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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2004 => Topic started by: Peter Lee on March 28, 2004, 05:00:00 AM

Title: Peter and Maricel update
Post by: Peter Lee on March 28, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
Maricel is in Manila with her mama learning how to budget LOL.   Yup they took the 3 day ferry coz of the upcoming hurricane.  Wouldn’t' t want to get caught in a 6 hour flight in a plane opposed to a 3 day sea trip in a hurricane.  Maricel passed the physical at the St. Luke clinic and is waiting for her Interview for the 2nd April.  So she has 6 days to get ready and get organized.  We talked on the phone for a while and she really wanted more help on what to expect in the Interview.  What kind of questions they will ask or any kind of help on that.  I said the usual thing, don't worry you will do fine, but she said she wanted to be organized and do her best and wanted me to send her email she can study.   ???????  I don't have a clue what to send or write about what she can study.   Any ideas of web sites I can look up on previous experiences on the Interviews in Manila for a K3?   She found a pension house with mama she said was comfortable and clean but no TV.  She don’t mind as she don't have one at home in the mountains anyway.  But the cost is 950 per day and it seems the price has gone up quite a bit from past posts who have quoted prices. She has already made friends who wanted her to go shopping to buy clothes for the Interview.  They said regular shoes and conservative clothes not sandals and blue gleans makes a better impression at the Interview.  Maricel doesn’t like Manila, she said lots of pollution traffic jams and everything is very expensive.

Title: Re: Peter and Maricel update
Post by: Ray on March 28, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Peter and Maricel update, posted by Peter Lee on Mar 28, 2004


You can’t really “study” for the interview. Just tell her to relax and be truthful in her answers and she will have no problems. If she seems honest and sincere, they will usually only ask a few questions. The standard stuff usually goes like this:

“What is your husband’s name?”

“When and where did you meet?”

“How many times did your husband visit the Phils and how long did he stay?”

“Is your husband circumcised? How many inches is his schlong?”

“What does your husband do for a living?”

Well, the 4th one was just a joke :-). It’s best to only volunteer as much info as they ask for. Often, a simple YES or NO answer is more appropriate than a long narrative. They sometimes ask questions about the husband to see how well she really knows you, but usually it’s just a few quick questions and she’s out of there. Hopefully, she screened the letters that she submitted to insure there was nothing illegal or suspicious in there. It sometimes helps if she brings a lot of personal photos of you two and also the in-laws, just in case they ask for pictures. If they ask if she will work in the States, it’s usually best to answer YES.

There is one thing that could possibly come up, being that you are so old. They may ask for a picture of you holding a recent newspaper with the front page and date clearly visible, just to make sure that you haven’t died of old age since the paperwork was submitted :-)

She’ll do fine…


Title: Re: Re: Peter and Maricel update
Post by: Peter Lee on March 28, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Peter and Maricel update, posted by Ray on Mar 28, 2004

Ray during the war [WWII} Hitler and the SS tried to kill all the babies that were circumcised.  Since I survived I was never circumcised and I wonder why this mythology practice of cutting up the penis still goes on in our modern times.  I wouldn't want anyone cutting anything off what I was born with.  My shlong is also not measured in inches but feet.  Would the agent giving the interview ask a question they could not varify?  Or is that what the husbands are really there for to varify any unanswered questions at the wife's interview?

If they ask if she will work in the States, it’s usually best to answer YES.  Could you explain why Ray coz we are open to that depending on how it goes when she gets here.

Title: Peters pisot peter
Post by: Humabdos on March 30, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Peter and Maricel update, posted by Peter Lee on Mar 28, 2004

Uncut or "pisot" is a BIG PROBLEMA for some filipina's! I know a Swiss guy in Dumaguete that got circumcised at the age of 35! on the request of his wife. Being cut in the PI is part of becoming a man. It's usually done at around 8 or 10 years old!!! OUCH!!(in the larger cities it's now done at birth) Someone who is still "pisot" by teenage years would be laughed out of the barangay! This is why MOST Filipinas would prefer cut to uncut.
So when she was laughing in the bed room it wasn't be just because of the

Title: Ouch
Post by: greg on March 31, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Peters  pisot peter , posted by Humabdos on Mar 30, 2004

HumB, my Son's Mommie wanted to wait until he was 8-10 before having him circumcised(I paid for his circumcise when she gave birth, she made up all kinda excuses for not having it done). Gregory was circumcised in USA at 14 months at $1900(ouch). Would cost less than 100 bucks in ILoiLo.

