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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2003 => Topic started by: Peter Lee on October 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM

Title: It is enough to make you cry
Post by: Peter Lee on October 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
Well guys and gals,

I finally got to chat with my wife today.  She is still sick and I spent half of the chat time to see if she had a kidney infection coz along with back pain she has a fever.   She had that in Boracay when the bladder infection went to the kidneys.   Antibiotics cleared it up very fast within 48 hours.  I ask her if it was the same and she said the back pain was worse than when we were in Boracay.   I had left a few strong pain pills behind and she took some of them coz she was in so much back pain [Darvacet].  The doctor only comes to the place she goes for the email café every Friday from Iligan.  Her parent’s house will be torn down this month and little material can be used for the new house.  The old house had a concrete floor that can’t be moved, the roof was rusty and the walls can’t be used again.   I had to wrench this information from her with a crowbar.  They are selling the cow which they used to breed and make some side money.  On the phone a couple of days ago she said that they will sell a Caribou and what I can gather borrow the rest with a loan for 20% interest.  She did not know how much will be loaned.  I ask if the aunt would help and she said they have not talked to the aunt and they know she has her own problems.  The new house will be built soon coz the highway is coming and the old house will be torn down this month.  I have not been asked for money yet and at first it was puzzling.  I now feel that the parents may think it is not an option to ask me as they may feel it would jeopardize the relationship between me and their daughter.  Because she is sick she can’t go to Cebu and take money out of the ATM.  That is the 100 to 200 $ I said I would send her per month.  I feel she wants to save money by not going to the Doctor thinking she will get better by herself.  But with bladder and kidney infections they usually don’t get better by themselves.   I wonder what happened to your grandparents when that happened before antibiotics.  She is taking some juice from a tree for the infection?  So far the parents have not asking for help, their attitude is that every one has there own problems and they are acting as if to have the situation under control.  It seems like there in for a harder life getting into debt at their age.  I can’t help to feel how lucky I am having a chance to live in this country.  It is times like these that make my contribution of 20 years in the Army and Air-force justified.  
I feel like I want to help but not sure how just yet.  It may be a better idea to wait and let them do what they can by themselves; I can always cut in later if things get out of hand.  They still have 2 of her younger sisters to raise that are going to school, one 12 the other 15.  Maricel said she will chat again tomorrow but she says that and never makes her appointments.   It was my idea to send her to her parents to wait on paperwork.  Who was to know the house was going to be taken down.  I feel responsible coz I had drilled in her that I am not rich and to save as much money as she can.  Well it has backfired and now I am worried that she won’t use the money she has to see the doctor.   I have to say that chatting with her put tears to my eyes.   Right now it is a wait and see approach.  I have always expected to help her family; this forum prepared me for that.  Sending a little boost once in a while would be ok with me, I am sure most do it.  But I am not prepared for not being asked for help.   Her older sister is married and they do not own their own house.  I know they are not in any position to help the parents.  So I guess the parents do not expect any help from any one.  I am writing this forum coz maybe some of you have had some experience with this and can talk to me about it.  I have instructed her to go to Cebu and get the paperwork done as on the list I gave her.  Going there is the only way she can pick up the monthly allowance, so sooner or later she has to go.  Well I wanted an innocent country girl and I got one, a city girl would have been easier.  With the rewards comes problems, so far I have no regrets.  

