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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2003 => Topic started by: mrvietnam on August 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM

Title: Vietnam Penpal Wesite Help Needed
Post by: mrvietnam on August 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
We are one of only TWO licensed and legitimate dating services in Vietnam and are having programming problems with our website. If you are a credible and honest programmer/developer, please contact us accordingly to discuss a position helping us for a percentage of revenue. Thank you.

Mr Vietnam

Title: Re: Vietnam Penpal Wesite Help Needed
Post by: Ray on August 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Vietnam Penpal Wesite Help Needed, posted by mrvietnam on Aug 24, 2003

Hi Mr. V,

Welcome aboard!

I doubt that you’ll find a credible programmer willing to work for a percentage. With this economy though, you just might find someone willing to do some consulting work for as little as $25-30 per hour.

What's the URL of your Website?


Title: Here in Houston...
Post by: Bear on August 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Vietnam Penpal Wesite Help Needed, posted by mrvietnam on Aug 24, 2003

...there is a very large community of Viets and Koreans.  Generally they tend to stick together and not intermingle in the 1st generaltions to come here but the following generations do.

Last year their was an article about a Viet who came to Houston during the boat escapes after the war.  He had become a millionaire in Vienam and lost it all supporting the US, they relocated him and he became a millionaire again only to lose it with the fall of So. Vietnam.  He went to the refugee camp and again became a millionaire there.  It took him 7 years to be allowed to immigrate here.  But by this point he was tired of doing without to build a fortune.  His wife read him the riot act and he succumbed and purchased a donut shop in the area of Houston called Greens Point (back then it was nicknamed "Guns" Point due to all the crime).  Guess what!?  He is again a millionaire.  

They (Viets) have purchased large parts of Houston along with the Hong Kong "refugees" and developed it as "Viet Town" and "China Town".  The Koreans tend to blend in quite a bit more that the Viets and Chineese.  They own a large part of the neighborhood I live in and I think you could tell if you didn't already know.

The Filipinos are here too and but their gatherings are almost non-conspicuous.  If your not invited you never notice.  But they are not so financial inclined with the exception of the FASCT (Filipino Assoc. of So. Coast Texas) who have regular balls and politcal events.  They have one this week in support of Dr. DeBakey and Exxon.

I have in the past attempted to start businesses with Viets and found them to be very fair and honest.  The 2nd generation Viets and Chineese in some cases do form some gangs but not as bad as they report on TV.

Bear and Honey

Title: What I have observed with the VC
Post by: Humabdos on August 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Vietnam Penpal Wesite Help Needed, posted by mrvietnam on Aug 24, 2003

I know quite a few VC here in the states from what I have seen these VC women want nothing to do with an American man (unless he is rich or a doctor, lawyer ect...) The VC I have met are extreme high achievers.  I know four or five families here in Oregon most of them with daughters of marrying age. When I asked my one very good VC friends I have known for over twenty-five years why (when I was single) he never hooked me up with any of his nieces or relatives he became very silent about it. Finely after a while he told me most of these VC women would never marry a common carpenter  like myself but are looking for the high level executive type someone highly educated making big bucks (very similar to Japanese women)

Most of the VC I know who came here with nothing and couldn't even speak English  25 years ago are now living in $300,000 +  houses with high tech job's They prefer to have there daughters date and marry other VC men not some fat old horny white guy.

Any comments?


Title: Viet, Laos, Chinese, filipino
Post by: outwest77 on August 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to What I have observed  with the VC, posted by Humabdos on Aug 24, 2003

[This message has been edited by outwest77]

My opinion is that filipinas are much more easily adapted to western culture etc, than 'vietnamese, thai, chinese, etc

I think anyone who did some investigating and travelled to many southeast asian countries would find that, most asians, Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, not really like americans, they love our clothes, our movies, maybe even Coke Pepsi and Pizza Hut, but they do not in general, like us.

The filipinos, in contrast, at least from the impression i get, Really like americans, we liberated their country after all in WW2, and they teach english in the schools and print the newspapers in english. Now as far as filipinos living in the USA already, i have not met or known very many here in my state , so i cant really say what their attitude is, if they stay to themselves, etc.

