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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2003 => Topic started by: NateD on September 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM

Title: Life's nice little surprises....
Post by: NateD on September 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
Hey All,

It's been a while since I last posted, mainly due to the business of classes and work; however, I have been lurking a great deal, and I want to extend congratulations to those who have recently gotten engaged (Matt) and those who apparently got married (Peter) :)  Hopefully I'll follow in your footsteps someday!

Anyhow, allow me to get to the subject line, which has got me really excited.  Due to how things worked out for me on the main campus of Kent State University, I've been taking classes part time and working fully time at a local public library.  Here's where life decided to throw a nice little surprise my way: my job pays enough money that I can easily begin saving for my own first trip to the Philippines!  It'll take a little time at $120/month, but I figure it'll add up in time that I'll be able to go to the PI in 2-3 years.  A long time, I know, but it'll be worth it.

Take care all,
Nate :)

Title: Re: Life's nice little surprises....
Post by: Peter Lee on September 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Life's nice little surprises...., posted by NateD on Sep 29, 2003


In my trip report if you don't want to read the whole trip last page I said I left with $5000 and came home with $2000.  I paid for a motorbike $750.  I also gave my wife $400 that I had in pesos before I left.  The $2000 I had left was still in US $100 bills.   So in 54 days I spent $2600 which included a civil wedding and a tour to Panay, Boracay, Cuyo, Palawan, Cebu, Bohol and Panglao Islands. It does not include the motorbike. This included eating and staying in Pension houses hotels and on occasion ferries.  The flight was $1500 from Florida in July.  So theoretically you could stay for half that time for under $3000 which would include a round trip air fare.  Don't forget food was always for two, me and Maricel.  One advantage I had was I went in the rainy season and always got rock bottom nipa hut, pension house or hotel prices.  I never reserved any rooms and sometimes didn't know where I was going next.  I think the expense of the motorbike of $750 paid for it many times over.  I would go into a town and look for a place to stay and it would be fun checking the different hotel rooms and the extreme prices asked to stay for the night.  From 1500 peso to 200 per night just down the road.  All I needed was a clean bed a place to shower and a deluxe fan LOL.  There were Belgium’s backpacking on just a few dollars a day.  Remember the average income in the PI pls correct me if I am wrong is about $55 per month for a whole family.  
There is no reason to get your American butt in the best hotel for the few days your their.  What I did was go to a real nice AAA rated hotel once in a while.  We enjoyed it more that way than doing it everyday.  An example was in Boracay some tourists were paying $50 per day, their attitude was "we saved up for this trip a long time so we can afford it".  Well I stayed in rooms with air and cable TV for $9 per day and closer to the beach.  I did have my camera stolen but it was stolen in an expensive hotel.  Not only did I only spend $2600 for the 54 days I now have a nice motorbike waiting for me when I return.  It has less than 3000 klm on it barley broken in LOL.  I could have sold it for 20,000 [$400] before I left but decided to give it to my wife to ride around and give it too her Dad before she leaves.  In all this I was sick for 12 days in a hotel paying $14 per day and not being able to use the pool.     I don’t know if this helps you but you can entertain yourself with some figures and go sooner than you expected.  Good luck Peter Lee

Title: Re: Re: Life's nice little surprises....
Post by: NateD on September 30, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Life's nice little surprises...., posted by Peter Lee on Sep 29, 2003

Hey Peter,

Thanks for posting those figures up; I'd actually read some of your posts and found myself a little amazed at the cost of the trip (probably nothing compared to how amazed I'll be once I actually get over there! :)  Unfortunately, I won't be able to go any sooner than I'd already planned simply because I've got to finish graduate school first.  That will take me at least another year and semester.  On the other hand, if I stay at it the way I am doing it now, it'll take me even longer, roughly two years.  But it may well be worth it like that if I can just save up the money to go over there.

Take care,
Nate :)

Title: Re: Re: Re: Life's nice little surprises....
Post by: Peter Lee on September 30, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Life's nice little surprises...., posted by NateD on Sep 30, 2003

Sounds like a plan, keep the dreams they are a driving force to help you get through the tough times.  Meanwhile you may meet the girl of your dreams in school.  Then you can tell her how much money you saved not having to go to Palawan. LOL

Title: Re: Life's nice little surprises....
Post by: outwest77 on September 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Life's nice little surprises...., posted by NateD on Sep 29, 2003

120x12= 1440........x3 =4320 dollars
you can go to the phils for a lot less than that

if you shop around you can fly rt from the west coast for about 550,

figure about 35 bucks a day when you are there including hotel, can be much less if you are cheap, not hard to find hotel even in manila for 22 a day, other cities much cheaper, ask peter about his last trip, food is very cheap too,
Just a basic trip you could do for 3 wks, 2000 bucks and have a lot of fun while you are at it.