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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2003 => Topic started by: Bear on December 28, 2003, 05:00:00 AM

Title: How different life is now.
Post by: Bear on December 28, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
It’s been a few days short of 3 years since Honey and I got married.  I still can picture in my mind the wedding and the events surrounding it.  I still remember the trip and experiencing the Philippine culture, meeting my new in-laws and relatives, seeing new sights and wonders.  I'd like to go back but it appears the expenses of a new family make that not as likely as I would want it to be.  Most Saturday mornings we get up and Honey chats and web cams with her family.  She lets them see AJ.  She's even shown them while she feeds him and bathes him? -not sure why that would be interesting but to them it is.  That little critter has taken over the place.  Nothing is done that his integration in to wasn't planned or the outcome definitely didn't end up as hoped.  He is a climber too, climbs out of his highchair, walker, on top of coffee and end tables, onto the sofa and rocker.  Mom is in a panic every time.  Still hasn't learned how to climb out of his baby bed yet-whew!  Started saying "dada" on Thanksgiving but I’m sure he doesn’t know he is saying my name.

Being married this time is so different.  I am so surprised how it escaped me in the first marriage but this time I actually know love and feel loved now.  That was something I never experienced before.  I know I harp on communication a lot but with me it made a difference.  Things will come up now and I can honestly say, "We discussed that" and recall some of the details.  Man has that stopped some "tampos".  Things I used to worry about that always left me insecure I can't even recall now because knowing I'm love keeps me from making those sad possibilities/concepts part of my 'it'.  The change in my married life has made my work life tremendously more successful.  It is amazing the differences from past jobs to where I work now.  I worked for major corporations before and got absolutely no respect and we were ranked in the top 5.  Now I work for a small family owned company and we are ranked #1 (do more business than the next 4 put together) and I am treated like the company guru.  That confidence has to come from my confidence being married to Honey.  She gives me so little to be concern about it did actually allow me to do my job better.

Her confidence is better too.  She still argues that,” by Filipino standards I'm ugly", but I can say, "but that’s such a small part of the world and no one believes that anywhere else".  Honestly fellas I can't look at her without knowing God made the beautiful creature just for me.  I fall in love all over every time I see her.  I tease her all the time and tell her (since she’s so much younger than me) that I was depressed with all my choices when I was in my early 20's that I put in an order to God and he made her for me - I just had to wait till my mid-40's to get delivery.  She gets along tremendously well with my mother and other family members (as opposed to the "ex").  My Mom is so proud when she tells me, "She calls me 'Mom'".  Neither my "ex" or any of my brother’s wives calls her that and "Mom' really likes it.

You hear people say that some try to live their lives through their children by seeing those things they experienced when they were young a second time through their children activities.  Which I admit I do too.  But I get a completely different point of view that is like icing on the cake with double fudge chocolate ice cream on the side.  I get to experience things again, in a more mature aspect, through my wife.  Things I forgot I ever experienced before.  Talk about feeling young again.  But this isn't solely because she's so much younger than me but because there's so much in America than she had no concept of and it’s a wonder to her when she becomes involved or has a chance to participate.

Gosh the parties and activities.  I say she experiences America but I experience the Filipinos too.  We have so many good friends now, people that want to be around us and do things with us (didn't experience that with the "ex" - she was virtually excluded from everyone’s list).  We have been to 7 parties through the Christmas season, missed 2 and still a few more days left!  One of our friends I talked to last night about a party said he wasn't coming because he was all partied out?  Sorry, but that’s a concept I can't understand.  I never laugh so hard and enjoy so much good food and company as I have at these parties in my whole life.  Seriously - I have been to more parties in the last 2 years than I have in my previous 40 plus years.

Not all has been uneventful.  We still have that "tampo" thing (I call it "a thousand questions").  What a stupid event.  Every single end to a tampo session has been easily explain or resolved without hardly any effort.  Not one has been life or marriage threatening but more a simple misunderstanding, minor lack of knowledge of the other or a language or culture difference that only needed detailing.  Another series of events is one or two busybodies who feel they can't possibly move on in the world unless they make snide, cruel remarks about others.  The fat girl who was our chaperone continues her maligning comments from 9000 miles away, Honey's poor mother hasn't learned yet to just tell her to shut up so we are always inundated with disparaging remarks said by this evil skunk and her whole family.  Happily Honey has started fighting back.  Other than that the family back home now has some respect and approval of Honey and treats her much better than the times after out marriage.  As for any such events occurring here - well yes.  One of our "previous" friends decided after Honey babysitted for her to make numerous derogatory comments about her.  Out-and-out lies!!  I am in shock because I thought this girl and Honey were going to be such good friends, as well as her husband and me.  Not anymore.  'The crowd' shunned her and from what I saw they only got invited to one of the many Christmas functions.  'The crowd' came to Honey's defense and showed her she really does have good friends now who won't accept others who would treat her so.