As far as the social climbers etc, asians in general are more motivated than many americans, but not all are looking for rich,

In general though, the vietnamese dont want to mingle with americans that much, from what i have seen

Title: Don't suppose you ever considered that....
Post by: Jeff S on August 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Viet, Laos, Chinese, filipino, posted by outwest77 on Aug 25, 2003

... it's not "Americans" that Japanese, Chinese, Thai, and most other Asians don't like, but rather, loud, obnoxious, drunkards with no semblance of manners, that comprise a goodly percentage of the Americans who have been traveling to Asia over the past half a century. No offense to drunken sailors or soldiers on leave from WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, or between the wars, but way too many "ugly Americans" have strongly influenced the attitudes of lots of Asians.

In my travels in Asia, I've noticed an initial basic distrust of Americans, not necessarily a dislike, but it seems to quickly evaporate once you demonstrate basic respect and manners.

- Jeff

Title: Re: Don't suppose you ever considered that....
Post by: Nathan on August 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Don't suppose you ever considered that....., posted by Jeff S on Aug 25, 2003

I have spent about 3 years in Asia in all, mostly SE Asia, and I can assure you that Americans, in spite of the "ugly" ones are actually quite high on the list of "white" nationalities, especially compared to German nationals and most other continental Europeans. Brits top the list, most likley for their manners, with Yanks and Canadians coming in next.

Title: Re: Re: Don't suppose you ever considered that....
Post by: Jeff S on August 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Don't suppose you ever considered th..., posted by Nathan on Aug 25, 2003

Yep, the Gerrmans definately top the list for rudeness.

- Jeff

Title: Rude and Crude
Post by: Nathan on August 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Don't suppose you ever considere..., posted by Jeff S on Aug 25, 2003

   This usually went far beyond the German curtness, it is
arrogant vulgarity, the assumption that all Thai girls for example, are for only one thing, to be purchased and used, and the vast majority of German nationals I met there as well as most of the other continental Europeans I met there were not shy about expressing just those sentiments. Actually, few Thai girls want to be seen on the street with a foreigner for fear of the likely assumption that they are prostitutes.

Title: "all Thai girls...
Post by: Bob S on August 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Rude and Crude, posted by Nathan on Aug 25, 2003

are for only one thing..."

Mmmm, Thai food.  *drool*

Title: When you get back here Bob....
Post by: Jeff S on August 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to "all Thai girls..., posted by Bob S on Aug 26, 2003

... I found a great Thai place to take you near my office in Anaheim. Had a great lunch there today - Here it is an hour later and my sinuses are clear, and mouth is still burining!

- Jeff

Title: Re: "all Thai girls...
Post by: Nathan on August 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to "all Thai girls..., posted by Bob S on Aug 26, 2003

[This message has been edited by Nathan]

 Unfortunately, the average Thai food fare hardly measures up to what you or I might consider good Thai food such as a good Thai Restaurant here might feature. That would be considered the cream of the crop in Thailand and average fare there is not nearly so impressive.
  If a single guy is looking to meet a lady there, the various ethnic minorities living there from places such as Burma, Laos, or Cambodia are actually far more approachable,
as they don't rate so high in the local pecking order and
are more open to allinaces with outsiders. Of course, there are local Thai ladies who will go against the flow and consider foreign men. Be that as it may, my own experience, having lived in both countries, is that Thailand is for those who have not yet been to the Philippines when it comes to ease of social interaction.

Title: Guess they should have said, "Hoy Ian!" (n/t)
Post by: Jeff S on August 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Rude and Crude, posted by Nathan on Aug 25, 2003


Title: A Bad Rap....
Post by: Dave H on August 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Don't suppose you ever considered that....., posted by Jeff S on Aug 25, 2003

Hey Jeff,

The trouble is that most Asians assume all white guys are "Americans"...when in fact many are not. I ran into a few obnoxious "Americans" (I was told) in the Philippines who turned out to be English and German.

Dave H.

Title: Re: A Bad Rap....
Post by: Dave H on August 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to A Bad Rap...., posted by Dave H on Aug 25, 2003

The rude Englisman I saw was drunk cursing out Filipinos for calling him "Joe." Many still probably thought he was a Kano. LOL

Dave H.