peterlee7772000 (9:50:18 PM): Ok it is still early in the morning for you are you going to a doctor this morning
maricelbandiana (9:50:38 PM): nooooooooooooo
peterlee7772000 (9:50:47 PM): WHY?
maricelbandiana (9:52:01 PM): maybe tomorrow coz you know doctor is to set on time coz sometimes thy came from ILIGAN CITY and just visit here mostly Friday only
maricelbandiana (9:52:24 PM): but I gonna try peterlee7772000 (9:54:55 PM): If you can't get a doctor till fri that is to long to wait with bad kidneys
peterlee7772000 (9:55:41 PM): You don't understand how dangerous it is not to get antibiotics right away if it is the kidneys
maricelbandiana (9:55:44 PM): no it would be fine i gonna wait anyway i just sleep here
peterlee7772000 (9:56:09 PM): so you gonna sleep where?
maricelbandiana (9:56:50 PM): in our house coz the widening ,,,maybe next week ha ha h a
maricelbandiana (9:57:51 PM): coz they said if you have so many problem and even how hard it is...dont forget to smile and you well be fine and feel better ...right??
maricelbandiana (9:58:14 PM): so i did it always
peterlee7772000 (9:58:21 PM): honey i am confused coz i am so worried and you are sick not going to the doctor and your house is a problem and your laughing
peterlee7772000 (9:58:37 PM): well ok I understand
peterlee7772000 (9:59:02 PM): I will trust you will do the right thing with the doctor
maricelbandiana (9:59:25 PM): well yes,,,,, i know and thankssssss
peterlee7772000 (9:59:31 PM): tell me about your parents problem with da house
maricelbandiana (10:00:45 PM): well as what ive heard what they plan,,,they gonna sell there cow and owe money\
maricelbandiana (10:00:56 PM): thats what i know
peterlee7772000 (10:01:17 PM): Did the cow give milk
maricelbandiana (10:01:40 PM): coz thy widening is these month coz its starting in the other place
maricelbandiana (10:02:07 PM): or town
maricelbandiana (10:02:31 PM): nnnnnnnnooooooooooo
peterlee7772000 (10:02:45 PM): so what did you use the cow for?
peterlee7772000 (10:03:37 PM): did it do work like the caribou
maricelbandiana (10:03:54 PM): just to grow and give a baby
maricelbandiana (10:03:58 PM): no
maricelbandiana (10:04:08 PM): it wont dso like the CARABAO can
peterlee7772000 (10:04:28 PM): ok so to make money with a calf
maricelbandiana (10:04:45 PM): coz CARABAO use to plow a land but the cow noo...
peterlee7772000 (10:04:46 PM): I am sorry honey i know so little of those things on your farm
maricelbandiana (10:04:51 PM): yessssssssssss
peterlee7772000 (10:05:51 PM): i wish we would have talked more of these things before now i feel so stupid about not knowing about your farm
maricelbandiana (10:12:01 PM): well honey my father is working in the farm when he is ok....most of the time he awake at 4;30 in the morning and make a rice to eat and then my mother too wake at maybe 5;00 or 5;30 and then my father gonna go to a farm w/a food w/him to eat for a lunch he is always doing these things since before and then when he reach thre he gonna pastured the CARABAO and COW and then he gonna worked in the farmed coz we have corned and and othere plants there
peterlee7772000 (10:13:39 PM): How is this house moving going to affect him, can the house be taken down and the material used again for the new house?
maricelbandiana (10:13:53 PM): but then when he is feel bad he go there and not worked so hard you know what honey LIFE is not easy more here in the mountain i know you dont know what im talking about but life here is not so fine
peterlee7772000 (10:14:48 PM): k tell me more
maricelbandiana (10:15:13 PM): mostly no coz the floor is all concrete and the wall you cannot break and put it again in the other place
peterlee7772000 (10:15:32 PM): so what will happen honey?\
maricelbandiana (10:16:00 PM): and the roof maybe but not all of it coz the roof is already rust coz no paint
peterlee7772000 (10:16:11 PM): yes
maricelbandiana (10:16:27 PM): well they gonna build it knew too live too
peterlee7772000 (10:16:47 PM): how is selling the cow going help
maricelbandiana (10:17:45 PM): they gonna borrow money in a person who let lend his money w/ 20% percent interest
maricelbandiana (10:20:24 PM): i dont know as long us they gonna build the house coz they should do it quick coz there are coming to break the house
peterlee7772000 (10:20:48 PM): ok
peterlee7772000 (10:21:13 PM): are you better there or in Cebu honey?
maricelbandiana (10:21:34 PM): well its really a problem but nothing we can do its all there so we have to solve it
peterlee7772000 (10:22:45 PM): What does Aunt Lita say about all this?
maricelbandiana (10:24:04 PM): well i dont call aunt lita for 2 weeks i called one last time but not now
peterlee7772000 (10:24:46 PM): yes I know dear that is why I though it was good for you to wait in your Mom's place but now so many problems and you are so far from the email or phone
maricelbandiana (10:24:58 PM): well i dont what she would say but you know honey they have also there owned problem...
peterlee7772000 (10:25:11 PM): yes I know
maricelbandiana (10:25:25 PM): yes thats the problem
maricelbandiana (10:25:44 PM): we have all deferent problems
peterlee7772000 (10:25:59 PM): Well first you have to get well and not be sick
maricelbandiana (10:26:50 PM): but you cannot see an entire happiness w/out any problem and troubles i know that
peterlee7772000 (10:27:06 PM): yes
maricelbandiana (10:27:21 PM): right???
peterlee7772000 (10:27:30 PM): right honey
maricelbandiana (10:27:52 PM): so be safe there and be happy honey always coz i love you so muchhh
maricelbandiana (10:36:04 PM): and hope and faith is always there that one day you well come back in me again and it make me feel ok and i know you love me and i love you so much and that senough

Title: water
Post by: Peaches on October 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to It is enough to make you cry, posted by Peter Lee on Oct 6, 2003

Yes, let her drink lots and lots of water. A lot of people are having UTI  because of
not drinking fluid until it worsen and infect other parts of the body  specially bladder
and kidney  . Lots of people also don't like to drink water. It's very important.


Title: Re: water
Post by: Peter Lee on October 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to water, posted by Peaches on Oct 6, 2003

Thanks Peaches, I will tell her to drink more water.  I wish she would listen to me sometimes, she has a hard head and this time she needs to listen and take antibiotics.  But you know years ago when there was no antibiotics people didn't die from kidney infections did they?

Title: Cranberry juice
Post by: Humabdos on October 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: water, posted by Peter Lee on Oct 6, 2003

I'm not sure if she can find it but it's the best cure for bladder infection.

Title: Re: Cranberry juice
Post by: Peter Lee on October 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Cranberry juice, posted by Humabdos on Oct 6, 2003

Well Hum thanks for your concern, I didn't see any cranberry juice there except in the expensive mall supermarkets.  I know when I drink coconut milk I have to pee every 5 minutes.  I believe it is better than cranberry juice coz in the bottle you buy, it is mostly sugar and called cranberry drink.  If her symptoms are correct it is past the bladder and infected the kidneys.  This could be dangerous and harder to cure.  When I had it I had a fever with it like she has and my back ache was unbearable.  I know she is smart enough to seek a doctor if it gets real bad.  It will get worse if she doesn't get antibiotics.  But all this is speculation, all is wait and see.