Back to the Lil' Bear.  Honey is a picture taking..aholic.  I do not think that a single day of the last 10 months plus that Honey hasn't taken 10 or more pictures of AJ.  Entering them in all kinds of contests too.  Unfortunately we lost but out of nowhere we were asked if some of our pictures could be used in a new book.  I was skeptical but hey they paid us so I guess, sure, why not!?  The little guy doesn't stop moving either.  I never felt my other children move in their mommies belly but AJ was moving every time I touched Honey's.  Now that he's out he is living up to that example.  Finally getting to be more acceptable to others holding him.  I was shocked on Christmas when his older brother picked him up and he cried when he put him down-that was an unexpected surprise.  I am simply amazed at the comments we get.  Strangers come up to us and tell us how cute he is!?  I really believe that Amer-asian kids are gorgeous comment now-its true.

It is not understandable that we stereotype cultures and make wide class defining statements.  They just can't be true.  But yet I sit her writing this and say and believe that Filipinas make the best wives and Filipinos as a culture are truly good people and friends no matter how many negative comments they get.

Bear, Honey and Lil' Bear

Title: Re: How different life is now.
Post by: Howard on December 29, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to How different life is now., posted by Bear on Dec 28, 2003


Nice Post!  Hopefully some day soon I will have similar observations to share :)

I can't tell you how good it feels to see the two of you... oooopsssss, er... three of you :P, so content.  I remember the battles you two faught to get to where you are now.  It's good to see that persistance and prayer pay off :)  

BTW AJ is a cute kid ;)  Gerlie just sent me the latest pic that Honey sent her :)  She just thinks AJ is adorable and, well... he is :)

Keep the Faith Brutha.... It's nice to see good things happen to good people!


Title: Re: Re: How different life is now.
Post by: Bear on December 30, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: How different life is now., posted by Howard on Dec 29, 2003

Thanx big guy!  One of these days we got to get up tp the icy north lands and visit.  Maybe once Gerlie gets here  Or you could come south!  Its much warmer here.

Bear Honey and Lil' Bear

Title: Re: How different life is now.
Post by: Peter Lee on December 28, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to How different life is now., posted by Bear on Dec 28, 2003

Well Bear Honey and now Lil'Bear
So do we call you Dada or Papa Bear? LOL
My wife really don’t like to use the web and she doesn’t tell me but I can feel she is not happy having to chat or email using the computer.   I wonder if she will be like your wife or do the same later.   Other Filipinas here are computer illiterate.
Well Bear, sorry but I don’t have a previous marriage to compare in my case but it is interesting that you finally settled down and happy with a Filipina that the AW could not.
It sounds like a great match when your’ job shows improvement.  If that happened to me I would be able to choke and kick better LOL.  
That could make me lose students hehehehe.   But I could use a bit of motivation as what happened to you.
She still argues that,” by Filipino standards I'm ugly", but I can say, "But that’s such a small part of the world and no one believes that anywhere else".  
So what’s up Bear?  Remember beauty is skin deep but UGLY is to the bone. LOL   How ugly are you?
I put in an order to God and he made her for me - I just had to wait till my mid-40's to get delivery?  Oh Please Bear I can’t stand it.  When I was 20 I was thinking about jumping out of airplanes. LOL But it is a good line and I would like permission to use it for my wife if I every get into trouble.   But if I use that line or something like it she gives me that Hhhhmmmmmmmmme.   Maricel has a problem when I compliment her maybe all the Filipinas have that problem.
Honestly fellas I can't look at her without knowing God made the beautiful creature just for me.   Oh please again.  Give us a break Bear the honey is to thick and sweet.   You have to share her when we see her for she will be vitamins for da eyes.  Hahahahaha
Well I hope she will call my Mom “Mom” but my mom is 82 and she might call her grand mom.  
Ok experiencing life through her youth?  Well that happened to me on our motorcycle trip when in the Philippines.   I guess I hope to experience that also if I am lucky like you.
Well Bear we are getting to the sensitive subject the ex.
You brought it up, but Bear what were you thinking when you chose her to be your mate for life?   What lesson is there for any of us?
I waited till 60 till I got married for the first time and now I am cut down for it.   I did not want what happened to you to happen to me and seen the writing on the wall.   But now with the large age difference 40 years am I crazy?   This was the last chance for me and maybe a little to late.   But if we have kids by the time they are teenagers and make all that trouble I will be to old to care or dead hehehehehe.
So Bear you enjoy the parties eh?   Watch the weight coz that will put it on.   I could care less if I never go to any party and like to be alone maybe it is because I am surrounded by many people everyday and have little privacy.  So we are all very different and that makes it more interesting.   That is why advice for one will not work for the other.
that "tampo" thing (I call it "a thousand questions"). Well I am not sure about what you are referring but yes talking it out has to be a daily thing to eliminate misunderstandings.   I did that and I can’t remember a single disagreement except when we were in Boracay and I wanted to go to Palawan and she wanted to go back to Cebu to get married.   She was right but I got my way anyway.   It did show her determination and hardheadedness.   So far we have not had any problems with relatives telling us anything.   Her papa tells her to resolve things with me and not to bother them with her own family problems.   Her older sister advises her not to be jealous as it is not a good tactic.   So I am ok in that department.
Maricel don’t take pictures so maybe it will change when she gets here.  I guess after she is here she will find a pet peeve.  
Pictures in a new book?  Sounds great.  Sometimes hobbies are rewarded.  
Strangers come up to us and tell us how cute he is!? I really believe that Amer-asian kids are gorgeous comment now-it’s true.
Well Bear most people tell all parents their kids are cute.  The truth is all babies are plain ugly.   Bald swollen eyes and stare at anyone but you.   They are demanding and scream when they want something.  They are also full of Kaka and the whole house smells of baby.  You have to watch them day and night and your sleep is a privilege.   They make you a prisoner coz you can’t go any place unless you have a good babysitter.  So when you are told that your ugly baby is cute that is your reward for the day.