Title: Re: Re: A Bad Rap....
Post by: Esiang on August 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: A Bad Rap...., posted by Dave H on Aug 25, 2003

that's true, my german uncle was once called "Hey Man"
his name was Hermann so he was shock how did pinoys knew his name?
A lot of times he's called Hey Joe, he hated it so much co'z he's not kano, anyway he also hates german men he..he..

Title: Sooooo true HumB
Post by: greg on August 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to What I have observed  with the VC, posted by Humabdos on Aug 24, 2003

Whenever I used to speak of Asian ladies to the Coworkers, Gym rats..they would say..leave those Asian ladies alone..they only looking for a Guy with lots of $$$$$$$$..soooo not just in your Area..Berkeley is some kinda Asian town..University of CAlifornia has a high percent of Asian students. On the Latin board, this Guy was going to marry this Chinese Lady in China but changed his mind after she asked him to buy her Parents a suite. looooooool

Title: Careful now Greg!
Post by: Humabdos on August 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Sooooo true HumB, posted by greg on Aug 25, 2003

You'll have Ray on your back again! ROTFTNTPIMP!
I bet all them Mexican's are pissed off they can't get in to  UC Berkeley

Title: Hehe..Yeah gotta watch what I say hehe
Post by: greg on August 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Careful now Greg!, posted by Humabdos on Aug 25, 2003

Humb, My observant is that most AW Asian Ladies stick with their own race or Guys with $$$$$$$, looks, class. It's rare that I ever see a young Asian lady with an older fart in Berkeley. I enjoy taking gregory on long strolls in his stroller..while most non Asian Ladies are very kind to us...Asian Ladies seem to ignore us. Can't wait to vote Bush outta office..Our Sons and Daughters in the armed forces are getting killed, our tax dollars are being wasted..Why don't he use his and his family's own $$$$$$ and send their Sons and Daughters to fight their wars..And close that blasted border with Mexico.. Bush Sucks

Title: Fun With Trolls
Post by: Ray on August 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Hehe..Yeah gotta watch what I say hehe, posted by greg on Aug 25, 2003

[This message has been edited by Ray]

There once was a troll his name was greg
He wasn’t born but was hatched from an egg
When greggie was just a poor little tyke
He had a big accident and fell off his trike

The poor little guy landed smack on his head
But fortunately (or not) he wasn’t quite dead
His brain was damaged beyond repair
And he couldn’t even grow any hair

Bald and retarded he began to eat
Got so darn fat he couldn’t stand on his feet
He wanted so much to be a real man
But couldn’t get out of bed to go to the can

So he just laid there like a big bowl of jelly
Got bigger and bigger but all in his belly
His poor little brain was the size of a pea
And his face looked like something that fell out of a tree

So what else could poor little gregory do
He moved to Berkeley and lived in a shoe
He joined the communist party and started to whine
He hated his country and he had no spine

He cried and he moaned until he lost his mind
But at least there in Berkeley he was with his own kind
Uncle Sam wouldn’t take him not because of his bod
But they didn’t want commies with a brain from a pod

Then one lonely day while he was taking a pee
He got the idea to sign up for Web TV
He went to Mag-Anak and tried to act tough
But Mag-Anak banned him because they’d had enough

So he came to Planet Love to continue his game
His purpose was trolling and he kept changing his name
Then Patrick put an end to his childish schtick
When he made everyone register under one nic

Now everyone knows what a dumb ass he is
Because now when he posts the only name he can use is his
His posts are the most disgusting that we’ve ever seen
He talks like a child with a brain like a bean

He flirts with the married ladies and asks for their pic
Probably so he can use them to play with his stick
He’s such a dumb pervert and he has no class
When he opens his mouth he blows out fart gas

Poor little greg is the most pathetic of all
He’s such a little wimp without even one ball
He’ll whine and he’ll cry and he’ll sputter and spit
But everyone knows that he’s just full of shyt

(c) Copyright 2003


Title: Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
Post by: greg on August 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Fun With Trolls, posted by Ray on Aug 27, 2003

your name itself spells cry baby. Here's a bottle to suck on you big fat baby. My Son can whump your sorry funky Butt up and down San Diego..Feel sorry for your wife that she must put up with a half boy LOser. Your a stinking dog, can smell your Yellow belly stink..Go take a bath you stinking dumb fart...Your very lucky that your wife put up with you, any other Women would be loooong gone. Go back to school, your English Sucks..Your doing nothing but Coping and Pasting everything..YOur too Stupid to think of your own words with that pea brain of yours. You dumb MF