Title: Re: she can go to local doctor in her town
Post by: Febtember on October 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to It is enough to make you cry, posted by Peter Lee on Oct 6, 2003

Hey Peter,
About Maricel being sick let's hope she never exaggerate it being really sick.If I chat with you I can just easily tell that Oh I'm sick or  even talking to the phone she can still act like really sick.Remember filipina sometimes can be really dramatic.She can got to local doctor in her town becuase every town in philippines have local doctor and never cost her any to go there.I'm sure the doctor will do some test on her then give her prescription.Maybe part of it why she is sick because she's over stress thingkin the whole things happen.raquel

Title: Filipinas dramatic?
Post by: outwest77 on October 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: she can go to local doctor in her to..., posted by Febtember on Oct 6, 2003

LOL Febtermber you just describe my gf exactly, haha
i noticed many dramatic filipinas when i am there

Title: Re: Re: she can go to local doctor in her town
Post by: Peter Lee on October 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: she can go to local doctor in her to..., posted by Febtember on Oct 6, 2003

Hello Raquel,
I see you’re on yahoo chat a few times but you looked busy.  Yes your right I should be careful but these small towns get a doctor from Iligan once a week.  It sounds like she is in the mountains, there is no cell phone coverage there.  So the doctor comes this Friday, I hope she sees him.  She says it is hard to straighten up and the pain is above the hip in the back.  She says she has a temp. That indicates a kidney infection.  Of course she could be making it worse than it is but for what reason?   She has not ask me for money and the money she can get in the ATM she is not getting coz she is sick?   The first thing comes to my mind was get her to a doctor.  The second thing was it a coincidence being sick and house problems.  I talked to her sister one on one when she was on the phone at her house and ask her how sick she was.  The sister seemed to think she would be ok.  So if it is exaggeration it is not helping her get money.  It is getting her a lot of attention and after all she is not fully mature yet being 20 years old so it is hard to tell.  Well I will wait this one out and see how it develops.  It is too early to tell just yet.  If I find out it is all true then I could always get her dad out of debt at a later time.  Being in debt at 57 at 20% is close to slavery.  I am sure they sign their land over as collateral for the loan.  Right now I don't know how much the loan is for or anything.  I want to help and I agree with you I need to check it all out with out getting anyone upset.

Title: Me Too!
Post by: Ray on October 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: she can go to local doctor in he..., posted by Peter Lee on Oct 6, 2003


Like Harold, you’re making me nuts too! I’m listening to all this crap about kidney infections, cell phones out of coverage area, ATM cards that don’t work, Cinderella, etc., and I’m thinking to myself: how old is this guy, 60? Excuse me for saying so, but I thought that you should have figured all this stuff out by now.

Take the ATM card. You say it won’t work in her area, so you expect her to travel all the way to Cebu just to make a withdrawal. WHAT? Do you realize how much trouble it is and how much it costs to travel all the way to Cebu just to use an ATM card? THINK MAN! Can’t you come up with a simple solution to this problem? Here, I’ll give you some hints. Is there only one bank in your town that issues ATM cards? Does another bank have a card that will work in her area? How much does Western Union charge to transfer funds? Is it less than the cost of traveling round-trip to Cebu? It certainly must be a lot more convenient for her! Have you thought of using PNB or another remittance company? They can deliver cash to her door for a very reasonable fee. Try to make it a little easier on your wife!

About the house thing. I agree with your idea to wait and let them figure it out on their own. It sounds like her dad has a plan, so let him give it a shot. Like you said, you can always help pay off the loan later if you decide to. If you fund this new house up front, it may just end up costing 10 times as much.

Peter, you are married now. You are no longer weeding out prospective mates. You already made the decision to marry her and trust her, so why do you sound like you need to verify EVERYTHING she tells you? Either you believe her or you don’t. It’s too late to decide if you can trust her. She is your wife now so stop treating her like a little girl or she will never grow up. Send her a decent allowance and let her make some decisions on how to spend it. And tell her to see a doctor today, or at least go to the local pharmacy and buy some antibiotics!

Welcome to married life Peter! :-)


Title: Re: Me Too!
Post by: Peter Lee on October 09, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Me Too!, posted by Ray on Oct 7, 2003

About the house thing. I agree with your idea to wait and let them figure it out on their own. It sounds like her dad has a plan, so let him give it a shot. Like you said, you can always help pay off the loan later if you decide to. If you fund this new house up front, it may just end up costing 10 times as much.
Thanks Ray it sounds like a voice of reason.
Peter, you are married now. You are no longer weeding out prospective mates. You already made the decision to marry her and trust her, so why do you sound like you need to verify EVERYTHING she tells you?

Talk to Febtember about that Ray LOL
She is like me trust but varify

Ahhh finally a voice of reason but !
Give me a break Ray, and I don’t want you to go nuts LOL

All this crapola is the real thing.  It is theory meets reality time and I am asking some advice and opinions on if I am on the right track doing what I am doing.  Ya I am 60 Dec and have been around the world a few times.  

Yes I knew she would be out of cell coverage area.  I mentioned it so readers could understand the problems.   I did not want to leave her with her Aunt against her wishes;  she is after all as you say, my wife.  The Cinderella analogy reminds many Filipinas of similar situations they can connect with.   I thought it was a good  analogy?  

We had no idea the ATM would not work till we tried it.  Being almost 60 years old I took it one step at a time.   I was expecting it to work in Ozamis as in Cebu.  As instructed she tried her home town then Ozamis, we were very disappointed that it did not work.  