Title: i completely agree...hehehe n/t
Post by: Honey on March 31, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Peters  pisot peter , posted by Humabdos on Mar 30, 2004


Title: Re: i completely agree...hehehe n/t
Post by: Peter Lee on April 11, 2004, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to i completely agree...hehehe n/t, posted by Honey on Mar 31, 2004

No one is going to cut off anything I was born with.   Mohamed was said to be born circumcised, well that's different.  If God wanted it that way it would be easy for him to make it that way when you’re born.   Sorry, but I will not be bullied into a cult mentality.  If you care to read the history of circumcision you will see how foolish this practice really is.   To alter a baby’s penis for life with out his consent is inexcusable.  At least wait till he is of legal age so he can make his own decision.

I am sorry you guys can’t grow your skin back.   Blame your parents for that and stop blaming us guys in the hood.   LOL

Title: Re: Peters pisot peter
Post by: Peter Lee on March 30, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Peters  pisot peter , posted by Humabdos on Mar 30, 2004

When I was in the Air Force with my back injury, next to me was a guy who was talked into getting circumcised.  Wow the pain he was in and the swelling.   Doctors told him if he gets the clap one more time the skin comes off.  So even in these modern days and times the mythology goes on.  I never caught anything in 20 years of service and if I did I wouldn't blame it on the extra skin.  I thought only the Jews had to get circumcised? Paul I thought put a stop to that by allowing converts to have a little water sprinkled on them and a good meal to become Christian.  I didn't know about Filipino men being circumcised, when did  the Roman Catholic Church start that?  

Title: Re: Re: Peters pisot peter ! hahaha lol
Post by: Febtember on March 31, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Peters  pisot peter , posted by Peter Lee on Mar 30, 2004

I didn't know about Filipino men being circumcised, when did the Roman Catholic Church start that?

Peter as far as I know all filipino men are circumcised.I'm sure by now your wife taught that all american is (pisot)uncircumcised.You read it in the bible too that Jesus been circumcise.So catholic start this too long ago.When my son was born the doctor circumcised him within 24 hour after birth.They have recent study too which I read in babytalk magazine that uncircumcised men were eight times as likely to become infected with HIV as those were circumcised.Circumcised men have lower rates of STDs,urinary tract infection and penile cancer.Raquel

Title: Re: Re: Re: Peters pisot peter ! hahaha lol
Post by: Peter Lee on April 01, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Peters  pisot peter ! hahaha lol, posted by Febtember on Mar 31, 2004

Well Raquel, while in the military most men who had infections were circumcised.  It was the behavour that got them sick not the circumcision.  I will study on the history of this ancient barbaric mythology of cutting off skin that really was disigned by God to be there otherwise he would not have put it there.   Meanwhile maybe someone else may know the reason and tell us on this site and explain how it got so deep rooted into the Philippines.  Hitler would check the young boys in Germany and if they were circumcised they would be labeld as Jewish and sent to concentration camps.  So all boys who survived Hitlers rule were the ones not circumcised and most were Roman Catholic and like myself Lutheran.

Title: Re: Re: Peters pisot peter
Post by: Humabdos on March 31, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Peters  pisot peter , posted by Peter Lee on Mar 30, 2004

Pain? well, that's the part that makes you a man!lol
Out in the Provence it's done by an uncle with a sharp bolo! Maybe your wife's uncle will do it for you next time your there.

Title: Re: Re: Re: Peters pisot peter
Post by: Peter Lee on April 01, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Peters  pisot peter , posted by Humabdos on Mar 31, 2004

Ya I can't wait, my tool is waiting with outstretched skin LOL

Title: I would have thought....
Post by: Jeff S on March 29, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Peter and Maricel update, posted by Peter Lee on Mar 28, 2004

.. that being from Europe, it would be in meters, or should I say millimeters?