Title: Troll With Oral Diarrhea
Post by: Ray on August 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..., posted by greg on Aug 28, 2003

“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”
“Feel sorry for your wife”

Title: RaY the Lowlife TROLL
Post by: greg on August 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Fun With Trolls, posted by Ray on Aug 27, 2003

there once was a TROLL named RayS
Blab Blab Blab

Title: Yawning
Post by: greg on August 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Fun With Trolls, posted by Ray on Aug 27, 2003

BORING BORING could only read a few words of YOUR STUPID poem about YOURSELF. Get a LIFE with your wife You old Fool and stop making a MESS of Patrick's board with your silly dumb GARBAGE. Get a life you fat Fart

Title: I'm surprised that you could even read a FEW words...
Post by: Ray on August 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Yawning, posted by greg on Aug 27, 2003


Title: Re: I'm surprised that you could even read a FEW words...
Post by: greg on August 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to I'm surprised that you could even read a..., posted by Ray on Aug 27, 2003

KiZZ My Butt

Title: Hey!
Post by: Ray on August 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: I'm surprised that you could even re..., posted by greg on Aug 28, 2003

Why don't you stick your thumb in your ear and go bowling... :-)

Title: Yooou
Post by: greg on August 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Fun With Trolls, posted by Ray on Aug 27, 2003

a socalled married Fart sure got alot of free time on your hands to waste typing YOUR DUMB poem. YOur really showing the world how stupid YOU are...They already know that I'm not very bright, not hidding that fact. Butt Amazing that YOU have brought yourself down to the level of a DUMMY. I feel sorry for your wife..She's married to a NutBall...If you don't like what I gotta say, I would say it to your face anytime..

Title: Quote of the month...
Post by: Ray on August 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Yooou, posted by greg on Aug 27, 2003

greg: "They already know that I'm not very bright, not hidding that fact..."

greg, you couldn't hide that fact if you tried for the rest of your life! ROGDFLMFAOTNTPINGDPCUMFLSAPAOTGDP!

Title: Re: Quote of the month...
Post by: greg on August 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Quote of the month..., posted by Ray on Aug 27, 2003

Your just as DumB. You don't have a clue how stupid your behaving on this forum for a socalled married Fart. Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife, becuz she married a DumB Jerk. If you think that your intelligent, your only fooling yourself. Anybody thats reading this forum can see how Stupid a Jerk you are. You have always been a Jerk on this forum and you will always be a Dumb Jerk. You think your funny, but most of your Jokes etc are Copy and Pasted..You spell check your Posts..You really got a lot of time on your hand to make a Total Fool of yourself.

Title: "Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
Post by: Ray on August 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Quote of the month..., posted by greg on Aug 28, 2003

"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"
"Your a very stupid MF. I really feel sorry for your wife"

Title: Must have touched a nerve? :-)
Post by: Ray on August 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Yooou, posted by greg on Aug 27, 2003

This is where gr-egg loses his cool because he’s too dumb to even piss me off (ROFLMAO!)

So now he will try to get me mad by insulting my wife. I was wondering how long it would take you gr-egg...LMGDAO! You’re such a pathetic little twit! And so predictable... I’m gona die laughing!

Did you take that pill yet??? :-)

Title: Nooo, your
Post by: greg on August 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Must have touched a nerve? :-), posted by Ray on Aug 27, 2003

the DumB Cowardly MF. YOu don't care that we are MESSING up Patricks Board with this Garbage. Something is wrong with YOU, I think your INSANE. You really are a Stupid MF. You got no LIFE, I don't see how your wife put up with such a LOWLIFE JERK. Your the only DUMMY on the Asian board. Now, I understand why you must travel back and forth to the Philippines for a wife, nooo AW would want your stupid sorry funky butt. Get a Life you Lowlife Jerk

Post by: Ray on August 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Nooo, your , posted by greg on Aug 28, 2003

“I don't understand Your bad English...Take a English class for goooooodness sake. Enough said..Byeee”

Title: Another Example of Your Coping and Pasting
Post by: greg on August 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to ROTFLMGDBO!, posted by Ray on Aug 28, 2003

shows that your just as Dumb as the Dumbest. As Willie Brown said...Your an Embassment to Mankind. You make a big stink about my English which shows that deep in your heart anyone with bad English is a big Deal, sooo why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women?? Don't make any sense..You bother with the Foreigner women becuz You can't find an AW that would ever accept YOU. Once you start acting up, AW is gone. I really feel sorry for your wife, her being stuck with a Big time LOOSER.

