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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2005 => Topic started by: senior citizen on May 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM

Title: Rejected
Post by: senior citizen on May 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM
I went to the federal building today for my retiree recall physical. I took along my driver's license, retirement papers (to include my DD-214), and for the heck of it, my birth certificate.

The doctor was amazed that I was called in for a physical. He said that although I was in acceptable physical condition he was flunking me due to age, and writing some nasty comments to the selection committee about calling in sixty-somethings for physicals.  

Honey was really upset before I left this morning, and quite relieved when I returned rejected.

Personally, I wonder why they called me in for a physical. I am obviously too old unless the USA itself were physically invaded and we were fighting them on the beaches in Florida or California. Some monumental SNAFU is my guess. Nothing like a large bureaucracy for hilarious errors.

Title: Re: Rejected
Post by: Surigao Ken on May 20, 2005, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Rejected, posted by senior citizen on May 9, 2005

Hey S.S.,

I guess the military thinks; once a killing machine, always a killing machine!!!

Take care,
Surigao Ken

Title: Re: Re: Rejected
Post by: senior citizen on May 21, 2005, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Rejected, posted by Surigao Ken on May 20, 2005

Except this one is a bit rusted these days. The last time I fired a shot in anger was Vietnam. Hard to get correct sight picture and sight alignment with trifocals. And as Honey says, half of what used to be my chest is now at my beltline. The furthest I have ran in the last year was from the recliner to the bathroom at halftime or the seventh inning stretch. Strangely, Honey approves. She says I am less likely to get into trouble at my age and in my shape. I am not completely invalid as I still take long walks and I have a waist ten inches smaller than my chest. But arthritis is starting to slow me down. I have lost my trifocals for almost an hour only to find them, in a mirror, sitting atop my head. No, I don't belong on active duty any more. It would take three privates and a corporal to keep an eye on me in garrison, let alone in combat.