- Jeff

Title: Re: I would have thought....
Post by: Peter Lee on March 30, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I would have thought...., posted by Jeff S on Mar 29, 2004

Is it true that many circumcised men are jealous coz they will always wonder what it would be like without the piece they cut off?   No matter how you cut it, if you are circumcised you will always be a silly millimeter shorter LOL

I sent Maricel some examples of couples going through the Appointment process.  I made up a bunch of questions that have been asked before.  She is happy now but is concerned that the vacines are still making her sick.

Title: My Rabbi has a sale going on now....
Post by: Jeff S on March 30, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: I would have thought...., posted by Peter Lee on Mar 30, 2004

.. Half off!

- Jeff

Title: A Silly Millimeter Longer?
Post by: Ray on March 29, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I would have thought...., posted by Jeff S on Mar 29, 2004

Good point Jeff! ROFL!

Title: Re: Re: Re: Peter and Maricel update
Post by: Ray on March 28, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Peter and Maricel update, posted by Peter Lee on Mar 28, 2004

It probably doesn’t apply to you Peter, but if the interviewer has any questions about your ability to support a wife and family because of low income or other financial factors, they will sometimes ask your fiancée if she intends to work after she arrives in the States. A positive answer may help allay his fears that she might become a public charge. As a general rule, it is better to answer in the affirmative even if you aren’t sure yet… IMHO.

If she wants to work after she gets settled in, and she probably will, I wouldn't fight it, unless you intend to get her pregnant right away. A lot of women will simply go crazy sitting at home all day. Even a part time job would help if it’s important to her. Have you considered employing her in your business?


Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Peter and Maricel update
Post by: Peter Lee on March 29, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Peter and Maricel update, posted by Ray on Mar 28, 2004

I have decided not to get her pregnant for at least one or two years, although on the phone she was talking about how important having a baby is. She ranted on about how her nurse friend said that I can't make babies anymore at my age an obvious way to give me a chanlange LOL  The Filipinas here in town have opted not to get pregnant right away after being here a while.  

I am usually very busy all day and can use lots of help.  So she could work for me, how long would it take to get her SS number or green card or papers to enable her to work on the books?  

But really, helping me keep things clean, shopping for food, organizing the house and business, helping with the phone calls and keeping me company will keep her busy enough.  
Remember I have a full time job with the Martial Arts at night and in the day I take care of all the advertising and bills.

Most of the day time is taken up with getting materials for the carpenters and taking care of the apartments with 24 tenants and 17 bathrooms.  My mom calls me king of the toilets LOL  I am slowly getting out of debt and then I will make some free time to have a vacation. But but for now it is work, work, work.  She also has to get used to me getting injured from time to time.  Right now I have a fractured wrist from the Jiu Jitsu class.  She wants to know why I laugh when she tells me to be careful.  

Naturally I am concerned about the Interview for two reasons.  It seems that sometimes strange things happen in those interviews and for unknown reasons they are put into review.  The other is our 40 year age differance which may set off a lot of red flags for the Interviewer.  

But we will see soon enough this Friday what will happen and thanks to you and this forum all has been done that could be done.

Title: Hey Son, Wait
Post by: greg on March 30, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Peter and Maricel update, posted by Peter Lee on Mar 29, 2004

don't be in a hurry to get Her pregnant. Having a child with the wrong Woman can be a Pain in the Butt. Trust me

Title: Re: Hey Son, Wait
Post by: Peter Lee on March 30, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Hey Son, Wait, posted by greg on Mar 30, 2004

I hear ya Greg, loud and clear.  I am thinking as she stays in the US for a while this baby thing may go away.   If it don't a good long wait is next.

Title: Son
Post by: greg on March 31, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Hey Son, Wait, posted by Peter Lee on Mar 30, 2004

I meant that you both need more time courting in USA before considering  a baby.