Title: Re: Another Example of Your Coping and Pasting
Post by: Ray on August 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Another Example of Your Coping and Pasti..., posted by greg on Aug 28, 2003

"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"
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"why do you bother marrying Foreigner Women??"
"I really feel sorry for your wife"

Title: Let's
Post by: greg on August 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Must have touched a nerve? :-), posted by Ray on Aug 27, 2003

Bring it on off the board MF, What your gonna do about it?? My email addy is right there, I'm waiting. RayS is a
Yellow Belly Coward. He don't want to take our Beef off the Board..I feel sorry that his Wife married a MF that walk around with his tail between his legs..Talk big on the forum a Big fat bald Coward in Person. I hope everyone that know you in person is reading this board. We should be ashamed of ourselves for continue to talk this Garbage on Patrick's board, when we should be doing this in private. My email addy is I can't see Ray's email addy using this blasted Webtv, I would appreciate if someone would email his addy to me.

Title: You know what gr-egg?
Post by: Ray on August 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Let's, posted by greg on Aug 28, 2003

You’re just like the typical big bad schoolyard bully who threatens the little girls and takes their lunch money.

Then when someone stands up to your trash-talking, you whine and cry like a baby and run to the principle like the sniveling little coward that you are.

You’re so pathetic I think I’ll puke!

Title: Yeahhhh RYE
Post by: greg on August 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to You know what gr-egg?, posted by Ray on Aug 28, 2003

Your words about YOURSELF is so TRUE. Your the Cowardly Bully that hide under your wife's skirts. Get a life you LOWLIFE Blasted yellow MF FAGGOT

Title: "Get a life you LOWLIFE Blasted yellow MF FAGGOT"
Post by: Ray on August 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Yeahhhh RYE, posted by greg on Aug 28, 2003

"Your the Cowardly Bully that hide under your wife's skirts"
"Get a life you LOWLIFE Blasted yellow MF FAGGOT"
"Your the Cowardly Bully that hide under your wife's skirts"
"Get a life you LOWLIFE Blasted yellow MF FAGGOT"
"Your the Cowardly Bully that hide under your wife's skirts"
"Get a life you LOWLIFE Blasted yellow MF FAGGOT"
"Your the Cowardly Bully that hide under your wife's skirts"
"Get a life you LOWLIFE Blasted yellow MF FAGGOT"
"Your the Cowardly Bully that hide under your wife's skirts"
"Get a life you LOWLIFE Blasted yellow MF FAGGOT"
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"Get a life you LOWLIFE Blasted yellow MF FAGGOT"
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"Your the Cowardly Bully that hide under your wife's skirts"
"Get a life you LOWLIFE Blasted yellow MF FAGGOT"
"Your the Cowardly Bully that hide under your wife's skirts"
"Get a life you LOWLIFE Blasted yellow MF FAGGOT"

Title: Typical liberal nonsense...
Post by: Ray on August 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Hehe..Yeah gotta watch what I say hehe, posted by greg on Aug 25, 2003

...from the heart of the People’s Republic of Berkeley (ROTFLMAO!)

Just curious there many sons and daughters do YOU have serving in the military? Have YOU served your country in the military?

I just love it! The whining liberals just can’t stand the fact that we finally have a president who is willing to stand up to the murdering terrorists. You just can’t stand the fact that your buddy Sadam and his boys were tossed out on their ears. If you and the rest of your Berkeley ilk don’t think that America should be fighting terrorists overseas, and you think that your tax dollars are being wasted on killing terrorists, then why don’t you just stay out of the way while the real men (and women) do the job that you don’t have the backbone for.

You can choose to snivel and whine and get down on your knees to beg the terrorists not to murder you and your loved ones if you wish, but the rest of us will be out there killing the bastards wherever we find them. That really bothers you liberals, doesn’t it? Well, tough! ROTFCUMLTNTPINMFP!


