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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2005 => Topic started by: don2222 on January 22, 2005, 05:00:00 AM

Title: Find a woman with a job
Post by: don2222 on January 22, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
Hi all,

I have been living in the Philippines for about two years now, and I am constantly meeting Filipinas that claim to be seeking a job.  The woman will be in her twenties, and has never worked a day in her life.
When you ask them where they have applied for a job, you learn that despite their claim to be seeking a job, that they have never even once submitted an application to work anywhere.  So, since most Filipinos graduate high school at only 16, and they are now in their twenties, that is 5 to 13 years that they have never, ever held a job.  Yes, jobs are available, I see help wanted signs everywhere.    And, since most Filipinos only earn about $5 a day, who is it that is working and paying for the daily needs of these supposed  job seekers ??  Many you will find out have a sister, auntie, or cousin abroad, or sugar daddy that is supporting them and their family.
 What kind of qualities do you expect of someone that has never ever worked, and is totally dependent on others ??  Do you expect them to go abroad with you and instantly be responsible, hard working people, or would you expect them to be annoyed that they must now stop watching TV every day ?  
Also, I constantly hear of women that are in college, but then must stop going to college due to not being able to pay tuition.  Ok fine, it is great to get an education, but if you are not in school, then you should be working .
So, if you are seeking a quality Filipina to marry, I strongly suggest finding one that has a job, and has learned to be responsible.   I see hard working Filipinos every day, they accept the fact that their salary is low, but they work hard to take care of themselves and others.  I have met many Filipinos working 2 or even 3 jobs.  These are the people I admire.  They have ambition, and they follow that ambition to better themselves.
Also, I hear of so many foreigners that demand that their Filipina be available for chatting on the web cam any time day or night.  How possible for her to do that if she is one of the responsible ones that has a job ?
Well, if she is there at the internet cafe for chatting with you anytime you want, then guess what, she does have a job.  Her job is to sit at the internet cafe all day and chat with as many guys as possible.
So,  in my opinion, to find a good Filipina, find one that does have a job, and try to be understanding that she is not available to go to the internet cafe  for chatting anytime day or night.  A filipina with a job, in my opinion, is much more likely to be a responsible, mature, ambitious person.

Just my opinions only,


Title: OR Find a woman with a job at...
Post by: Howard on January 27, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Find a woman with a job, posted by don2222 on Jan 22, 2005

... an Internet Cafe :P

Worked GREAT for me :P

Seriuosly though, you make a great point.

Keep the Faith


Title: Re: Find a woman with a job
Post by: jon on January 26, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Find a woman with a job, posted by don2222 on Jan 22, 2005

What about gals that list self employeed?


Title: Re: Find a woman with a job
Post by: senior citizen on January 25, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Find a woman with a job, posted by don2222 on Jan 22, 2005

My gal was working when I met her, and that is how I met her, at her parent's business. She stopped working outside the home when the children were young, but when they were in HS she began working part time again to keep from being bored. After the kids flew the coop for college she worked a few more hours but still not full time as it was not necessary. About 20 hours max a week. She also does a lot of volunteer work for local charities and other organizations. So much so that I had to buy her a computer of her own. Working a little gives her some money of "her own" she can spend on whatever she desires. She was never lazy around the house, even when she was near term in her pregnancies. The home was still spotless until the day she left for the hospital. I am ashamed to say that it did not meet her standards three days later when she returned. I figured, how dirty can a house get in three days when I spend most of the day at the hospital? As it turns out, quite a bit according to her standards. To prevent her from doing too much at once I had a lady come in and help so she could rest and be with our babies more.

When it comes to the cleanliness of the house, she is a little strict (I should own stock in Swiffer). I was and am the worst offender. Like in the Tim Allen comedy special, "Everywhere you go you make this house dirty!" "Yeah, that's how I mark territory. Ar-ar-ar!" Actually I clean up after myself and am considered a very clean person by everyone else except Honey. But she loves me anyhow.

Title: Re: Find a woman with a job
Post by: Jay on January 24, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Find a woman with a job, posted by don2222 on Jan 22, 2005

[This message has been edited by Jay]

Hi Don,

I agree that finding a Filipina with a job is a good thing. However, not everybody CAN get a job there. It's not like the U.S.. You've been there 2 years and can't see that or what? I'm curious to know why this popped in your mind to talk to us about.

Anyway, don't think I'm flamin', I'm not. I'm just making conversation. :-) Criselda is in the Philippines with April and the Son in law, so I'm just passing time tonight writing this and reading the board.