In an emergency we knew for sure it worked in Cebu.  She still has money left over from when I left her in September.  I had planned to have her do the list of things you suggested and at the same time use the ATM in Cebu.  
So that was my simple solution to kill two birds with one stone.   The trip to Cebu is very cheap around 350 peso with the ferry plus food and jeepneys.  

Yes some of us get kidney infections and some don’t, to us as a married couple it is not crap.  What do you do when your on the phone with your wife and she tells you of symptoms that resemble a kidney infection?   I spent most of the time on the chat explaining to her what she might have.   When I was 20 I had no idea what a kidney infection was.  She decribed back pain that was hard to stand up strait, temp was up, and feeling tired.  Once the infection goes to the kidney the burning in the bladder stops and you think your ok.  But all the important paperwork and ATM access had to be put to the side till that problem was resolved.   A few Filipinas on this board understood that.  
Excuse me for saying so, but I thought that you should have figured all this stuff out by now.
Figured what out by now Ray?  That the ATM didn’t work?  That she would get sick?   But I know when you cut me down your getting ready to help me it is just your way LOL.  
If she is going to get sick I thought it would be better to be sick at home with her Parents.   I think it was the lesser of the evils.  
Does another bank have a card that will work in her area?  
I don’t know the ATM idea was from this board and it was a good idea while it worked in Cebu.  
It is a debit card from a separate savings account and the only money that can be withdrawn is what I put in it by 1st Union Bank.
It cost me $35 to send the ATM card to her using FED EX last Dec it took 5 working days .  If I do that again it would not be cost effective and no guarantee that it would work.  I am limited with the choice of local banks here in Daytona.  As you well know to get an ATM card you have to have an account with a minimum balance.  If I remember right they mail the card to your home after you choose your PIN number and there is a monthly charge and no way of me knowing if it would work in Ozamis.  
How much does Western Union charge to transfer funds?
Western Union as you know is a big rip off.   About $15 to $20 for each $100 sent, this is totally unacceptable.  If she does the paper work along with the ATM  while in Cebu the trip would be well worth it.  
PNB??   I am not familiar with that company Ray.
What is a reasonable fee?   The ATM charges me $5 per month.  Although it might be possible I can’t imagine cash delivery to her door in the mountains.  I would expect her to pick it up in a branch office like Western Union.  Well Ray, there is no simple solutions to the problems.  But I have the problems no one else, I have to deal with it, no one else.   I have done the obvious and now I have to take the next step and research what bank I can use here in Daytona Beach.  I tried City Bank but the branch is in Miami 250 miles away.  It was suppose to be connected to the Metro Bank but it didn’t work either.   After 5 or more days and $35  she will receive the Fed Ex in the mountains and drive to Ozamis to see if it works.  If it don’t what then?   Do it again?
My solution was simple, wait, go to Cebu to finish the paperwork, withdraw the allowance from the ATM while there and go home again.  One thing she has plenty of right now is time.   I will talk her into staying in Cebu once there, she likes Cebu but to her expensive.  

She last complained she was getting bored LOL well now she has a quest for the holy NSO and ATM.  There is no easy way for her right now, she chose to go to Mindanao coz she didn’t want to be with her Aunt.  Maybe now she will change her mind!

Title: Re: Re: Me Too!
Post by: Ray on October 10, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Me Too!, posted by Peter Lee on Oct 9, 2003


Sooner or later, you are going to have to start trusting your wife instead of treating her like your teenage daughter.

If you have her check the local ATM machines and see which networks they use (look for logo), you can get a card that uses the same network (simple).

PNB Remittance will send cash to her door for $14. If she had a PNB Bank account, it costs $7 to transfer to her account. PNB has ATM cards also.

Why do you have to pay FedEx rates to send an ATM card? Mail it and when she receives it, then tell her the PIN. The card is worthless without a PIN. (simple)

If you don’t want your wife to live like Cinderella with her aunt, then tell her to rent a room or apartment (simple). Don’t be so cheap! You make it sound like it isn’t an option for her to live in Cebu because she doesn’t want to live with her aunt(?).

My whole point was that you tend to make everything sound so complicated when you don’t have to. K.I.S.S.


Title: Western Union in Kapatagan !!! and antibiotics
Post by: don2222 on October 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Me Too!, posted by Ray on Oct 7, 2003

[This message has been edited by don2222]

There are thousands of Western Union offices in the Phils.
Here are the ones in Kapatagan,  you can just use the locator at the western union web site

Western Union Agent locations/Addresses  Phone Numbers

(63 ) (63 ) 3822136    


(63 ) (63 ) 3828097    


Antibiotics are available in the Phils  WITHOUT a prescription. You just write down what you want on a piece of paper, and they give it to you. The only time I have ever needed a prescription is when I asked for Codeine for a cough.


Title: ATM"S in Ozamis !!!
Post by: don2222 on October 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Western Union in Kapatagan  !!!   and an..., posted by don2222 on Oct 7, 2003

I did a google search, and apparently the following banks have ATM's in Ozamis !!

China Bank
Philippine National Bank

Title: Even more ATM's in Iligan !!!........N/T
Post by: don2222 on October 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to ATM"S in Ozamis !!!, posted by don2222 on Oct 7, 2003


Title: You people are making me nuts.
Post by: HaroldC on October 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: she can go to local doctor in he..., posted by Peter Lee on Oct 6, 2003

This girl is sick- probably with an infection, in the tropics! And you're all worried about some elaborate conspiracy to scam a few bucks from a Kano- and no one has asked him for any money, haven't even spent what he has given. There is a city of 300 thousand people 60 klicks away with doctors and ATMs and everything. Infections can do permanent damage. Sheesh!

