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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2004 => Topic started by: nealt on January 13, 2004, 05:00:00 AM

Title: A true story
Post by: nealt on January 13, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
A good friend of mine went to Cebu 3 years ago to try and find a good women that he may marry well he met one after 3 month"s they got engaged he came back to the USA. my wife from Cebu new this girls family and she found out she had a bf there and was pregnant so i told him about it the marriage was off.he went back 4 months ago to meet some women his driver new there where 9 of them he fell in love again and got married this time to a 29 yo women the driver introduced him to the drivers name is jarred if you ever go there.well he rented a apartment and planned to stay there untill her papers are ready he left all money matters up to her (his wife) he has a monthly income of $4,500 US a month in the meantime his brother in law died her in the us he went to use his ATM card for tickets guess what no money in his account now his apartment was paid for in advance for 1 year all she had to pay for was their food when he asked where $9,000 dollars went she would not answer, then he tells me she gets calls from men all over the country she says they are friends only (YEA RIGHT)also she goes to the e-mail cafe efery day.
It gets better,they have a small apartment her mother moves in her brother moves in and the mother is bringing 5to 9 girls at a time to cebu from other islands to find a job guess where they stay.
he tells his wive to kick them out never happend,he finally gets her passport and she tells him to take it back she not comeing here but if she has to it will only be to go to vegas disney land and the falls then back to cebu.
well he got back here last night he only has $30.00 to his name and will spend that to get a annulment

Title: Hey TNeal....
Post by: Stephen on January 13, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to A true story, posted by nealt on Jan 13, 2004

I've wanted to call you and check on you several times, but the phone number I have for you doesn't work.

drove me an email.

Title: Re: A true story
Post by: Humabdos on January 13, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to A true story, posted by nealt on Jan 13, 2004

Is your friend retarded or just a little slow?

Title: Re: Re: A true story
Post by: nealt on January 14, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: A true story, posted by Humabdos on Jan 13, 2004

he may be a little of both,maybe just dumb

Title: Geez.
Post by: Jeff S on January 14, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: A true story, posted by nealt on Jan 14, 2004

Retarded, slow AND dumb? Face it - some of the gene pool is simply prey. No getting around it.

- Jeff

Title: Re: Re: Re: A true story
Post by: Humabdos on January 14, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: A true story, posted by nealt on Jan 14, 2004

Does he work in D.C.? ROTFLMAO!

You know I use to blame the Gold diggers but some of these Kano's don't have a lick of common sense they almost deserve it for being so stupid!


Title: Gold Digger or Stupid Kano?
Post by: Ray on January 15, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: A true story, posted by Humabdos on Jan 14, 2004

I knew that you would finally figure that out some day Hum (LOL)

Maybe it’s like the principle of Supply and Demand. If there is a demand for gold diggers, then there is going to be a supply to meet that demand. Here’s a good example from the “other furum”:

Fiancee's family and my money

Can anyone suggest the best way of handling her family taking advantage of her? I send her about 1000$ a month but her mother and family seem to always need it. She did not have any left for her phone card. I know how filipinas are taught to help and do what their mothers say but it is getting harder for me to keep my mouth shut!! Any suggestions thanks...


Title: Supply and demand
Post by: Humabdos on January 15, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Gold Digger or Stupid Kano?, posted by Ray on Jan 15, 2004

I think the supply of dumb Kano's far exceeds the supply of gold digging Filipinas, but after you factor in the Green card sharks it's easy to see why the naive Kano hasn't a china mans chance.
So how do these Kanos end up financially secure if they are so damn dumb? Easy most have or had government jobs...

Title: Re: Supply and demand
Post by: Ray on January 16, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Supply and demand, posted by Humabdos on Jan 15, 2004

Government jobs? Hmmmmm? You may be on to something there Hum! :-)


Title: Stupid Kano !!!!!!!
Post by: don2222 on January 15, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Gold Digger or Stupid Kano?, posted by Ray on Jan 15, 2004

" I send her about 1000$ a month "

That is a years salary he is sending every month.
That is one stupid kano, and he is setting a really bad precedent, he is creating his own little welfare system where her family will never work again.  The demands for more and more money will never stop.


Title: Re: Stupid Kano !!!!!!!
Post by: Ray on January 16, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Stupid Kano !!!!!!!, posted by don2222 on Jan 15, 2004


I suggested that he cut them off completely for a few months just to see what happens. He said he couldn't do that because then she wouldn't be able to make her car payment or finish building the new house or pay for the tuition to send her and her 2 sisters through medical school. So I suggested that he start sending her $2,000/month. ROFLMAO!

This guy isn’t even married yet! Oh well, some people will never learn…


Title: Re: Re: Stupid Kano !!!!!!!
Post by: Peter Lee on January 19, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Stupid Kano !!!!!!!, posted by Ray on Jan 16, 2004

Does this mean I should up my wife's $100 monthly budget LOL.

Title: I can save him a lot of money......
Post by: don2222 on January 16, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Stupid Kano !!!!!!!, posted by Ray on Jan 16, 2004

[This message has been edited by don2222]

I can introduce him to plenty of filipinas that won't ask for anything, then he only needs to send me $500 a month, for now, for my services....