Take Care,

Title: My motivation :)
Post by: don2222 on January 25, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Find a woman with a job, posted by Jay on Jan 24, 2005

[This message has been edited by don2222]

Hi Jay,

 My motivation for making that post was this :

"So, in my opinion, to find a good Filipina, find one that does have a job, and try to be understanding that she is not available to go to the internet cafe for chatting anytime day or night. A filipina with a job, in my opinion, is much more likely to be a responsible, mature, ambitious person"

I do meet a lot of responsible hard-working Filipinos, and many of them will ask me about foreigners because they are curious to learn.  The Filipinas very often will ask me why their foreigner boyfriend is so demanding when it comes to e-mail and chatting, and why he does not understand why she cannot be at the internet cafe all day and night for chatting.  So, in part, my post was actually trying to explain to guys chatting with Filipinas that they should be more patient and understanding of the fact that most Filipinos do not have a computer at home, and many times do not have the free time to sit at the internet cafe all day and night waiting to chat with the guy.

Also, not sure why you think I generalized and called Filipinos "lazy", did you miss this part of my post ?

"I see hard working Filipinos every day, they accept the fact that their salary is low, but they work hard to take care of themselves and others. I have met many Filipinos working 2 or even 3 jobs. These are the people I admire. They have ambition, and they follow that ambition to better themselves."

The generalization that I was trying to make is that some people are more responsible than others, and that the odds of finding a responsible person increases when you find someone that has the motivation to get out and do something rather than sit home and watch TV all day.  That generalization I would apply to any people from any country.

The way that I meet so many Filipinos to talk to is that I live with the Filipinos. I do not live in some expensive ex-pat compound, and I do not have helpers to do everything for me.  I have never been to the tourist places like Boracay and Baguio.  And when I do travel around the Phils, I travel to the smaller cities, and ride the cheap boats and buses, and stay in the same hotels where the Filipinos stay.  I like the Filipino people, and that is why I stay in the Phils.

So, again, what caused me to write the first post is my talking to so many Filipinas that DO try to be responsible, but have met guys on the internet that lack the understanding that she is trying to be a responsible person.
And, also, trying to let guys know that the women that do sit at the internet cafes all day and night might be less responsible. For me, I do suspect the motives of the ones that do sit at the internet cafes all day and night chatting.

You also take care,


Title: Re: My motivation :)
Post by: Jay on January 25, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to My motivation :), posted by don2222 on Jan 25, 2005

[This message has been edited by Jay]

Hi Don,

Well, lets see. First off, I did read that part of your post, and did not say that you said Filipino's were lazy. Jeff said his daughters boss's wife was lazy. So I used the word. By his own admission, he does not know alot about Filipina's. He was explaining that from reading your post, he was begining to change his mind about Filipina's. That's when I stepped in.

You see, I dont really disagree with what your saying. On the surface saying, "A filipina with a job, in my opinion, is much more likely to be a responsible, mature, ambitious person" is a logical assumption. However, at the same time you COULD say, "A filipina with a job, is usualy someone who for a number of reasons, CAN'T get a job". Why do you think Filipino's come HERE?? It ain't the weather.

Now I will grant you this. You are living there NOW, and I am back here in the States. I have not been back for 7+ years. It was before the widespread use of the Internet. However, I KNOW Filipino's ain't changed THAT much in 7+ years. You see, what struck me about your post is, that you
make it sound like Filipina's without jobs don't really want to work. Not true. If you see a help-wanted sign up for too long in that country, next time ask about the job. I'll bet the pay and conditions aren't fit for a dog. Even a Filipino won't take the job, desperate as they are. Also, your post makes it sound to me, like most Filipina's have foreigner boyfriends. Or, are seriously thinking of having one. They AREN'T. Most Filipina's have Filipino boyfriends. The same way most French girls have French boyfriends, Japanese girls have Japanese boyfriends, and American girls have American boyfriends. I know only a tiny fraction of Filipina's are online or sitting in internet cafe's. It may look like alot, and I'm sure the number is rising yearly, but it's still only a small amount of the population of Filipina's in the country. A newcommer to this board might get the wrong idea, reading your post. I mean, you are THERE, so the newbie might read your post as gospel.

There is a large variety of girls in the Philippines. Theres girls who go to the big cities to work, provincial girls, girls that are OCW's,college girls, bargirls, stay at home and watch the millions of kids girls, rich girls, nurses, under educated girls etc., etc.. I could go on. Not all of them sit around dreaming of foreigners. They might meet and marry one anyway, but they don't spend their lives dreaming about it. Apparently just the girls you hang out with do. How do you meet all these girls? At the cafe's? I'm NOT suggesting your talking of Bargirls, because they have a job. So please don't think that's what I'm getting at.

