any unusual movements at the time but was told nobody had seen anything strange. "It's all speculation," he said.

However, Eduardo Valle, a former drug official at the attorney general's office, said colleagues told him there was "a lot of movement" in the agency's office in Monterrey, just a few miles from Apodaca, at the time of the meeting. He said he didn't know why, but added: "Certainly something major was happening."

Union a 'normal process'
A prominent drug expert, Jorge Chabat of Mexico City's Center for Investigation of Economic Development, said there are signs of a new union, and that although he hadn't heard about the meeting, he thought it was plausible.

"This seems like a normal process to me. This occurs in all legal businesses and there's no reason it shouldn't in the illegal ones, too," he said.

Apodaca is a busy industrial suburb of Monterrey and a prime operations center for all Mexican drug smugglers because businessmen can meet there without attracting attention and neighbors can be relied on to keep silent.

The associates said the smugglers opened their books to one another, discussed how much each paid in bribes, and shared contacts, informants and the names of corrupt officials. According to the insiders, the participants agreed that members of the new cartel would -- for now at least -- respect each other's territory.

The smugglers agreed to devise a joint strategy for selling drugs within Mexico and exporting them to the United States, the sources said.

They decided to pool their bribes in one larger payment to each corrupt official, and the generals agreed to accept the new form of payment, the sources said.

Also, they said, the traffickers agreed to more meetings to strengthen their new cartel.

According to all but one of the sources, the smugglers also agreed to end their infighting. But one source close to the government said he understood they had agreed to increase violence in an effort to destabilize the Mexican government.

Title: Re: Re: Intro and questions
Post by: Sancho on April 15, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Intro and questions, posted by Houndog on Apr 14, 2001

Congratulations on finding yourself a mailorderbride in Colombia little dog, but thats no reason to make such derogatory stereotypical statements concerning Mexico, you say "refusing to move ahead with technology"? you are way off and have obviously not been there, "Mexicans generally dont like northamericans"? maybe in your case, you say "they are not outwardly as happy"? They are very happy and proud of their heritage and unfortunately for guys like you most Mexicanas in the larger cities have no interest or desperation to leave, why should they, they are not a WAR TORN country like Colombia! you also say "Ive never heard of Donkey Shows in more conservative"? thats some sleezy typical redneck comments that say a LOT about yourself and your woman problems that have plagued your life! you can spend your complete weekend devoted to this Planet Love forum and call yourself Houndog, Henry, and Stan, but away from your keyboard on the planet Earth with your attitude you will end up being one of those poor guys known among Colombianas referred to as a "Puente A Miami" (Bridge to Miami)           !! P.S Have you visited your mailorderbride at work lately? I hear she is doing something with a Donkey! hmmmm?  oh! and "Check yourself before you wreck yourself"

Title: Re: Re: Re: Intro and questions
Post by: Starman on April 17, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Intro and questions, posted by Sancho on Apr 15, 2001


Houndog just simply stated his opinions. You have yours. No reason to attack him personally, or, esp. his novio. I'm surprised he did not use a few more choice words in his response.

And, since you use the term "mail order bride", then why are you even here? The process involves basically the save steps one would take here in the US through an introduction agency. You know that. Using that term is simply an attempt to insult.

If you have anything constructive to provide this forum, then do so. Otherwise don't say anything.

Tim Nelson.

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Intro and questions
Post by: Sancho on April 18, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Intro and questions, posted by Starman on Apr 17, 2001