Title: 'Hearing impairment' pretty well sums up ...
Post by: HaroldC on August 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Typical liberal nonsense..., posted by Ray on Aug 25, 2003

liberals, I'd say.

Bezerkeley? That explains the middle-aged adolescence.

I haven't run the stats, but I bet guys in that age group run about the same chance of dying here in good ol'e USA as they do of dying in Iraq.

Title: HaroldC (TROLL), U
Post by: greg on August 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to 'Hearing impairment' pretty well sums up..., posted by HaroldC on Aug 26, 2003

shall soon be unmasked. Continue to Jest at my expense. Guys don't know who YOU are, sooon they shall know.

Title: Hey Harold
Post by: Ray on August 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to HaroldC (TROLL), U, posted by greg on Aug 26, 2003

Now your cover is blown! Soon we shall know who you are...

Hillarious stuff!

Title: I am now an American Woman; the City of Berkeley paid for it. nt
Post by: HaroldC on August 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Hey Harold, posted by Ray on Aug 27, 2003


Title: HaroldC
Post by: greg on August 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to I am now an American Woman; the City of ..., posted by HaroldC on Aug 28, 2003

U TROLL. Kissssssss my Butt

Title: Ray, you talk bold sitting on
Post by: greg on August 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Typical liberal nonsense..., posted by Ray on Aug 25, 2003

your huge butt behind your keyboard in the safety of your home looooool. Your living in the past, are you still out there fighting for our beloved country??? looooooooooool

Title: You know what pea-brain?
Post by: Ray on August 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Ray, you talk bold sitting on, posted by greg on Aug 25, 2003

You can mock the military all you want and you make fun of my military service, but at least I can go to sleep at night knowing that I did my part for my country while you sniveling little 4-F cry-babies in Berkeley carried your little signs and spat on the troops when they came home.

Your kind disgust me Greg!


Title: Ray!! If those were your own Children
Post by: greg on August 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Typical liberal nonsense..., posted by Ray on Aug 25, 2003

coming home in body bags, then you would  be singing a different off key tune. The money Bush is wasting on rebuilding other countries can be used for rebuilding our own country.  Our Sons and Daughters are walking around in those rag head countries with a huge bull eye, they are unappreciated..Getting killed for what???? Why are our hard earned Tax dollers being spend on all these countries??? What have Bush done for America??? Btw, I voted for both Bushes, with great regret. If our armed forces are going into other countries, then they shouldn't go there with their hands tied. No, I never served in the armed forces becuz of my hearing impairment, otherwise I would serve. I did work for the Oakland Naval Supply Center for many years before it was shut down for a lack of funds, just like many other bases were closed. Sooo I can say working for the Navy base is the same as serving my country smile.

Title: GREG!! If that was your kid burnt to a crisp in New York...
Post by: Ray on August 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Ray!! If those were your own Children, posted by greg on Aug 25, 2003

“If our armed forces are going into other countries, then they shouldn't go there with their hands tied”

What the hell are you mumbling about? Hands tied? As usual, you make absolutely no sense at all! Where were all of you whining liberals when Bill Clinton sent the troops into Haiti to pick up their garbage for them while the locals sat on their arses. Where were you whining liberals when Clinton sent troops to Bosnia? Why no complaints then? One word---HYPOCRITES!

“Getting killed for what???? Why are our hard earned Tax dollers being spend on all these countries???”

You and your liberal buddies have such short memories. Here, does this help you remember why we are at war?

Bush didn’t start this war you dope. The bastard terrorists did! I know that you would prefer that we surrender to the terrorists and kiss their feet so your kind won’t have to fight, but you better thank God that our president had the guts to send the troops to kill all of the stinking terrorist bastards they can find before they all come over here and murder you and your son. Thank God every day that those troops are dying in Afghanistan and Iraq so you don’t have to get blown to little pieces in a terrorist bomb attack. Yes, take a good look at that little boy of yours and then thank God that the terrorists haven’t killed him yet. Then maybe you’ll appreciate what this president has done for America.