In conclusion I have only three points to make.

First: Not every Filipina can get a job for a variety of reasons, and just because they don't have a job, doesn't mean they don't WANT a job.. Do you know that an applicant must possess a 2 year college degree to ask, "Do you want fries with that?" at McDonalds in the Philippines?  A man would be pretty stupid to rule out finding a gem amongst the unemployed. So maybe that isn't really good advice when it applies to Filipina's in-country.

Second: Not every Filipina dreams of marrying a foreigner, only the ones YOU meet apparently do. So please don't make it sound that way.   The best ones marry you because they like you.

Third: The word "expat" means expatriate. That means in this case, an American living outside the U.S. That would be YOU. So it doesn't matter if you live in "expensive ex-pat compound" (whatever that is) or amongst the Filipino's. Your still an expat. And if you have any money, as I'm sure you must, or you wouldn't be there, then it's hard to get REALLY "local" and know what the people truly think. Because most of them don't have your money, and will not always be totaly open with their feelings to you. It's a Filipino trait. The more broke you are while living there, like most locals, the more you see the real Philippines. The folk's are more likely to open up to you. I learned that by experience. It just works that way.

As I said, just making conversation, not trying to bust your balls.

Take Care,

Title: correction
Post by: Jay on January 26, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: My motivation :), posted by Jay on Jan 25, 2005

"A filipina with a job, is usualy someone who for a number of reasons, CAN'T get a job".

The line above should read,"A filipina WITHOUT a job, is usualy someone who for a number of reasons, CAN'T get a job".



Title: Re: My motivation :)
Post by: Stephen on January 25, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to My motivation :), posted by don2222 on Jan 25, 2005

I understand.  Makes sense to me.


Title: Re: Find a woman with a job
Post by: Jeff S on January 23, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Find a woman with a job, posted by don2222 on Jan 22, 2005

Good Post Don.

Really, you see help wanted signs everywhere?

My daughter's boss is married to a Filipina, and she's about the laziest wife I've ever heard of - anti-social too -  not interested in meeting anyone or socializing. She's totally different than any of the ladies I've associated with and met in this forum (my only real exposure to the PI except for my father's WWII experience and some business contacts over the years) so I thought she must be the exception, not the rule. But maybe I was mistaken. Sure I know there are good and bad everywhere. It's just that you mostly hear sugar coated things here.

- Jeff

Title: Re: Re: Find a woman with a job
Post by: Jay on January 24, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Find a woman with a job, posted by Jeff S on Jan 23, 2005

[This message has been edited by Jay]

Hi Jeff,

I wouldn't put too much stock in what Don says. He's lived there 2 years and although no offense meant to Don, he obviously still hasn't a clue about Filipino's and thier culture. It's obvious from his post. He's been living there 2 years, and he believes he's an expert on it. Most ex-Pat's are like that.

Just for the record, a lazy Filipina IS the exception to the rule. Who knows where Don is "constantly" meeting these 20-something  girls. As for being Anti-social, well my wife is somewhat anti-social. She doesn't like  being around other people all that much. Hell, she doesn't even like going out to dinner with people. I always joke wih her that I can't take her anywhere. :-) She would rather be with me at home than with anyone else, anywhere else. That's a personality trait that has nothing to do with national origin.

And lastly, I don't think I've ever seen anyone really sugarcoat things on this forum. We pretty much tell it like it is. Sorry if it sounds to good to be true, but it is true. ;-)

Not trying to be an assh0le to anyone, just thought I would put in my thoughts. Take it for what it's worth.

Take Care,
P.S.- C. got off the plane on a Thursday and was at work on the following Monday. She hasn't stopped since. She's very low Maintenance, and frugal. She "keeps the books" in our house. I would guess, (since I'm no expert on Filipina's either) ;-), that most independent Filipina's who come from a backround of poverty, are that way.

Title: Re: Re: Find a woman with a job
Post by: Stephen on January 24, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Find a woman with a job, posted by Jeff S on Jan 23, 2005

I think you could get a lady who could go either way.

I mean, Tess lived in Manila for 20 years after graduation and made her own way.  She's very frugal will money.  She is really tight with a dollar.  Doesn't like to use credit cards at all.  In fact, she won't use a credit card unless it will be paid off in full at the end of the month.

But I can see you getting a lady who's never had a credit card before, and she gets here to the USA and she goes nuts and spends money hand-over-fist.

Perhaps I just lucked out.