By the way, here's from a Filipina in Iligan:

des382002: yes I am here
des382002: why?
halcwalker: Sorry. I am reading a post from a guy whose wife is about 60k southeast of Iligan right now. He is upset because she is sick and her family is about to lose their house.
des382002: why her family lose her?
des382002: how old the guy and his wife?
halcwalker: The guy is 60, she is 20. Her family will lose their house because it is close to the road and the road is being made wider.
des382002: I see
des382002: if that case
des382002: the government will pay them and relocate of place

Title: Gerlie says the same thing! n/t
Post by: Howard on October 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to You people are making me nuts., posted by HaroldC on Oct 7, 2003


Title: Re: You people are making me nuts.
Post by: Peter Lee on October 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to You people are making me nuts., posted by HaroldC on Oct 7, 2003

Well you know I had the same question to her about the highway widening.  If only it was as simple as you described.  The way it was explained to me was that years ago the house was built close to the highway so a suri, suri store could be built to make a little money.  I had seen many suri suri stores right on the road a few steps away from the highway.  The problem with that is if it is too close the Govt, owns enough access to widen the road someday.  No one ever expects the road to widen so they don't worry about it.  
So the story that many homes could be torn down and not be compensated could be true.  I was told the kitchen was on private property and would be left standing.  
On my 2200 miles of touring in July and August I toured many of the islands.   I noticed a lot of road construction in the remote areas funded by the Govt.  When I left Iloilo instead of heading for the easy East coast and nice roads I went the West side of the Island.  This was not recommended in the travel guide coz the roads were so bad.  But as we traveled through the remote sections we found large pieces of bad road replaced by white concrete roads partially finished and most under construction.  This included the bridges and mountain roads.  I was amazed to find this going on all at the same time.  My only guess is that this Govt was not as corrupt as the previous one and some money has been put to good use.  You need good roads to build an economy and it is long over due.  Big trucks carrying sugar cane has destroyed  remote roads and now have a hard time to get to and from there destination.  So I seen a massive drive to fix back country roads.  It seems that her town is due for a widening.  Even the wide roads are the width of your driveway.  
If it would not be to much trouble you could get into a more detail about the highway when you ask next time.  
You may have ask her under what conditions would the Govt. not reimburse the house owner?
When I was in Bohol and looked at a resort in Panglao the hotel was nice but a dirt road was in front of the hotel separating it from the beach.  I was told the road was a Govt. road and that it would be expanded and paved in time.  The hotel would lose land to the new road when it is built but would still have control of the beach on the other side of the proposed highway.   Any house unfortunate enough to be built on the Govt. right of way would be removed with no compensation.  
I looked on my map and it seemed like more that 60k from Iligan.  Her sister lives in Tambulig which is a third of the distance to Iligan and it takes her 3 hours by bus they call the short cut.   It doesn’t sound like an easy place to reach.  Ask the party if they are familiar with Kapatagan.  I was told that the doctor comes every Friday.  All I know is there is no cell phone coverage because of the mountains and there is no email café’s.   She has to travel 30 minutes to get to an email café.  When at the café there is no cell coverage.   Very frustrating but the decision to go to her parents and wait for further paper work was the best we could come up with at the time.   The sickness if it is a kidney infection is controlled quickly with antibiotics.  The widening of the highway and the selling of the cow and borrowing money could be a reality.  But so far I am not ask for help and If I help it will be when the dust sets so I can see what best to do.    

Title: Kapatagan is two hours from Iligan ...
Post by: HaroldC on October 08, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: You people are making me nuts., posted by Peter Lee on Oct 7, 2003

a guy at Basil's office just got back after lunch- he went this morning.

Title: Ask her yourself! :)
Post by: HaroldC on October 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: You people are making me nuts., posted by Peter Lee on Oct 7, 2003

That was my Imelda's best friend Basil (the only other woman I am approved to chat with) on Yahoo chat (only from work at lunch time)- or email, of course.

Kapatagan - Tambulig = 20K in 3 hours! I can walk faster than that, unless it is straight up.

By the way, Basil is very sweet and available, if anyone is interested- picture at:

It is obvious, however, that she does not meet Ray's criterion.

Title: Re: Re: You people are making me nuts.
Post by: Dave H on October 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: You people are making me nuts., posted by Peter Lee on Oct 7, 2003

Hi Peter,

It seems that just about everyone gets compensated in the Philippines. If you own a piece of land with squatters living on it, you compensate them so they will move peacefully. In my wife's hometown, the police chief was killed by a board with a nail in it when his force tried to evict squatters off of private land. Nobody was ever charged.

I hope that your wife is able to obtain medical care soon.

Dave H.