I enjoy them in my classes when they are 5 years and older.   Now that is cute.   Amer-asian?   Well all the kids I have in my classes are cute but beware they are sticky and carry every virus known to man.   Always wash your hands after touching them LOL.
I did have 3 girls who were half Vietnamese and American.  When they grew up they were so stunning you couldn’t help but stare.   But the same thing happened to a Russian family with 3 girls in my classes.
Do Filipinas make the best wives?   I guess it depends who you ask.  If you ask me I would agree.  If you ask others you would get different answers.
I have read your past web page pictures and marriage.  Your post is an extension of your great start at your very beginning.  So it seems that if you keep doing what you’re doing you will be an example for all of us.   About your wife and having her talked about and put down that happens.  You were not specific of lies told but it could have been jealousy.  Soap operas are popular as they are stories of real life heartaches from neighbors and friends.  You seem to have handled it well and you are accepted by the crowd.   I just remember Walt Witman who said "To be with those I like, is enough."  I too will have to tackle those problems as they come up.   In addition our great age difference between me and my wife will also be additional something to deal with.  Reading your post and others have inspired me and will help me in future problems to come.  
I have not experienced any social problems with Philippines here in Daytona.   I am in a circle of people in my school and long established friends who come from a vast background of cultures who are very tolerant of other religions and ethnic backgrounds.  I have experienced AW showing surprise that I did not marry one of them and traveled 9000 miles to find a wife.  
Thanks for the post and I wish you and everyone on the post a happy new year.  
I know it is the Christmas holidays and spirit of friendship but I didn’t want to be just a yes man in this post.   A little controversy is good for the soul.   But I can take the beatings from the comebacks LOL
See you next year
Peter Lee

Title: Re: Re: How different life is now.
Post by: Bear on December 29, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: How different life is now., posted by Peter Lee on Dec 28, 2003

I'd say there are a lot of computer illiterate Filipinas.  I think that’s why I was so shocked when I met "the crowd" as I call them.  None had ever heard of the web sites like Planet-Love.

I think all women have a problem with compliments, not just Filipinas but you still have to and you had better mean it too.  

Her/our picture is posted on Jeff S's Asian Sweetie site.

I married my "ex" on the rebound from my first dying in an auto accident.  She was attractive (at that point of her life), but quickly "fattened up" and decided all chores were beneath her.  She was pretty much one of the girls who decided that the best of everything belonged to her and the worst of life was mine (and all the implications that go with that.)

I don't need help putting on the weight but I do enjoy going to those parties.  Honestly you just can't help laughing.

You'll know when you get tampo.  She won't talk even to tell you what the problem is.  That’s what makes it such a problem because you can't resolve it without knowing what occurred.  An example was once she had tampo at me for raising my eyebrows at her?  I didn't even know I had done it much less know what I had done.

The part about people making comments about the baby is just odd to me.  I happen to think all babies are cute, period.  But having so many make comments about it is what's so surprising.  I see a cute kid I just smile and go on but people will actually come up and tell us which blows me away.  I had not experienced that before.

When I say they make the best wives I am serious because I know so many now and all I can compare to is the AW's I've seen and there is just no comparison - Filipinas win out big.

The lies are really childish.  They were things that were literally said to belittle and degrade Honey's status to hers.  Things like how much she was paid as to what she was actually paid and the way she treated her child as compared to our own, etc.  The Filipinas' way of apologizing was to tell me she missed taking care of her pigs and goats and is homesick.  She said nothing to Honey or recanted any of the rumors that she started.  Since she had done this to others in the past she was ignored when invitations went out to the parties.  I really feel sorry for her because her husband just went to Iraq to work and it left her and her daughter very alone for the holidays.

I have had Filipinas including my wife wonder why we looked there (in the Philippines) rather than AW's here.  I tell the truth - Filipinas are prettier and make better wives.  Of course most Filipinas think that AW's are prettier? so they are skeptical.

I didn't take anything you said in a bad way?  I am not easy to aggravate - I had years of my "ex" so you aren't even in the competition.

Bear Honey & Lil' Bear

Title: Tampo and saving face
Post by: don2222 on December 30, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: How different life is now., posted by Bear on Dec 29, 2003

Hi All,

Most guys know or will learn about lambing.  An easy way to stop the tampo is to just be sweet, romantic, and loving.
Making her laugh works really well.

But, one "trick" that I learned is to also ask her a simple question "are you angry with me?"