Title: Re: Re: Re: Find a woman with a job
Post by: Jeff S on January 24, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Find a woman with a job, posted by Stephen on Jan 24, 2005

I don't think it was luck, Stephen, more like smarts. You got the whole package - looks, personality, and character. Of course she did pretty well, too. You guys are a great match.

- Jeff

Title: Re: Find a woman with a job
Post by: Keith NC on January 23, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Find a woman with a job, posted by don2222 on Jan 22, 2005

Stephen is right excellent advice.  When I first started this process over a year ago there were alot of ladies online during the day.  I would ask them if they had a job and they told me that Philippine economy is too bad.  Then I asked if they were in school and they told me that they couldn't afford to go.  But I agree if they are not in school then they should be working somewhere.  When I was in Davao City I saw a lot of help wanted signs.

Work was like a four letter word to my ex wife. A few months before my ex came over here on a fiancee visa she sent me a letter stating that all her co workers were picking on her and that she wanted to quit work and if I would help her.  I met her co workers and they were extremely nice but I took my ex's word for it because she was my fiancee.  Little did I know that was a huge red flag that I ignored completely.  Even though she was a nurse in the Philippines when she got here all she ended up doing was eating and sleeping all the time.  Then when she made some Filipina friends all she did was go shopping and spend money we didn't have.  Even though she was home most days I would still come home after a long day at work and have to cook and wash clothes and clean up the house.  

Don is right find a lady that has ambition and is not lazy.


Title: Re: Re: Find a woman with a job
Post by: Stephen on January 23, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Find a woman with a job, posted by Keith NC on Jan 23, 2005

Tess worked until 2 days prior to coming to the USA.  She left Manila on a Monday morning and had worked on the previous Saturday.


Title: Re: Re: Re: Find a woman with a job
Post by: Keith NC on January 23, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Find a woman with a job, posted by Stephen on Jan 23, 2005


I don't have to tell you but you definately have a winner.  I hope the two of you are doing well.  I know you guys have had a lot of bad weather out there recently.  

I am leaving on the February 21 for the Philippines.  Do you or Tess need me to do anything for you while I am in Butuan City?  I would me more than happy too.  I don't know a whole lot about the city so any reccomendations on where to eat or places to visit?  


Title: Butuan City
Post by: Dave H on January 26, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Find a woman with a job, posted by Keith NC on Jan 23, 2005

Hi Keith,

When dinning out in Butuan City, I like eating at Weegol's, Aling Coras and Titas Cafe. There are plenty of fast food restaurants, including Chow King (Siopao, Halo-Halo), Greenwich (Greenwich Special Pizza, Hawaiian Pizza, Lasagna Supreme, Crispy Trios), and the ever popular Jollibee (Chickenjoy, Jolly Spaghetti, Jolly Hotdog, Yum, Jolly Crispy Fries, Peach Mango Pie), a few of my favorites...MASARAP! There are plenty of the American fast food chains present as well.

As for things to do, if you have some spare time with your sweetie: you might want to have a tricycle driver take you to the department of tourism on Pili Drive. There you can obtain maps and guides to the region. The Balanghai Hotel arranges tours to places of interest...the last I heard. I have only been to the Almont Inland Resort for a wedding, but it looked like there was plenty to do as Ray mentioned. I never seem to have time to do everything I want to when I'm in the Philippines and Butuan City. Some of my everyday things are zig-zaging up and down Montilla Blvd. and around town on our motorcycle, visiting friends and relatives, checking out books with Philippine topics to read at the library, swimming, mountain biking... Places I like to visit are the Butuan Regional Museum, The Balangay Shrine Museum, the beach at Buenavista, the port at Nasipit, the Bitaug Tree, Lake Manit, the Agusan River on a pumpboat, and of course visit the bundok. There are lots of nice waterfalls and caves in the area...just have to watch out for the NPA! LOL There are things that I would like to do, but would probably have to do so without my wife's (the intelligent partner and my bodyguard) knowledge LOL...float down the Agusan River and under the Magsaysay Bridge on a pile of logs, jump off the Magsaysay Bridge (bad reputation for suicides) swim across the Agusan River, climb Mt. Hilong-hilong, ride on top of a jeepney from Butuan to Surigao, surf Cloud Nine at of these days. :o)

If you have any problems or questions while you are there just post them here on P-L. Have a great time!

Dave H.

Post by: Ray on January 31, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Butuan City, posted by Dave H on Jan 26, 2005

Peach Mango favorite!

And Banana Langka too!

