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Title: Dinner
Post by: shadow on March 27, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
Although several had acted as if they resented getting grilled at lunch, not one turned down a dinner invitation. There were 7 which I felt merited further investigation. 6 of these came alone for dinner, the 7th ones name was Choly, and she brought her sister. The sister was dressed like a prosti, with heavy makeup, bright red lipstick, jewelry, tight designer jeans, etc. A big turnoff to me.The sister was married to a brit, and one of the first questions she asked me was how much money I would send if I was to marry her sister. I assured her I had absolutely no intention of marrying her sister and if I did I would not send any money. This certainly wasn't the answer they wanted, and her sister told me her husband sent her P15000 a month. I said "Yippeee for him!" She said she thought it wasn't right that I wouldn't send money, and I told her I didn't care what she thought. The menu's never got opened, Choly hadn't said a word past "Hi", and was in tears as I smiled, got up, and left.
The other 6 made it through dinner with various stages of success. Dinner was at the Lighthouse restaurant in the Guisano country mall, a nice place with good food.  (Except for Jovy, which will be explained later) I was much more relaxed with them at dinner, and pretty much just let things roll along as they would. There were various degrees of banter and for the most part we all had a good time.  Towards the end of dinner I would ask them if they wanted to see a movie or something, to which 4 were in agreement and the 5th wanted to go to the disco instead, which we did. Dinner usually cost in the P300 range, and as it was getting time to go I would give them P500 and ask them to pay the bill, at which time I would get up and go to the rest room. I would take my time in coming out, and when I did we were ready to go. Of these 5, only one, Beth, returned my change. The other 4 made a nice profit of about P200, about 2 days wages for most of them, on dinner. So much for their honesty, huh. That was the end for all but Beth and Jovy.

Title: Re: Dinner
Post by: cc on March 27, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Dinner, posted by shadow on Mar 27, 2001

Hmmm - I am surprised about this 200 peso "profit": every single Filipina I met was always very careful to give me change back to the exact peso (I never tried to test them like you, but occasionally couldn't bothered paying myself....)

To walk away from Choly was probably the right thing to do (also she cannot be blamed for her sister's behavior) - however talking about marriage during the first Dinner conversation is a red flag for me. A relationship has to grow more slowly in my book.