Title: Re: Son
Post by: Peter Lee on April 01, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Son, posted by greg on Mar 31, 2004

I agree for sure

Title: Desire for babies...
Post by: don2222 on March 30, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Hey Son, Wait, posted by Peter Lee on Mar 30, 2004

[This message has been edited by don2222]

Hi Peter,
 You may find that her desire for a baby is actually stronger after she arrives in the US.  Especially if she is not in school or working full time.
It seems to be the Filipino culture to have a baby as soon as possible after marriage.
There may be a LOT of pressure from her friends and family, and the Filipino friends in America may add to the pressure also.
As time goes by, the pressures and desires to have children will probably increase, not decrease.
Very rarely do I meet a Filipina that did not have a baby during her first year of marriage. Filipinos seem to be very fertile people that get pregnant very easily and quickly.


Title: That's a dangerous attitude...
Post by: Jeff S on March 30, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Hey Son, Wait, posted by Peter Lee on Mar 30, 2004

... "hoping" things will change. There's an old truism that goes something like:

Men marry women hoping they don't change - then they do, while women marry men hoping they'll change - then they don't.

As Dr. Laura always says: "You KNEW she(he) was that way and married her(him) anyway? How dumb is that?"

- Jeff

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Peter and Maricel update
Post by: Ray on March 29, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Peter and Maricel update, posted by Peter Lee on Mar 29, 2004

To work legally, she will need to get her EAD and SS Card, in that order. You better figure 3 months to get an EAD (Employment Authorization). You can download the Form I-765 now and get it ready to submit as soon as she arrives. She’ll also need that SSN (or ITIN) so you can file a joint tax return. Also, make sure she gets her I-94 at the POE.

The age difference “usually” isn’t a big deal, unless you have been divorced 2 or 3 times.


Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Peter and Maricel update
Post by: Peter Lee on March 30, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Peter and Maricel up..., posted by Ray on Mar 29, 2004

I will get to work thanks

Title: Ray, here's my answer to #4Q.
Post by: Peaches on March 28, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Peter and Maricel update, posted by Ray on Mar 28, 2004

12 inches and always tied up  to his knee(when it's stretch).

Peter,  Ray is right.  Just tell Maricel to relax and answer  all the
questions wisely. I was just lucky the consul did not ask me any  
questions.  When I went to my appointment  for interview my
medicals were  not yet done so Mr. Velikonja ( as far as i
remember that was the consul's last name)  told me to  go back
once my medical is clear and so I did. I  went back and he just look
my papers and my medical records and approved.

Also, when I got my permanent card  (good for 10years)  there was
no question or interview.  I just recieve a letter from  the INS  telling
me to get my card from the local office here.

Goodluck to you and to Maricel's upcoming interview. I think it's
good to wear formal clothes during the interview.


Title: Good answer Peaches!
Post by: Ray on March 28, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Ray, here's my answer to #4Q., posted by Peaches on Mar 28, 2004


However, you should always be prepared to back up your claims with photographs for evidence. There is also the chance that your answer would make a male interviewer feel inadequate and a female interviewer jealous, which could jeopardize your chances of getting the visa approved. Maybe a better answer would be something like: “It’s so small that I need a microscope to find it, but I still love him anyway”. They would probably approve you based on sympathy alone :-)


Title: Re: Good answer Peaches!
Post by: Peter Lee on March 29, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Good answer Peaches!, posted by Ray on Mar 28, 2004

Are we talking psychology of the Interviewer or my male pride here?  Pictures?  Ya I could always get them blown up to look BIG just in case.  A scary thought LOL  If it is a female interviewer she might put it in review to review them at home.  A male interview could get jealous and disaprove.  I think it is best to keep the schlong part out of it.  DS 156 don't ask for it so there must be a reason.

Title: Re: Ray, here's my answer to #4Q.
Post by: Peter Lee on March 28, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Ray, here's my answer to #4Q., posted by Peaches on Mar 28, 2004

No matter how hard I try the knees can't hold it LOL

Thank you for the formal clothes comment coz Maricel did not want to spend money on shopping if she didn't need it.  I told her to take more money from the ATM and buy some formal clothes and closed shoes not sandles and blue geans at the interview.

Title: LOL !, Maldito ka !!!......................N/T
Post by: don2222 on March 28, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Peter and Maricel update, posted by Ray on Mar 28, 2004

n/t means no text !