Title: Re: Re: Re: she can go to local doctor in her town
Post by: Humabdos on October 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: she can go to local doctor in he..., posted by Peter Lee on Oct 6, 2003

"It is getting her a lot of attention and after all she is not fully mature yet being 20 years old so it is hard to tell". Get use to it Peter maybe she will grow up in ten years. ;-)

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: she can go to local doctor in her town
Post by: Peter Lee on October 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: she can go to local doctor i..., posted by Humabdos on Oct 6, 2003

Well I'm not going to excuse her if that is what she is doing.  It is a bit too early to pass judgment on her just yet.  If it is what you say I can live with it, I knew what I was getting into.  It makes it hard when I am not there, so I don't know what's going on.  There is the possibility that everything she is saying is true LOL Even then I would need help to figure out the best options on how to deal with that.  Immaturity in this case could be bad if it causes her to make bad discussions on delaying to see a doctor.  But she has a record of being straight with me while I was with her.  Her being sick makes it impossible to go to Cebu and take money out of the ATM as scheduled.  Once there I can have her do other paperwork that is needed.  In the past she has had no problem in following my orders.  Because she is sick and hard to communicate with makes me feel helpless.   Remember my trip report I lay in the hotel room for 12 days and did not ask for a doctor.  I am not a good example for her in this case.  Do as I say not as I do thing.  I have to say that in the long 2200 mile trip she showed remarkable maturity.  Now she is on her own and only her parents to guide her.  Maybe she will grow up in 10 years LOL I haven't grown up in 60, are you suggesting that she might grow up before me? LOL

Title: Re: It is enough to make you cry
Post by: Nanz on October 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to It is enough to make you cry, posted by Peter Lee on Oct 6, 2003

Poor Maricel, she really needs a treatment from a doctor. Tell her not to wait till it get worse. If she’s worry to spend the money you sent her, so what is the use of it if she’s sick and not spending it? She can save later. The herbs she’s taking might help, but the best thing is she must to see a doctor and take a good medicine. So, when she’s feeling better she can start processing some of your paper works.

About their house, I guess they can use some of the materials. And Peter, don’t expect that her parents will ask you for help in building a new house. Of course they have pride and want to stand by their own. And lending money is a big pain, instead of helping they are trying to kill you with the big interests. So that is not a good idea. But, if her parents have no choice, I guess they will force to do that. In the Philippines we are not oblige to help or pay to our parents back, but it is up to us to think and help if we have something to help.

Don’t think that because their daughter is married to a KANO and now these things come up. It just happened that after you married to Maricel and now they have this kind of problem. It is an incident if these all things are true.
I’m sure they can build the new house, and yes it is very hard for them. If you want to help your wife's family, I guess that would be fine because you are part of the family now. I’m sure any help you can offer they will be delighted, and so with your wife. But, you must to wait and keep updated about the house before you offer some help. Like Raquel said you don't know exactly what is the real thing.

This is only my thoughts,

Title: Re: Re: It is enough to make you cry
Post by: Peter Lee on October 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: It is enough to make you cry, posted by Nanz on Oct 6, 2003

Hi Nancy,
I was thinking the same thing as you.  But like I told Raquel it is too early to tell.  I think what I will do is wait a while to see how things develop.   You know she is a hard head and didn't listen to me about the doctor.  I will try again when we communicate again.  But so far no one is seriously hurt or has cancer.  Kidney infections happen all the time and the house thing is just a hardship.  You can always say it could be worse.  I can always step in at a later time and help.  It makes it harder coz I can never go to that area where they are living coz it is too dangerous.

Title: I'm going within 60k of there in 3 weeks. :)
Post by: HaroldC on October 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: It is enough to make you cry, posted by Peter Lee on Oct 6, 2003

What do you mean you could never go there?

Title: Re: I'm going within 60k of there in 3 weeks. :)
Post by: Peter Lee on October 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to I'm going within 60k of there in 3 weeks..., posted by HaroldC on Oct 7, 2003

Well HaroldC I watched my wife's Mom come off the ferry from Ozamis and in the crowd only two foreigners debarked the ferry.  One was Belgium and the other German.  I talked to them a while and they indicated that Ozamis was safe but they didn't go out much at night.  They stayed in the city the whole time. I regarded Ozamis and Iligan very safe.  My back up plans were to meet the whole family in Ozamis and have a get together with the family I have never seen.  
Unfortunately I was in Davao and that was safe too until 2 weeks after I left last year a bomb was set off in the airport.  This would not discourage me from feeling safe in Ozamis and Iligan
The store I bought the motorcycle from in Cebu had lots of mechanics and salesmen.  When I told them I was thinking of going to Kapatagan with the motorbike no one thought it was a good idea.  Maricel's Aunt and Uncle and her own mother didn't like the idea. Maricel did not think it was a good idea, I wondered how safe it was for her there then LOL.  
On a good note there is division of the Philippine Army close to Kapatagan.  We know that coz her older sister before she got married sold a lot of stuff in her suri,suri store on the highway.  I have a married couple here in Daytona who is from Dioplog she says it is very safe there as long as you stay in the city.  The American husbands never venture out of the city for fear of being kidnapped.  In my last 2.5 hour phone conversation with her at her sisters house Tambulig which is 3 hours away east of Kapatagan Tambulig is really in Zamboanga a well known no no for any foreigners.  The sister told me a recent story of a local rich business man kidnapped and when the ransom was not paid was cut open to bleed to death.  A Muslim was riding a stolen motorcycle, he didn't stop when asked too  was shot in the back.  I have not confirmed any of these stories yet but the sister knew about it and it was recent.
I know very little of the area and how dangerous it is, I know that it is mountainous and considered unsafe for foreigners.  Villages that dot the country side are both Christine and Muslims mixed.  They are close to each other and I am told problems get out of hand sometimes.  Maricel in her first email chat to me was excited about seeing a foreigner in the next town visiting his wife's family.  If you have information on Kapatagan and Tambulig it would be appreciated.  As of now she doesn't feel safe riding the motorcycle around at night.   Sounds like the wild Wild West to me.  The sister told me that if a motorcycle is stolen and placed in plain view in a Muslim village no one will go and get it in fear of getting shot.  
I would like to go to her town as I did in my 2200 miles journey through part of the Visayas and Palawan.  But every place I turn I am told it is not a wise idea.