Since you obviously know absolutely nothing about war, like the fact that people get killed, maybe you should go back to school and study some more history. If you still have no clue what this war on terror is all about, then ask anyone who isn’t from Berkeley or San Francisco. Ask someone from New York...maybe they can explain it to you. Since you obviously have no intention of putting your life on the line for your country, just stay the hell out of the way so the real men can do the job for you! Yes, go ahead and whine and complain all you want but STAY OUT OF THE WAY!

Man, you gotta get away from those communists in Berkeley. They’re poisoning your mind! :-)


Title: Ray, your hatred is shocking
Post by: greg on August 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to GREG!! If that was your kid burnt to a c..., posted by Ray on Aug 26, 2003

take a deep breath, relax. Instead of wasting your energy venting on this board, why don't you get off your huge 550 lb funky butt and go out on the streets preaching your Hate against all those Rag heads that has caused great fear for us luxury loving  USA citizens, don't forget to preach your hate against those Illegal Mexicans loooooooool.

Title: Another brilliant response Einstein!
Post by: Ray on August 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Ray, your hatred is shocking, posted by greg on Aug 26, 2003

More typical whining liberal mentality. If you can’t think of anything intelligent to say in defense of your position, just talk some trash like a stupid bozo.

Only sniveling cowards preach to terrorists greg. Real men get the job done by killing them before they kill you. Like I said before greg, just stay out of the way!

Yes, the truth is always shocking to your kind (ROFLMAO!)


Title: DuD?? What about North Korea, Iran, Syria
Post by: greg on August 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Another brilliant response Einstein!, posted by Ray on Aug 26, 2003

you stinking half wit sniveling yellow belly coward. You cowards go after weak countries..North Korea, Iran, Syria are more of a treat than those weakling countries that your knight in shiny armor has sent our Sons and Daughters to spill their blood, wasting our hard earned tax dollars when California, many other countries are Broke. Bush's handling of our Tax dollars has cut many helpful programs all over America. Your a pitiful Boot Licker, your unfit to kiss Bush's funky Butt. You make a big stink about killing others, that it's okay for our Children to go overseas and kill or be killed. Mr Queer, how many human beings did you kill?? Did you ever get hurt?? I doubt it..You found yourself a hole to hide in while others did the fighting. Your nothing but a fat, bald, ugly loud mouth sissy, don't forget your date at your Queer club tomorrow nite yoooooou Sniveling Punk.

Title: The Incredible Shrinking Brain
Post by: Ray on August 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to DuD?? What about North Korea, Iran, Syri..., posted by greg on Aug 26, 2003

Well greg, I warned you about that little pea-brain of yours but you just wouldn’t listen. Now your brain shrunk so far that it imploded and created a vacuum that apparently sucked your ass right up into your pointy little head. Now, every time you open your mouth, you crap. When you think you are going to burp, you fart. How does it feel to have to stand on your head every time you need to take a dump? ROFLMGDAO!

California is not a country your stupid idiot! Where did you go to school, UC Burpley? What a dumb bozo! You make the perfect spokesman for the liberal cause. LMAOCUMSLSAPAOTPWITNTPIMGDP!

Title: You..
Post by: greg on August 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to The Incredible Shrinking Brain, posted by Ray on Aug 27, 2003

Nutball is the perfect spokeman for your BootLicker and ButtKisser group. California is a state not a country you dumb bastard. You went to school called school for the Yellow Belly Cowards. How do it feel hiding in your fox hole during your socalled Naval tour of duty??? You cowardly Faggot.

Title: Come on now
Post by: Ray on August 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to You.., posted by greg on Aug 27, 2003

Can't you do any better than that gregg? How old are you anyway? Any little first grade punk on the school yard could put you to shame without even trying (ROFL!)

Now why don't you dig way down deep in that little tiny pea brain of yours and see if you can find something intelligent to say for a change...ANYTHING...PLEASE!


Title: Come now my
Post by: greg on August 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Come on now, posted by Ray on Aug 27, 2003

Foot. Can you do any better than that BootLicker. How old are you anyway Fart?? Any Baby on the school yard could put YOU to shame with her arm behind her back, You old fat bald weak Sissy.

Now why don't YOU dig deep down into that shiit brain of yours and see if you can find anything of intelligent to say for a Change. Pleassssssse YOU old bald fat Faggot.