Tim, I dont know where you read, my response to your little dog buddies post was based on experience not on high school locker room rumors, or a bad personal experience with a hispanic in the USA, I travel/work throughout latinamerica, have lived 1/3rd of my life in Mexico, speak fluent spanish, and own a residence in Monterrey Mex, I do not know it all like your little english only dog buddie claims but I and others have gained an intense experience living in latinamerica and friends/contacts all over latinamerica to back it, so when some fool who posts under various handles decides to cut down a race and make totally incorrect vicious, filthy, derogatory, and hateful comments on Mexicans in order to boost his low self esteem in front of new visitors he should be corrected, legit, factual, experienced info should be offered opposed to assumption right? I am open minded/diplomatic well traveled and do not/will not accept hatred or bigotry of any type and it was your idol who connected Mexicans to "DONKEY SHOWS", "12 yr old girls having sex?" etc, etc,(read your buddies Mexican response) and in the educated civil society from which I am from this perversion-hatred is not accepted! there has been people in the past requesting legit info on Mexico and other countries besides Colombia and I, Malandro and others have provided info to them by email after they where attacked/chased and involved in the traditional houndog PISSING CONTEST by your little dog buddie who has been to Colombia only so chooses to attack anybody with interests or knowledge elsewhere!
I, Malandro, and others have constructive info to offer based on latinamerican experience not opinion nor PERSONAL PREJUDICE and do not need your permission to post here, this is a latina discussion board on the internet, not the high school locker room where new people are crapped on and you the lil dog and his buddies can run around slapping each others butts! get over it! and when a smelly little pissy dog is biting at my feet I will kick it over the hedge when necessary, its called the learning process
P.S. You stated that I insulted the lil perverted dogs novio? I was not aware that he had a boyfriend? either you are insinuating something about your lil perverted dog buddie or your few words of spanish is implorable! you guys who refuse to seriously intensively study/learn spanish upon your latinas arrival are in for a serious surprise, you can flame me if you want denial(easy way out) but take heed, your ladies will make spanish speaking friends(males/females) whether you like it or not and if you are not active in the group, you will end up on the curb!
....."I bid a great day to all"  attentamente El Sancho

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Intro and questions
Post by: Starman on April 18, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Intro and questions, posted by Sancho on Apr 18, 2001


The reference to Houndog's "novio" was simply a misspelling...just as your response has many grammatical errors as well. I count at least 20 errors. If you examine my post, I'm sure you can find many as well. No reason to be insulting.

You then assume that I'm not learning Spanish based upon my error, you are really reaching. While I'm still learning, and will be for years to come, I'm currently being taught Spanish by a Mexican lady at her home, and I'm really enjoying learning the language and find it very interesting as well as the culture. I'm taking this very seriously and would not even think of going down south without making a serious effort.

As far as your comments concerning Houndog being my buddy or "idol", I really do not understand where you got that impression. Just because I made comments concerning your personal and insulting attacks does not make that so. It is not personal, it's simply based upon your writing style. I do not know Houndog or yourself, so all I can do is do by what is written on this forum. Maybe you guys know something about each other that I do not, but that's beside the point.

I'm not trying to give you or anyone permission to post here...I'm only saying that personal attacks are not constructive, and if you do not engage in name-calling and the like, it goes a long way in building a respected image.

Your response to may post in the way that it was written is a good example of what I was referring to. I hope that we all, Houndog included, do not resort to lowering ourselves by continuing this diatribe in such a manner.

Tim Nelson.

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Intro and questions
Post by: Sancho on April 19, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Intro and questions, posted by Starman on Apr 18, 2001

I commend you on your efforts, thats fantastic that you are learning spanish, nobody can know it all and we never stop learning, right? and I sincerely wish you the best and with the effort that you are putting forth Im sure you will find the happiness and success that you rightfully deserve!
Also, I can tell you from a personal/business experience in LA there is nothing more impressive than a gringo rambling in spanish!
           ....Have a great day!  ...El Sancho

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Intro and questions
Post by: Houndog on April 18, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Intro and questions, posted by Sancho on Apr 18, 2001

***I, Malandro, and others have constructive info to offer based on latinamerican experience not opinion nor PERSONAL PREJUDICE and do not need your permission to***

You are a Liar....Malandro is the one who came on how Mexican Soap Operas potray the real LA. Malandro started the White Envt thread, Malandro has never been to Colombia or Mexico and when he does visit a L Country he spends his time in Bars...Dating Bar Girls for money...that what his trip reports state.

You on the other hand have never posted ANYTHING...not one scap of information relivant to or helpful about this venue. Sancho in mexican means "scumbag".

Not only have I been there, I live in a Hispanic Communityand have travelled PLENTY to Mexico for the last 30 yrs and the last couple years Colombia. There is no comparison in the Two Overall attitudes. The info I provided about age of consent comes from the UN commision on child endagerment you lowwlufe troll.


Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:PATHETIC LIL DOG
Post by: Sancho on April 19, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Intro and questions, posted by Houndog on Apr 18, 2001

Well gee lil dog, you state in your typical bigoted flames that you have all of this experience from your failed marriage to a Mexican, and today you add 30 yrs of Mexican travel to your resume? and you have the nerve to call people liars? and you never picked up the spanish language and presently are not intensively studying it? HOW PATHETIC! SAD SAD SAD! dont forget to add to your resume that you eat at Taco Bell also! The best you can do is to state that "Sancho in Mexican means scumbag"? In Mexican??? whats Mexican?? there is no such language called Mexican? any person with the least amount of education knows that!! I think we all can now completely understand 100% why your inlaws could not stand you and why your marriage failed! your a real sharp guy? You can scream, insult and deny the truth day and night but you have a severe anger problem that you should learn to deal with! and nobody will like you if you do not like yourself, and dont kid yourself if you think that a Colombiana is going to hang around and deal your childish explosive insecurities just because of your $$$ invested in this, you are going to be in for a BIG surprise! a spanish only speaker in Houston can get along just fine without you and your insecure control freak fantasies to drag her down! You really need to get out a little lil dog!  ruf ruf ruf!!!
   .....A great day to all

Title: Re: Re: poor loser
Post by: Houndog on April 19, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:PATHETIC LIL DOG, posted by Sancho on Apr 19, 2001

Quite the writer aren't you......but a lonely bitter guy like you doesn't have anything else to do you....

Idiot, I've lived in California and Tewas my entire life....close to Mexico you ignorant fool. don't know my studuy habits Moron...but my espanol is doing is my relationship...which is more than you can say ...I see from your bitter replies you are on a longer dry spell than malandope...not surprising....

Good luck with those Bar Girls....


Title: Re: Re: Re: boo hoo
Post by: Sancho on April 20, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: poor loser, posted by Houndog on Apr 19, 2001

Calm down lil doggie, you need to watch your blood pressure, and control your hatred and bitterness of women, just because they wont speak to you it does not make them all bar girls, and Im truly happy that your relationship is working out well for you, and in your case it could probably stay that way as long as your lady cannot understand you and lives in a separate country away from you!
......Good Night

Title: Re: Re: Re: Intro and questions
Post by: Houndog on April 15, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Intro and questions, posted by Sancho on Apr 15, 2001

Hey might be the gardner coming behind somdbody...but it won't be me....sancho is a perfect example of mexican trash talking slang and attitude...Sancho is a term to describe a wife/GF thief...the guy sneaking in while the husband is at work.....and you want respect..?? You're name implies you are a scumbag....!!!

So I know more about mexicans, their attitudes and culture than you think ...and having been married into a Mexican/American family for 5 years gave me a nice peek under the rug...into the REAL ATTITUDES lurking behind the masks.....

Here's a little tidbit of info for you about conservative attitudes....the legal age for consentual sex in Mexico for females is 12...thats the law....not very conservative in my Colombia 18 ...along with the rest of the civilized world. So you better do your homework....I've done mine.


Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Intro and questions
Post by: Sancho on April 16, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Intro and questions, posted by Houndog on Apr 15, 2001

WELL WELL WELL! It seems you have a SEVER ANGER PROBLEM and you are really showing your true colors, admit it, you have always had zero luck with women so you really hate them all, you talk trash on Mexicans, suggest DONKEY SHOWS, and claim to know Mexican law, and now you involve sex with twelve year olds? whats really on your sorry little friendless redneck mind pervert? oh well, at least you have your little internet world to turn to and a keyboard to hide behind, I as many others come here to share info regarding Latinas (women from LatinAmerica) and do not care nor have the time for a little pissing war with a highly illiterate KKK bigot loser such as yourself, Dont bother checking yourself because you have already wrecked yourself! oh, sorry I couldnt get back to you sooner, it was a beautiful day here on planet Earth and I was out enjoying it with special friends, you should try getting out sometime and maybe work on your anger-hatred problem and possibly make some real life friends that can help take your mind off of filth, donkey shows, child molesting, and racism! good luck on your perverted endeavors little dog and I will pray for your poor mailorderbride!