In the Filipino culture it is considered very impolite to be angry with someone. If someone makes a mistake, it is actually the person that becomes angry that loses face, not the person that made the mistake.
So, of course she will tell you that she is not angry with you, but it does get the ball rolling on starting a discussion.

My opinions only, ymmv,


Title: Re: Re: Re: How different life is now.
Post by: Peter Lee on December 30, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: How different life is now., posted by Bear on Dec 29, 2003

Wow Bear Honey & Lil'Bear

Your comeback showed real class and nice info for me thanks.   I see that you knew I didn't mean anything in a bad way and I didn't.  It was really the most sincere letter I have read in a long time.  Like I said an inspiration to all of us.   About the babies, well coz I work with them each day when they are 5 and up I enjoy em more.  Still have to wash my hands though they get sticky hehehehe Thanks for filling in the details.  I don't have your experience yet with a live in wife, but I chatted with my wife tonight and she was on the web cam.  She was so happy and full of smiles and good humor.  I was depressed coz I couldn't get her on line for almost a week.  The rain and brown outs closed the email cafes a few times when she got there.  It is hard not to be able to pick up a phone and not be able to talk to her anytime I want.  She has to travel almost an hour to get to a cell phone coverage area.  But finally seeing her and being able to talk to her on the phone made up for it.  So I got into a better mood after that.   Still in the background I hear the Mosques chanting and wonder if I will ever be able to visit her home?  She had that problem with compliments again but I like to do it anyway like you said it should be done anyway if it is from the heart.  Sorry to hear of your previous spouse fatal accident.  But I had been lucky with previous gf.  All were very good and were good wife material.  I was not ready for them and many times I can kick myself for letting any of them go.  I was not ready then and now they are all married and send me post cards of their kids.  Most of my previous gf still contact me as we parted friends.  
I talked to Maricel about "Tempo" I didn't call it that I described it as the "silent treatment".  She promised me she would not do that to me and said she would talk it out if we had a problem.   So the whole time I have known her she never used it.  We will see when she gets here if she keeps her promise.
Merry New Year

Title: Compliments
Post by: don2222 on December 30, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: How different life is now., posted by Peter Lee on Dec 30, 2003

It really helps to explain to her that it makes you very happy to compliment her, and that all she needs to do is just say "thank you" .  You can  then "test her", and give her about a dozen compliments.  You know you have succeeded when her response is to smile and say thank you.
This is simple, fun, and typically works really well.


Title: Re: Compliments
Post by: Peter Lee on January 06, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Compliments, posted by don2222 on Dec 30, 2003

Don it worked real good thanks, she now says thank you.
I is a whole attitude change coz she hadn't found out how to adjust to complements before.

Title: Re: Compliments
Post by: Peter Lee on December 30, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Compliments, posted by don2222 on Dec 30, 2003

I will try that next time Don sounds good.

See you next year.

Title: Re: Re: How different life is now.
Post by: SteveB on December 29, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: How different life is now., posted by Peter Lee on Dec 28, 2003

Peter-lee,  What do you do at your school?  I am a teacher and Juliet and I plan on moving to the Ocala-Silver Springs area sometime next year.  Sorry if I missed this info from other posts!  I teach Middle School Math and PE.


Title: Re: Re: Re: How different life is now.
Post by: jon on December 30, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: How different life is now., posted by SteveB on Dec 29, 2003


I am in Tampa whcih won't be too far away if you need help with anything.


Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: How different life is now.
Post by: SteveB on December 31, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: How different life is now., posted by jon on Dec 30, 2003

Thanks Jon

Title: Re: Re: Re: How different life is now.
Post by: Peter Lee on December 30, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: How different life is now., posted by SteveB on Dec 29, 2003

Sorry Steveb,

Ocala is a place you will never forget I have never heard of anyone not liking it there.  The weather is nice all year round.  I like the beach and Ocean but it is not too far for you to go on the weekend.   I hope you can visit me some day when you pass by.  

  I am not very good at Math and rely on spell check to get me by LOL.

My classes are in the Martial Arts training school that I teach here in Daytona Beach

I teach Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Hapkido, kickboxing and use my Degree in Korean Tae Kwon Do as a discipline base for ranking and structure.  

The family classes have the same curriculum as the hard core classes only practiced in a way that no one gets hurt.

Off hours we have the submission wrestling classes with no Gee and get ready for tournaments.

I am a small guy weigh about 160 and 5'11 so I have to use as much skill as I can with my 46 years of training to keep the big guys from crushing me.

I enjoy teaching the women's Cardio Kickboxing classes and hand pick the music myself.

I did get a bad hip injury a few years ago in the Pam American Jiu Jitsu tournament.  I got my Gold medal and beat guys 30 years younger than me.  But I would give it back if I could get my hip without the injury back.  

Good Luck Steveb
And Merry New Year

Title: bear, if you dont mind
Post by: Robian on December 28, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to How different life is now., posted by Bear on Dec 28, 2003

hi there bear i was just curious if whats your's and honey's age gap. A lot of people been trying to stop me to be marry my fiancee because of our age gap (29 yrs.) but i really dont care about that coz for me age is aint nothing but a number.Well at least he's not older than my dad like my sister's husband.