Title: Re: Re: It is enough to make you cry
Post by: Esiang on October 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: It is enough to make you cry, posted by Nanz on Oct 6, 2003

In the Philippines we are not oblige to help or pay to our parents back, but it is up to us to think and help if we have something to help.

I don't think so he..he..part of our culture we are oblige to pay back or help our parents unlike in Admerica it's UP to you KID....

Lucky for those pinoy raised by their parents who does not expect anything from their kid like my Mother whom I dont really worry about problems especially money....

Title: Re: Re: Re: It is enough to make you cry
Post by: Peter Lee on October 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: It is enough to make you cry, posted by Esiang on Oct 6, 2003

Well I will know soon enough what is expected of the children of their Mother.  So far not much is expected and Mom and Dad are handling it with out help.  Right now it is a wait and see.  All the details have to be given to make a descision on what the best thing to do.  Remember there are only 4 daughters two of which are under 15.  The older one is newly married with a 2 year old son.  I don't thing the parents are expecting a lot of help from any of them.  But my upbringing would never allow my mom or dad to be in a hardship situation in their old age.  So when the smoke clears and I see the damage we can fix it later.  Like some said in other letters it is part of my family now too.

Title: Ozamis
Post by: Esiang on October 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to It is enough to make you cry, posted by Peter Lee on Oct 6, 2003

Hi Peter,

        Maricel should  be able to get money from the atm in Ozamis City and check herself to a doctor, I've been there that's  my best friend's hometown, however with your processing it's better in Cebu.
        I hope in Cebu her Aunt won't be expecting any charge from her living in their house you said before she was like cinderella in her Aunt's house.
        I can picture her like that my best friend used to.

Title: Re: Ozamis
Post by: Peter Lee on October 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Ozamis, posted by Esiang on Oct 6, 2003

Hi Esiang,

Well you know I had her go to Ozamis to use the ATM card and she could not get it to work in any of the banks.  It is a First Union Bank and she says she had trouble even in Cebu, only the First Union Bank in Cebu would work.  So she did try it, I ask her to go inside the bank and see what they had to say but she didn't do that yet.  She has $200 left from money I gave her before we said good bye.  She has plenty of money to see the doctor.  Yes, she likes Cebu and I don't blame her after being a country girl in the mountains.  Her Aunt does not charge her for staying in the house, she just makes her work, work, work.  It is very crouded coz lots of other cousins and nephews are there 3 and 4 to a bed.  It was a place she used to go to Collage for 2 years.  I ask her where she would like to go when I leave for the US and she said her Mom's house in Kabawe.

Title: Re: Re: Ozamis
Post by: Esiang on October 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Ozamis, posted by Peter Lee on Oct 6, 2003

What kind of bank atm card does she have,

Is it bancnet or megalink?
Oh, well I'm not really sure if First Union bank is nationwide in the Phils.
But she would still need money going to Cebu he..he..
hope it works.... girl likes the city, reminds me of my best friend, she used to lived on top of the mountains(a cute town in Ozamis).Up there the air is  so fresh but at night Oh you can hear the whisper of "Aswang". Joking...

Title: If I were you, sir ...
Post by: HaroldC on October 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to It is enough to make you cry, posted by Peter Lee on Oct 6, 2003

Just my 2P worth-

Don't get distracted by the conrolled chaos that is life in the Phils. Deal with one disaster before moving on to the next.

Concentrate on getting her to a doctor. It sounds like she does not want to (for whatever reason, does not matter), but don't let her procrastinate. She's being a trooper and taking the licks philosophically, but that won't do it if she has an infection.

All the way to Cebu for an ATM? That's 12 hours by boat plus whatever overland- to Ozamis? A bus to Iligan (where the doctor is!) would be quicker, no?

Whether and when the road is being widened doesn't really matter right now. They can always get another cow or a carabao.

Good luck to all concerned.

Title: Re: It is enough to make you cry
Post by: Febtember on October 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to It is enough to make you cry, posted by Peter Lee on Oct 6, 2003

First I was thinkin that their house had concrete floor and there's no way they can move that.And I'm pretty sure that your wife parents house is old enough that it is even impossible for them to reused the materials.Since you tell her to save money and on her own understanding it seems like you tell her don't spend it so there she is now taking herbal medicine as an alternatives.Herbal medicine is okey but you don't know if there's some side effect on it.Most farmer in philippines use carabao.At least some lucky enough to have carabao but mostly they use bolo and machete.Even if they sell the cow I'm sure that money they make still not enough to build a house.Borrowing money from someone in philippines is bad idea.Those people never think of helping but they think on how much interest they get.Expect Peter that her parents will never ask directly on you.I'm sure they think at least their daughter have that common sense and initiative.It be real hard  for maricel too.I'm glad my family back home have no problem like this.But I feel for those family too.

Peter I have question here;What if it's not true that there is highway widening?If there is I'm sure the government will wait until they can build a new house before destroying the old house.What if some nieghbor there tell her that now she's married to you they were sure that you build a new house for her parents like some american does.You never mention that to her right  about building a new house so now they think of something like that.You never been in their place.You never spend long time with her family except to Maricel so you don't know them never see their house if it's really build next to the highway.This is all just my wild thought.I beleived in all  Maricel say .Only brilliant minded filipina can do on what i have thinkin right now.raquel

Title: Re: Re: It is enough to make you cry
Post by: Esiang on October 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: It is enough to make you cry, posted by Febtember on Oct 6, 2003

If there is I'm sure the government will wait until they can build a new house before destroying the old house.