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Intro and questions
Post by: Starman on April 18, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Intro and questions, posted by Sancho on Apr 16, 2001

Sancho stated:

"your mind off of filth, donkey shows, child molesting, and racism! "


Houndog stated that the legal age for a girl to be married in Mexico is 12 years old. Where did child molestation come from?

Racism? He just simply stated that the Mexicans he has experience with have been racist. Racism is something all cultures have a problem with. Many people from Mexico and America are racist to a agree. This was simply his experience and opinion. He didn't make any racist remarks.

You have stated that you speak fluent Spanish, have lived a third of your life in Mexico, you are well traveled, etc.

Great! Please post some constructive advice inline with the subject matter of this forum. That's what we are here for. Most of us are Americans and I for one, love the Latin American culture, language and people. That's a big reason I'm looking there for my future bride.

So, to bridge the gap between cultures and help improve our changes for success, this discussion board was created with that in mind. Since you are not the typical man looking south for a wife, and your life experiences are potentially an asset for those of us needing guidance, then by all means provide some constructive information.

Other than that, what is your purpose here?

Thanks for taking the time to respond.

Tim Nelson.

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Intro and questions
Post by: Sancho on April 19, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Intro and questions, posted by Starman on Apr 18, 2001

Tim, Im sorry you took my post personally, it was not meant to be in your case, but quite honestly the lil dog will receive the treatment he earns from his hateful pissing attacks he imposes upon people with knowledge based upon their experiences, not assumptions based upon speaking english/living in a barrio in the USA! We can go in circles over and over but I dont believe that you or I have the time for it!  The "Donkey Shows" and other dirty putdowns came out of the mouth of the lil dog in his attempt to slam Mexicans, as he later explained he had bad relations with his Mexican inlaws in the USA? so he feels he knows and can justify hatred of ALL Mexicans?  "I DO NOT ACCEPT NOR CONDONE RACISM OF ANY TYPE"  The lil dog is in Houston (not Miami), 5 hrs drive from the Mex border, of course Houston has LOTS of hispanics and the majority are Mexican and Im sure the lil dog is going to be real happy when his spanish speaking wife happens to befriend other spanish speakers whom she likes(who else can she talk to)and they turn out to be Mexicans? what will he do beat her? exchange her for another? put her in a cage? hate all Colombians? and then go hunting for a Filipina?  

CONSTRUCTIVE ADVICE: If a person plans on marrying a latina he should have an OPEN MIND and have some cultural sensitivity towards the differences,(Im not talking about eating Taco Bell)  you should have at this point at least a decent command of her language(not perfect) to communicate with her, impress her, make her giggle, and show your sincere respect to her without a middleman! after all its only fair that you learn her language since she is taking the time to learn yours, right? if you are serious with an english speaking woman would you let some other person speak for you? of course not, I hope not, a responsible normal man can fend for himself and make his lady happy! and you should possess compassion not hatred, how many women get turned on by hatred? In latinamerica it is a common custom for friends and family to invite out of town visitors to stay in their homes and the man should take the opportunity to stay at the house with her family, after all you are family, right? and you can really see what your lady is like 24-7, and vice versa, opposed to telling a translator to make sure she is a good one and check for red flags? thats your job! this list can go on and on and the basic truth is if you want acceptance you should be accepting and demonstrate it, in Latinoamerica the family plays a BIG part in the relationship and I have seen grandmothers actually make or break a relationship, believe it!  
You can deny all of this and shoot holes all through it if you wish, or open the mind and understand this is not based upon opinion, this is real life experience!
.....Have a great Day!               El Sancho

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Intro and questions
Post by: Houndog on April 19, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Intro and questi..., posted by Sancho on Apr 19, 2001

These are my last words to you...actually too many live in a serious world of denial and delusion. You are obviously a Biggot and a Racist, otherwise you wouldn't put so much effort into denying it exists. Only biggots have to deny racism to cover there own tracks. You have obviously never been south of Mexico....if you had the difference in attitude and acceptance of others would be obvious to you. Yes individuals can go either way. But the Bigger Overall Societal Prejudice or Lack of it becomes apparent to people who have been in Both Societies.