Title: Re: bear, if you dont mind
Post by: Bear on December 28, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to bear, if you dont mind, posted by Robian on Dec 28, 2003

26 years.  Age is a factor but not as important as here in the states.

Bear, Honey and Lil' Bear

Title: Re: bear, if you dont mind
Post by: Peter Lee on December 28, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to bear, if you dont mind, posted by Robian on Dec 28, 2003

Hi yan welcome to PL

There is a 40 year gap between me and my wife.   She is 20 and I am 60.   And yes age does matter!   We are not based on a physical relationship and we plan on having children.  I am sure that some couples would have problems while others would not.  We have been married since Sep 2003 and have known each other about one year now.  I am very happy with her and she seems happy with me.   I am a Martial Arts instructor so I may look younger than most as I am in good physical shape and have never been married.  There are other Filipinas married here at home with your age difference 30 years and seem to be very happy.   I have been told the risk is greater the more the age difference.  But similar age differences have not guaranteed successful marriages either.  With me we took a long 2 month motorcycle and ferry trip all over the Visayas.  In that time we bonded, it was so strong and powerful that I can't see life without her.  I felt the bonding happened to both of us.  I feel love takes years to grow, I have seen it in my parents.  She is not here yet so I can only tell you what we have done up to now.   Our email snail mail chats and phone calls are great.   I have seen her two times in Dec 02 and again in July to Sep 03.  I guess it is the ultimate test that most couples who meet and marry locally never go through that ultimate test..  By the time she gets here we will know more about each other than most couples who have married locally.  Any way that's my 2peso worth.   Hope you get more responses it would be interesting.  But really Yan after you meet and court awhile if there is any question or doubt stop.   My wife said to me that if I had any doubt to marry her to stop.  She said she is still young and can find another mate if I reject her.  But to get married when I have regrets or doubts would be worse.  I felt free to really think about what I was doing.   So when I made my decision to ask her to marry me I was committed 100%.   The reason I said that age makes a difference is there are more challenges and roadblocks ahead for big gap marriages.   Yes like your sister my wife's papa is younger than me.  Many negative problems come up that don’t come up with less age gap couples you know that.  But the rewards are there too, older men are more mature, financially stable, and know what they want and are more committed.  The older guy has got his playing around days over with and wants a stable loving relationship.   Younger guys may do that too but more risky.   But you know that already and it depends on the guy and you right?   So if you have never met don’t get so mushy and intimate with your chats and email at first.   The whole reason for them is to meet first and see each other face to face and go from there.
I had a nice Filipina in Davao and got to see her after chatting and emailing for several months.   When we met it was a disaster, her picture was nothing like what she sent, she was rude and I didn’t think she liked me either.   But I left with lots of experience and embarrassment.  
It would be interesting if you told us about your sister who had married someone as old as your papa too.  It sounds like she was unhappy otherwise you wouldn't be asking.  Good Luck in finding happyness.

Merry New Year
Peter Lee

Title: our story
Post by: Robian on December 29, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: bear, if you dont mind, posted by Peter Lee on Dec 28, 2003

HI peter! thanks for the post, it's great.
I already gave up last May on searching for that someone and im glad i did gave myself the second chance to search again coz i wouldn't have known such a great man as Bob.
My fiancee and I met last june 08, 2003 and all we know we've been spending each day together before he left on the 25th.By that time we've known each other but not that much, so he decided to come back by October. Email, chatting, and calling me for almost everyday made him anxious and impatient to come back here in Cebu. So he came back last August 19, 2003 bringing his eldest son ( maybe to see if i could be a good stepmom ) ooops...his son is 4 years older than me. Then he asked me to be his girlfriend.During those times i told myself that this man is the one want to be with and grow old with.They left on Sept. 06,2003. He came back last October 15 and stayed until nov. 20. That's the time when our relationship was really tested. My parents are too strict that wherever we go, we had a chaperone and Bob can't adjust to the culture that he thinks my parents dont trust him with me. I dont like his being cranky at times as well as he dont like my pouting all the time. But later with his stay here, we were able to work things out.
You are right Peter, older men is done with his playing around days, thats why i choose to be with one coz im tired of being fooled and broken hearted.
Bob has shown me a lot of things. One thing i like most of him is that he takes good care of me. He respects me and he always tells me that im special and that he's so lucky to have me. He made some poems for me too. Life would never be the same again without Bob.
We are planning to get married next year, no fix date yet but i'll post here when the date is set.
bob and yan

Title: Re: our story
Post by: Peter Lee on December 30, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to our story, posted by Robian on Dec 29, 2003