It's true widening of the road first needs approval from the govn't,speaking of phils. government, they're very slow.....then after approval you don't know if those city officials will really put the money into the project and the best place where they could put is in their nice big pockets....he..he..he...

That's why Maricel's house will still be standing today and tomorrow....he..he...he...

Title: Re: Re: Re: It is enough to make you cry
Post by: Nanz on October 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: It is enough to make you cry, posted by Esiang on Oct 6, 2003

You're right, because it happens in our town. I guess they make the widening because of the impending election, then after the widening nothing happen, you will never hear from them again. My mother's house is close to the national road and till now still there. They keep saying soon the house will be tearing apart, I was small girl by the time. and now I have my own family and our house is still there.

Title: Re: Surigao
Post by: Esiang on October 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: It is enough to make you cry, posted by Nanz on Oct 6, 2003

Hi Nanz,
       Kanang yaot n bayay namo s surigao banda s Narciso St. ingon lagi naay widening road project maapektuhan kuno ...
       Hesus pagkadugay n intawon naa pa gihapon ang bayay galig-on s kayaot......he..he..Pastilan.....

       Asa ka man banda s Surigao Nanz?


Title: Re: Re: Surigao
Post by: Nanz on October 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Surigao, posted by Esiang on Oct 6, 2003

ehheheheh........kasiaw gajud nimo da! ila ra na estorya nga widening.....pero igo ra sa pagsukod, dili na dajon mobalik. hehehe....... mao lagi, ang sa ako nanay pod.

Nagpuyo ko sa Capitol, Vasques dayon. Mingaw na ko ddto da. Mingaw na ko sa sinugba ug lato pod. hehehhe..
Ikaw when man ka mag bakasyon?


Title: Re: Re: Re: Surigao
Post by: Esiang on October 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Surigao, posted by Nanz on Oct 6, 2003


Puhon untana April 2005 kon madajon, di pa jud 100% sure kay bana-banaon pa finances he..he..
Pagkalami untana kon madajon kay kanang sinugba,kinilaw,ginamos ug tanang isda adlaw-adlawon ko nag kaonon...
Kanus-a man pod k magbakasyon?
Nancy nakit-an ko lagi noon wedding pic niyo, mura mag familiar k naho basi lang ha he..he..he...
Dis-a man kaw nag-elementary?


Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Surigao
Post by: Nanz on October 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Surigao, posted by Esiang on Oct 6, 2003

kagana unta magkadungan ta uy pohon 2005...heheh mga april-may pod unta mi. lagi mao gajud pod na ako kaonon permente kay gimingaw gajud ko ana nga pagkaon.

sa malimono ko nag elementary, ingnana man gajud basta guafa magka pareha na ug dagway. hehehhe........

Take care,

Title: Re: Hawig
Post by: Esiang on October 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Surigao, posted by Nanz on Oct 6, 2003

Aw hawig ra diay jud to nimo tung estudyante ni moder...
Malimono pagkalayo b gyod.....

Summer time jud ang gana ikadto s Surigao maglangoy-langoy ko s dagat bisag di kabalo basta dagat na ni he..he...
Lahi ra jud beach s Pinas kesa deri way lami....especially ang mga Isla s Surigao he..he...he..pagkahambog jud.

Ayu-ayo s imo ug s imo cuty-cuty n baby grabe lalo na nung nakasunglass siya....


Title: Re: Re: Re: Surigao
Post by: Febtember on October 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Surigao, posted by Nanz on Oct 6, 2003

Hi Nancy,
Too nice too see you here.Hala sa magkasinabot jud ta aning puro mga gwapa lol kay ija ija man pud nang surigao pareha sa bohol.Inig uli unja nimo sa injo puhon pagtagbaw ug kaon ug lato ug sinugba kay mao sad na akong buhaton jud kung makauli ko puhon.Regards sa imong gwapo nga bana ug imo gwapa nga anak.Raquel

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Surigao
Post by: Nanz on October 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Surigao, posted by Febtember on Oct 6, 2003

Basta mga guafa magka sinabot gajud. ehhehehe.......lagi uy pohon kaonon gajud nako tanan isda bisan gagmay walay looy-looy. hehehehehhehehe.......... ako baby buyag na kalihug,. kumusta na imo bugoy? ok take care


Title: daghan man diay tang
Post by: Peaches on October 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Surigao, posted by Nanz on Oct 6, 2003

mga bisdak dinhi...asa naman ang uban?

Title: Haya Bira!!!
Post by: Peaches on October 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Surigao, posted by Nanz on Oct 6, 2003

Mga bisdak ni tingug na :)))

Regards sa inyong tanan


Title: Good Points!
Post by: Dave H on October 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: It is enough to make you cry, posted by Febtember on Oct 6, 2003

Hi Raquel,

I agree! With a concrete floor, it would become necessary to dismantle the the house. If it is old, there is probably not much good materials to reuse.

I also agree about the road widening. It seems strange that the government comes out to survey and then is ready to immediately begin a road widening project through the bundocks. Even big priority projects don't happen that fast in the Philippines or the US for that matter. I would visit the family homestead and parents on the next trip.

Dave H.