I'm going to leave you with a letter from My Fiacee's cousin......and these words....Lose your Hate and Bitterness...until you do there will be no room in your heart for love..!!!!


From: (Alvaro Enrique Marin Pereira)

thank you john for sending my mom the flowers, richard did the same and she
is happy to have met gentlemen like you and rich, and i apreciate alot what
you did, thank you again my friend people like you can't be found easily,
don't change 'cause you have already won a place in heaven, i'll keep you in
my prayers more than ever and of course luz told what you wrote to her to
tell me and i know you won't forget me, i'm sure of that, you don't need to
tell me, inmoments like this we know a person better and i've seen in you a
real good friend.
thank you again john and god bless you and luz in your future life together.

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:yawn
Post by: Sancho on April 20, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Intro and qu..., posted by Houndog on Apr 19, 2001

I have come to the same conclusion with you as your tired psychiatrist, the circles you bark in are meaningless and obviously your mouth is so wide open from the flames you scream that it has completely closed off your mind! you are living in a world of fantasy and make believe, and the irony of the truth is that the people you despise the most are the ones who can communicate with your future bride more than yourself! now thats PATHETIC!! and the lil dog at fault takes zero responsibility!....another day in fantasyland!

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:yawn
Post by: Houndog on April 20, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:yawn, posted by Sancho on Apr 20, 2001

Sancho started this flame session....Racsism Exists you idiot. The border is full of Mexicans fleeing north you idiot...yet none of them are looking for a gringo to settle down with you piece of go spew your garbage somewhere else....

You'll be alone along time if you don't do something about your bitterness and hatred.

And for the last time...Any Country that allows Public Beastiality is NOT CONSERVATIVE....!!!!!


Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Intro and questions
Post by: Houndog on April 16, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Intro and questions, posted by Sancho on Apr 16, 2001

Wrong Buzzasd Breath....In fact I've always done fine with the ladies. And I'm still doing fine. I just raised my standrds....from ...ok to wonderful....and a several fold increase in the positive colum in the relatives dept.

You have a real aversion for the truth don't you. To Bad.

Live in the real world....of course the conservative myth plays just the way you like it doesn't it. But when someone honest enough to point out that the conservatism is a myth and prejudice is much closer to the mark you get all tweeked.

You better have a closer look at whats really going on in Mexico....there is a very small Dominant class ...LOTS of corruption...Machismo over woman to the extreme....that's not's cutural racism, ecomomic racism, and sexual classism. Where big mouth bad ass wannabes like you want control and the expense of everyone and anyone else.

And don't worry...I can see plenty of fuel for those fires here also....just open you eyes punk.


Title: Re: Re: Intro and questions
Post by: Rick on April 15, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Intro and questions, posted by Houndog on Apr 14, 2001

Thanks for your input Dog.  I'll take it to heart.

Title: Re: Re: Re: Intro and questions
Post by: Houndog on April 15, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Intro and questions, posted by Rick on Apr 15, 2001

You asked some tuff questions and knowing that the REAL answers were going to be unpopular I gave it a shot anyway.

I have been a part of two extended the first family there was a certian all honesty it is called prejudice, not conservatism....I didn't bring that to the's what I found when I got there....

My new extended family has shown None of the previous attitudes about cross cultural fact they treat me like an honored guest. This can and will make a difference in the long run IME. Having a family that is happy you are a 'part of them' instead of 'apart from them' is a very good feeling.  I have been personlly involved with both attitudes. One beats the other hands down.

I'm not placing blame on anybody or any culture, these are just my personal experiences and observations....I've been on the inside of both and made my choices for me....not for anyone else. After personal experience in both, I decided to choose the path of least resistance...for me and the future of us and our future family together. I think having an extended family that accepts the man, even though he is from a different culture will make the future easier, rather than an extended family always ready to say 'I told you so'. And in all honesty, if I hadn't seen the differences with my own eyes, there would have been no need for me to go south in the first place, there are plenty of LW right here in Houston.

Regards, Houndog