Hi again Yan,

These replies can go on forever hehehe but I did want to comment on Bob's son being 4 years older than you.  Here in our town there is a couple married and the Filipina is 25 and her husband's son is 20.  The husband is 57 and they are married 3 years now.  They did have some problems in the beginning as the son still lives in the same house as they do.  The problem was lack of respect from the younger son.  Remember the attitude and upbringing here in the USA is different from the Philippines, this son was very, very rude and disrespectful and resented his dad marrying someone so young.  The father has a problem choosing which one to side with and sometimes makes the mistake of choosing the son's side of a disagreement.  Well she ran away for a week and finally came back after a long talk.  Now a year later everything is ok again.  I am sure that Bob's son is not like that but I wanted to share the story so you could get the part of him having to choose sides in a disagreement.  It put her in a very bad situation in a strange land away from her family and friends.  I don't think the husband knew how bad it was till it was too late.  But the story had a good ending as they are back together again and they are my best friends and help me with anything when it comes to questions about my wife. I was in Cebu in Dec 02 when I met my wife.  I was disappointed with a few chat mates I visited and was invited to a house by my now wife's Aunt.  She lives in greyhound village Cacu.  I was invited to meet the Aunt's daughter but Maricel caught my eye.  We were introduced and the rest is history.  Like you the courtship was with the whole family tagging along hehehe I didn’t mind.  Yes I wish there was not so much age difference between us but we became sweethearts fell in love and bonded.  I have the feeling that it will be the best thing I have ever done.  But Yan I am limited with my advice coz I have not been married long.  My wife is still not here with me, others with a longer track record than I can give other examples like Bear and Honey.  But I am just a few months from where you are now and I can say that I was very nervous at the civil wedding in Cebu.  I had never been married before and it was a big step for me.  Even though we are apart I have never been so happy before.  
So good luck keep posting and Merry New Year

Title: Hi peter!
Post by: Robian on December 30, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: our story, posted by Peter Lee on Dec 30, 2003

Hi peter! im glad you shared your bestfriends experiences with the son.
Josh( Bob's son ) was very kind and respectful to me. We get along well and he's fond of calling me names. Like " poutster, pout master, jelly bean, etc. " Before they left Cebu last sept.06,2003. josh whispered something to me. He said " You got a yes vote from me  " it made me cry coz i really didnt expect he would say something as nice as that.
And also, Bob's all by himself at home since he already built a house for each of his children.
thanks for your post peter, i really appreciate it.

Title: Re: Hi peter!
Post by: Peter Lee on December 30, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Hi peter!, posted by Robian on Dec 30, 2003

Yes many wish they were lucky like you.   Good luck and see you next year.

Title: Hi Pete!! Good Luck with Your Marriage
Post by: greg on December 29, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: bear, if you dont mind, posted by Peter Lee on Dec 28, 2003

Your gonna need it once she arrive here. The Age problem isn't in her native country, but may happen once she's in America. My age difference with my Ex AW Pinay was only 16 yrs, she was knock out beautiful. I myself is into health fitness, body building..even through I look good for my age..people thought I was her Father, our age difference later became a Problem for her.. When we courted, her age was 28, mine 44.

Title: Re: Hi Pete!! Good Luck with Your Marriage
Post by: Peter Lee on December 30, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Hi Pete!! Good Luck with Your Marriage, posted by greg on Dec 29, 2003

Well today we chatted and had the web cam and decided that we are both ugly.  So our chances to stay together is heightened LOL.

Yes, you are unfortunately right, but what can you do.  The options are not to have loved at all.  I did not plan on falling in love with such a young girl.  But it happened and I plan to make the most of it.  I plan to continue to post so you can follow the disaster that may befall me.  But I have hope coz it has been done before and I feel I may be able to pull this off for about 30 years.  I know the risks and I am a paratrooper so I’m jumping.  Not just any couple could pull this off but some have in the past so it can be done.  I know I will have plenty of help from PL.  Others in this town are doing it with similar age gaps and seem happy after 3 years of marriage.
Greg, you didn't say what happened, you left me hanging.  What was the end of the story and what can we learn from what happened?
We have chatted and talked about what will happen if she is called my daughter.  If they ask her if I am her dad?  She seems cool headed about and looked at it with a bit of humor.  I almost thought about retiring in the PI I know then the chances are better so that wouldn't happen.  
Any way thanks for the post and Merry New Year

Title: Hi Pete, I used to be a Wrangler
Post by: greg on December 31, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Hi Pete!! Good Luck with Your Marria..., posted by Peter Lee on Dec 30, 2003

rode horses for a living part time. Anyway, People think that I'm much younger than my old age LOL. When I met my ex AW Pinay at her Mother's 3rd wedding..I lied about my age, said I was 34 instead of 44..she was 28. So later I told her the truth, thats when my "Age" became a Problem. Welcome to the Good USA..As You know, Americans make a Stink about AGE..Anyway, I feel that Americans gonna MESS with Your Wife's Head concerning Your huge age GAP. Happened to me...As I said..I look good for my age, but People was always asking Her if I was her Father. A funny thing is that She didn't Leave me, I left Her for My Son's Mother in RP. I count Bear and Honey as a Successful Story for those with Huge age GAPS. Bear did an Excellent Job preparing Honey for life in America..Maybe that is partly why their marriage is successful. To be Honest with You, I see red flags in your Posts concerning Your relationship..From following Bear past Posts concerning his relationship with Honey, I didn't find any red flags in their relationship. The only plm was with Honey's family circle concerning $$$$$$$$$