Do you want me to buy you one here and mail it to you? $1.29 EA


Title: Or...
Post by: Dave H on January 28, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Butuan City, posted by Dave H on Jan 26, 2005 me.

Dave H.

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Find a woman with a job
Post by: Jay on January 24, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Find a woman with a job, posted by Keith NC on Jan 23, 2005

Hi keith,

Good luck on your trip. I hope I didn't sound like too much of a wise guy in my post below, when your girl was found. Didn't mean to.

Anyway Good luck,

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Find a woman with a job
Post by: Keith NC on January 24, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Find a woman with a job, posted by Jay on Jan 24, 2005

Hi Jay,

I value yours and the rest of the guys and ladies insight when it comes the women over there in the Phiippines.  We are all like Family just looking out for one another.  I will keep my eyes and options open.    

This will be my third trip in less than five years.  I love it over there especially when it is really cold here.



Title: enjoy your trip...tess
Post by: Stephen on January 24, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Find a woman with a job, posted by Keith NC on Jan 23, 2005

and take lots of pictures.....about recomendations, you can go to beach with her and the family (not a white sand beach) but a cheap way to take the whole family out in an excursion.

Goodluck and have a safe trip,


Title: Re: enjoy your trip...tess
Post by: Keith NC on January 24, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to enjoy your trip...tess, posted by Stephen on Jan 24, 2005

Hi Tess,

That sounds good Tess.  Thank you and I will definately take alot of pictures and share them with you guys.  I am looking forward to it.  It have been a little over two years since I have been there.  I having withdrawl symptoms, Lol.  

Thank you and God Bless,


Title: Beaches
Post by: Ray on January 24, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to enjoy your trip...tess, posted by Stephen on Jan 24, 2005

Good idea about going to the beach Tess, if you like stepping on a pile of rocks (LOL).

Another alternative in Butuan is taking them to the "beach" right there in town at the Almont Inland Resort. Have you ever been there Tess? We spent a couple of days there on our honeymoon. It's REALLY nice, but a little pricey. Great pools, nice outdoor restaurant and bar, and the rooms (cabins) were perfect, all in a tropical setting.

Camiguin Island is another nearby alternative, but a little much for a day trip. Two days would be great.


Title: Re: Beaches
Post by: Stephen on January 24, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Beaches, posted by Ray on Jan 24, 2005

Hi Ray,

Yes, I checked Almont Inland Resort but its pricey. You know I have lots of relatives in Butuan City and I don't want them to think that I have tons of money to spend. And besides the beach in Buenavista is not that bad. We grew up going there every summer.

Give my regards to Migs,


Title: Buenavista
Post by: Dave H on January 26, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Beaches, posted by Stephen on Jan 24, 2005

Hi Tess,

We like to rent a jeepney, pack it with family and head to Buenavista. We rent a shelter and spend the day.

Dave H.

Title: This is excellent advice. NT
Post by: Stephen on January 23, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Find a woman with a job, posted by don2222 on Jan 22, 2005


Title: PS.......
Post by: Stephen on January 23, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to This is excellent advice.  NT, posted by Stephen on Jan 23, 2005

It's only human nature for a man to want to have the sexiest, most beautiful lady in the world.

BUT...there's nothing sexy or beautiful about a bitchy, unhappy lady.  

My first marriage was to a very pretty lady.  I was married to her for 10 years...........2 months, 13 days, 14 hours, 22 minutes, and 18 seconds.  My God, I remember it well.

She was a very unhappy lady.  And she was determined to make everyone else around her just as miserable and unhappy as she was.


Title: I'm with you.......
Post by: Jeff S on January 24, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to PS......., posted by Stephen on Jan 23, 2005

I'd take an ugly, happy & optimistic woman over a whiney depressed supermodel any day.

I remember reading Dale Carnegie's book many years ago. He described his wife as being so optimistic that if you filled the living room with horse manure when she was out, she'd come home and jump up and down with joy, saying, "Oh great! we got a pony!"

I remember thinking, "Now that's the kind of wife I want." It's a rare thing. My wife is pretty good about that, but has her occasional bouts with pessisism. I guess I do, too. No one can be happy all of the time. It's an overall state that counts.

There was a study published a year or two ago, and was described in a news article in the OC Register, about people's happiness levels. Apparently they don't change much overall throughout their adult lives. Sure they can temporarily shift up or down a bit, if you win the lottery or discover you need chemotherapy, but overall, your happiness level returns to your natural state pretty quickly - sickness or health, richer or poorer.

The moral of the story is marry someone who has about the right happiness lever for you. Don't expect her to change, no matter how much her lifestyle or opportunities change.

- Jeff