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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2003 => Topic started by: Peter Lee on September 18, 2003, 04:00:00 AM

Title: Da Trip Page 16
Post by: Peter Lee on September 18, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
One day Edna our hostess got a lobster from the local fishermen.  Cost 700 pesos ok I said cook it.  And cook it she did for 20 minutes.  Oh well, ever had lobster that tasted like paper, she didn’t know and didn’t tell us she didn’t know. She later told us she thought you put it in water like making soap.  I paid for it anyway coz Edna paid the fishermen and that was a lot of money for her.  Strange enough we had mosquito nets at night but I never seen any mosquitoes.  It had to be coz of the beach.  Well if you want to really get away with a place were there are no radios, no cell phone, no TV and electric was with the hotel generator from 7pm till 11pm each night that’s the place.  Next day we went to the jungle mangroves.  Again paid 300 peso for both of us and the same kind of fiberglass safe tri paddle boat.  You could hear the jungle; see boa constrictors sleeping in branches overhanging the water.  A few tourists came for the one day tours but few if any stayed like us.  On the way back to Puerto Princesa I decided not to torture ourselves back on the road from hell.   So we strapped the motorbike on the roof of a jeepney and got back to the highway in one piece.  Now I have been in great amusement parks on the scary rides and been to Disney’s space mountain but nothing, nothing will compare to the ride of this jeepney through these mountain roads.  Sheer hundreds of feet drops, hairpin turns I thought I was in a movie.   What had taken me 4 hours with the bike the jeepney did in one hour.  I was glad to pay him and get on the concrete highway again.  Surprisingly, Palawan had very little fruit outside the big cities.  Fruit like the mango had the mango weevil.  

To be continued: page 16