Title: Re: Hi Pete, I used to be a Wrangler
Post by: Peter Lee on January 01, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Hi Pete, I used to be a Wrangler, posted by greg on Dec 31, 2003

Yes and a merry new year Greg, and from your post I see that I need to work on getting my wife more prepared to come here.  I have done what I could with my limited knowledge and read all the posts to get more ideas.  Any ideas or comments will be welcome, I can take the hard knocks if you gotem.  Red flags are always a problem coz I won't see them.   So any help would be appreciated I am learning as we go.    
My friends tell me even the ones happily married that the most financial risk you can take in your life is getting married LOL.  
It was encouraging to know that you left your former wife and not the other way round so the age gap wasn’t the problem.  I already get the looks when they hear 20 and I am 60.   You can see what they are thinking; they just don’t see how it could last in the Western perspective.  Yes I will get “is he your father?”  Thing or “is that your daughter?”  But my friends here in Daytona don’t run into that problem they are married 3 years he is 57 and she is 25 and he knew her when she was 19, she is from Mindanao also.   I have been watching them closely to see red flags.   But they have become good friends and some how Filipinas are immune to the social barriers of the age thing here in Daytona.  Maybe it is more of a tolerant place, they call this town the “The Red Neck Riviera” LOL    
It seems I have lots of time still to get ready and under these circumstances it may be a good idea to go back one more time and visit with her before she comes over if I can afford it.   I have in the past always dated younger women at least 15 to 20 year’s difference.  This time it is more serious coz it is double that and us being married but the commitment is there and like it was discussed on this board before this may be my last chance to marry a young virgin and make it work.   If it was not for living examples around me that show me it can be done I would have doubts.   What I have observed the Filipinas here have endured abuse from family members and lived with stepsons that had no respect.  Any one else would have given up.   I see also that although the culture is very tolerant as a whole they are all individuals that make decisions on their own.  But I will not really know until my wife  gets here and is settled down if all will work out.   Yes I trust her and I know she is very tolerant to hardships.   The  2200 mile motorcycle ride in the Visayas showed me that.  
I ask my wife if a few months ago why don’t you leave our motorcycle with your papa.  Oh no, papa has bad arthritis and bad knees and he can’t ride it.   So I ask how can he harvest the crop on the farm?   Well sometimes he gets up very early and he doesn’t do so well.    
My wife so far has no demand from her Family to ask for $$$$$.   I was surprised on the phone when I talked to her papa who is one year younger than me.   He is a farmer and had limited knowledge of English and spoke very humble and seemed very un-streetwise and polite in his actions and words.   He has 2 hectares of land he makes a living from and has supported 4 daughters and a wife.   So he is and still works hard harvesting and planting.   There is something very honest about the old way of farming and a clean way to make a living.   I know that money would be hard for him to come by even though they will always eat well.   Why do I go into all this?
Well I have to say my heart was softened by this situation.   Papa is to proud to ask for help.   The Aunt in Cebu is very well off and paid for my wife’s Collage. But she will only help in a limited way.   As is the custom they don’t ask for help but say poor papa he is in a sad situation.   The house must come down it is on the widening part of the highway.   He will have to get into lots of debt to build another house.   So at first I said “no way” and that was that no one bothered me any more on the subject.   But like acid it burned a hole in my head thinking of the situation.   I noticed the men on the board advised me not to do it but all the women said “do it”.  I reminded myself that my wife wanted a civil wedding to save money although I was ready to pay the expenses for a white wedding.   She insisted on just a simple civil wedding and it worried me for a while.  Maybe she had on her mind that in the future if help was asked it would be better to spend the money on family hardships?  I see now that this woman I married is very practical.   I remember when I wanted to buy her a gold necklace last Dec after our engagement.   She said no, but would it be ok to buy one for mama?   That way of thinking is for the family and I liked it.   So to me it was not that much money $1900 in increments of 500 Oct, 700 Nov and 700 Dec.  I added $100 for her expenses except for Christmas I added an additional $100.   It was sent to my ATM and she withdrew it $400 at a time.   As of now there is still $500 in her ATM from 1st Dec she has not withdrawn yet.   She takes it out as she needs it for material for the house.   Carpenters get paid by the day and if it rains they get paid if you start them and don’t do a day’s work coz of the rain.  I got to the point of saying what the heck just do it and see what happens.   I feel justified to never have to help them again if I want.   If more money is suggested papa will have to take care of the rest himself but the bulk of the burden is lifted from him.   I also figured out that it is not to my best interest to see papa get into any situations that he can’t help himself.   So I did go against most the member’s recommendations by helping to pay for the new house but I sleep better at night.   I also went against most members recommendations by telling my wife after I had helped them that now I did not have enough money to visit her as planned in February.   She was upset about that but I explained to her that how would we feel seeing each other knowing papa has no house and is in incredible debt to try to build another house with no help.   How could we enjoy my visit knowing the price of the ticket could pay a new house?   Well she agreed on that and sad to say it was really true.  Because I am doing so much at the same time building 2 apartments paying the end of the year property taxes and paying back my Mother a partial loan that helped buy a new house, all this at once  got me into a jam.   I am digging myself out of debt a step at a time and I really look forward for the time she is not here to get out of debt.   I had 5 apartments not rented and now only 2 left to rent and just one more to build so things are looking up.  
I have to say Greg that by writing this down I am more aware of what I have done and share with the members to see if  what I am doing is salvageable.  .  
Because I don’t hold many personal secrets members are more likely to have constructive suggestions that can help me or show me the red flags.
The last 2 chats I had with my wife have been the best yet,  She is happy and cheerful and her mama is smiling which she rarely does.   Her wanting to get a job is in my opinion her frustrating way of trying to help and get away from a boring Bansarvil situation.   But a lot of things she says and does is testing me to see what I would suggest her to do.   Her last chat she said her mama told her to follow what I suggest as it will keep her out of hurt LOL
Peter Lee