Title: Now we know Don
Post by: Humabdos on January 16, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I can save him a lot of money......, posted by don2222 on Jan 16, 2004

That's how you are supporting yourself over there! Have you teamed up with Jean? ROTFLMAOTNTPIMP!

BTW did you hear Paris is now civilized? They got their first Starbucks the other day! ;-)


Title: A wake up call
Post by: greg on January 13, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to A true story, posted by nealt on Jan 13, 2004

can happen to any Fool. Tneal why didn't you and your wife try lining up some good Women in RP for him to choose from? After all, he suppose to be your friend.

Title: Re: A wake up call
Post by: nealt on January 14, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to A wake up call, posted by greg on Jan 13, 2004

we did try but the driver talked him out of it,that is his loss not ours a few of them are real keepers

Title: Wow! Amazing!
Post by: Ray on January 13, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to A true story, posted by nealt on Jan 13, 2004

$30.00 for an annulment? Where did he ever find a two-bit lawyer like that?

Title: Hey Ray
Post by: nealt on January 14, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Wow! Amazing!, posted by Ray on Jan 13, 2004

You and i never go away do we,i have been married to Jessica for 6 years now and started posting on this board before i eaven went to Cebu

Title: Go Away!
Post by: Ray on January 14, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Hey Ray, posted by nealt on Jan 14, 2004

You've been here too long! Just kidding...

Has it been six years already? Congratulations! Has Jessica applied for citizenship yet?

I'll be coming up on my 4th anniversary here real soon. Married life couldn't be better! :-)


Title: Re: Go Away!
Post by: nealt on January 14, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Go Away! , posted by Ray on Jan 14, 2004

No she has not applied yet,she could have last Augest but with loosing 2 stepsons in 3 years she does not want to yet
i guess it is a PI thing i dont know it does not matter at this point in our lives

Title: Lawyer joke time
Post by: stefang on January 14, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Wow! Amazing!, posted by Ray on Jan 13, 2004

"One afternoon, a wealthy lawyer was riding in the back of his limousine when he saw two men eating grass by the side of the road. He ordered his driver to stop and he got out to investigate.

"Why are you eating grass?", he asked one man.

"We don't have any money for food," the poor man replied.

"Oh, come along with me then."

"But, sir, I have a wife and two children!"

"Bring them along! And you, come with us too!", he said to the other man.

"But, sir, I have an wife and six children!", the second man answered.

"Bring them as well!"

They all climbed into the car, which was no easy task, even for a car as large as a limo. Once underway, one of the poor fellows says, "Sir, you are too kind. Thank you for taking all of us with you."

The lawyer replied, "No problem, the grass at my home is about two inches tall."

Title: Your too kind hehehehehe
Post by: greg on January 14, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Lawyer joke time, posted by stefang on Jan 14, 2004

couldn't stop laughing hehehe..So the Lawyer wanted them to eat his grass??? hehehehe

Title: Hey.....I resemble that remark! (nt)
Post by: Stephen on January 13, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Wow! Amazing!, posted by Ray on Jan 13, 2004


Title: Hey Stephen
Post by: Jeff S on January 14, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Hey.....I resemble that remark!  (nt), posted by Stephen on Jan 13, 2004

Know why sharks never attack lawyers?

Title: Answer
Post by: Jeff S on January 14, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Hey Stephen, posted by Jeff S on Jan 14, 2004

professional courtesy.

Title: Re: Wow! Amazing!
Post by: nealt on January 13, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Wow! Amazing!, posted by Ray on Jan 13, 2004

he has money here but only had $30.00 to fly back with

Title: newbie mistakes........
Post by: don2222 on January 13, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to A true story, posted by nealt on Jan 13, 2004

Wow, so many newbie mistakes, I wonder how much of a kick-back the driver got in exchange for setting them up.

1)  The more english the driver speaks, the more likely he is to rip you off.  Many drivers offer to introduce filipinas, but then they want to set you up with hookers so they can get a kickback on whatever the girl can squeeze out of the guy.

2) The filipina has probably never managed more than $100 in her life, and he trusted her to manage $9000 plus ???

3) He paid one years rent in advance ????  That is crazy, i always pay the monthly rent at the last possible moment, you never know when things can get crazy.

4) mom sounds like a mamasan, why is she importing girls to work in cebu, sounds awfully suspicious

5) a good filipina expects her man to be jealous, and would never risk making him angry by having many male friends or going to the internet cafe

6)  he never discussed finances or living arrangements before they married ??  did they have any pre-marital conversations at all ??

just my opinions....


Title: Re: newbie mistakes........
Post by: Nathan on January 14, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to newbie mistakes........, posted by don2222 on Jan 13, 2004


    I thought the Visayan words for Taxi driver and pimp
are one and the same....


Title: Re: newbie mistakes........
Post by: madmal on January 14, 2004, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to newbie mistakes........, posted by don2222 on Jan 13, 2004

Don2222 wrote:

"1) The more english the driver speaks, the more likely he is to rip you off. Many drivers offer to introduce filipinas, but then they want to set you up with hookers so they can get a kickback on whatever the girl can squeeze out of the guy."

In Vietnam the most commonly used phrase for prostitute translates as "Taxi-girl" and is very accurate. If a 'driver' introduces you to a girl or takes you to a bar it is a fair bet that you don't want to know her, or don't want to be there.  In Vietnam you steer well clear of taxi drivers that speak good english.