Title: Pete, I was Never married
Post by: greg on January 01, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Hi Pete, I used to be a Wrangler, posted by Peter Lee on Jan 1, 2004

to my Ex AW Pinay nor to anyone else for that matter(49, still single going on 50). God Bless

Title: That's OK, Greg
Post by: Jeff S on December 31, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Hi Pete, I used to be a Wrangler, posted by greg on Dec 31, 2003

My wife is older than I and still people think I'm her father. She's not out chasing younger men though.

- Jeff

Title: Hi JeffS
Post by: greg on December 31, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to That's OK, Greg, posted by Jeff S on Dec 31, 2003

Happy New Years. :O)

Title: ROFLMAO! n/t
Post by: Ray on December 31, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to That's OK, Greg, posted by Jeff S on Dec 31, 2003


Title: Re: How different life is now.
Post by: Jay on December 28, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to How different life is now., posted by Bear on Dec 28, 2003

Fantastic post Art,

I hear ya!!!

Did nobody else catch this post?????

hardly, were better word's ever written on this board, COME ON people, Let's hear some feedeback!

Bear and Honey have already passed the "Jay" full of sh1t test. Not that they needed to. However, let's hear some comment's on a "from the heart" post. The Mf'er has finaly learned what it feels like to be loved. And Honey was the key, isn't that worth something???

PS- hey Art, my dad is dying out in katy, so I think I wiil be in Houston soon, So if you will allow, I will come with hat in hand to ask for Honey and your forgiveness.

God Bless,

Title: Re: Re: How different life is now.
Post by: Jay on December 29, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: How different life is now., posted by Jay on Dec 28, 2003

Dave, call me pls.

Title: Re: Re: How different life is now.
Post by: Bear on December 28, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: How different life is now., posted by Jay on Dec 28, 2003

Jay, I am not one to hold grudges.  And I am truly sorry to hear about your Dad - my Dad died at the ripe old age of 48 never getting to know my kids (his grandkids).  It was really tough to turn 49 this past year without thinking about outliving him and all he meant and all we missed because of his death.  My dad was pretty much a full-blooded Indian, mostly Chicasaw. which I believe is one of the Apache tribes.  Most people don't know that a large percentage of Indians are diabetics and that "firewater" reaction that the movies made so well known is actually a sugar reaction of the diabetes.  My dad actually killed himself drinking.

Take care of yourself dude!  Look forward to meeting another Planet-Love member.

Bear, Honey and Lil' Bear

Title: Re: Re: Re: How different life is now.
Post by: Jay on December 29, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: How different life is now., posted by Bear on Dec 28, 2003

thanks Art,
I really mean that. Maybe I'll come with hat in hand knockin' on your door one day soon.

Take care of Marrisa,
You finally got it,

 keep giving all Glory to Heavenly father, first,

Title: Re: How different life is now.
Post by: eric on December 28, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to How different life is now., posted by Bear on Dec 28, 2003

Glad everything worked out for you,I believe you were one of the veterans I followed over from the other forum that was destroyed many years ago.

Regards eric

Title: Re: Re: How different life is now.
Post by: Bear on December 28, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: How different life is now., posted by eric on Dec 28, 2003

Thanks Eric,

You must mean the "brides-by-mail" forum that was destroyed by flamers.  Tim and Howard followed me here from there also.  If you are looking for other sites there is also "", "linp2" (living in the Philippines 2) and "streetwisephilippines" both Yahoo groups and of course the Maga-anak yahoo group.  

MOF, went to a Mag-anak party last night.  It was great.  Had members from as far away a Seattle and South Carolina.  Honey now has a new friend who just got her a few weeks ago and was obviously so relieved to meet so many Filipinas.  We invited her and her husband to the big New Years party so they could meet more of "the crowd".

Sorry George wasn't there and oddly enough no one there wants to hang around him either.  Hmmm?

Bear, Honey and Lil' Bear

Title: good post...tess
Post by: Stephen on December 28, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to How different life is now., posted by Bear on Dec 28, 2003

Keep it coming. Give our hugs to the little one.

Title: Re: good post...tess
Post by: Bear on December 28, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to good post...tess, posted by Stephen on Dec 28, 2003

Thanks Tess

Happy New Year to you and Stephen

Bear, Honey and Lil' Bear