Title: No gr-egg!
Post by: Ray on August 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Come now my, posted by greg on Aug 27, 2003

You aren’t supposed to just echo everything you hear. You are supposed to try real hard and come up with some NEW material. Anything original will do. You sound like a parrot with diarrhea greg.

You haven’t said anything new in months. Now see what you can find in that little pointy head, O.K.? If you can find your brain through all the horse crap... RFOL!

Title: Btw,
Post by: greg on August 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Ray!! If those were your own Children, posted by greg on Aug 25, 2003

I first worked for many years on the ships at Point Molate in San Refael before being transferred to Oakland Naval Supply Base.

Title: I could care less...
Post by: Ray on August 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Btw, , posted by greg on Aug 25, 2003

...about your flunky civil service job.

If you equate that to "serving your country", then you're only fooling yourself!


Title: HuH??? U mean Years of working for
Post by: greg on August 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to I could care less..., posted by Ray on Aug 26, 2003

the Navy at Molate Fuel Depot painting, welding, repairing our Naval ships were done in vain?? Soo you feel that I wasn't serving the Navy after all these years?? You know what fool?? I retired from Oakland Naval Suppy Center as a long time Federal Employee. Your full of Crap, as far as I'm concerned, you did zerooooo for our country. I'm sure that you spent most of your Naval duty time hiding, drinking, eating..doing nothing. While I spent my years pumping fuel in our ships, repairing, hard labor.

Post by: Ray on August 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to HuH??? U mean Years of working for, posted by greg on Aug 26, 2003

Wow! I was so impressed that I farted!

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go to the CR and take a greg...

Title: Rye
Post by: greg on August 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to TNTSAOMGDP!, posted by Ray on Aug 27, 2003

You was sooo impressed with my post that you flew to Washington DC to eat Bush's shiiit loooooooooooooooool
Your bragging about your tour of duty in the Navy is a bunch of Crap. Your the only old bald fart that continue to boast about your so called Navy career. Yeah, you spent your Naval career hiding in the fox holes, you loud mouth Liar.

Title: gr-egg
Post by: Ray on August 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Rye, posted by greg on Aug 27, 2003

They don't have fox holes on ships you idiot! Obviously, you never worked anywhere near any ship... ROTFTNTPUMGAOTP!

Title: Raaaaaaaaaaay
Post by: greg on August 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to gr-egg, posted by Ray on Aug 27, 2003

yeah my mistake U ButtLicker. You punk stayed on the ships hiding..while the real men are on land fighting. You spend your whole Navy career finding holes to hide in on those ships, shiiting in your pants all thur your sorry Naval career. Your the Dumbest Poster on Planet Love BARNONE...You should change your handle to Dumbest. Only a total Fool would waste his time talking this garbage with me, especally YOU a socalled happily married old fat Fart. Which shows how truly Stupid you are...All that Hiding musta took away your brains...Man YOU sure are A DumB AZZ

Title: Gee greggie...
Post by: Ray on August 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Rye, posted by greg on Aug 27, 2003

You better calm down and take your pill before that little pea brain of yours explodes. Probably won't be much of an explosion though... ROTFLMGDAOCUMFLTNTPIMGDP! :-)

Title: Geeeeee
Post by: greg on August 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Gee greggie..., posted by Ray on Aug 27, 2003

Sissy Ray. You better go jump off the bridge before that Dumb socalled brain of YOURS disappear. Probably won't be nothing though YOU DUMMY

Title: A different perspective...
Post by: Ray on August 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to What I have observed  with the VC, posted by Humabdos on Aug 24, 2003

I know you probably don't care anyway Hum, but for your information the term "VC" refers to the Viet Cong, our communist enemies in the war. I doubt seriously that any of those Vietnamese refugees that you know are Viet Cong. In fact, most of the Vietnamese refugees that I know came here to escape the Viet Cong. They would take it as an insult if you called them a “VC” and probably woop your fat old horny white ass (ROFL).

The Vietnamese that I went to school and worked with were all very polite and respectful. Vietnamese women that I have known may prefer men of their own race overall, but they have nothing against American men either. I’ve known several white male co-workers who married Vietnamese ladies that they met in college or in the workplace. These guys weren’t rich, but they also didn’t refer to Vietnamese people as “VC”. They were more respectful than that!

Maybe that’s why you were never introduced to their nieces or relatives respect? :-)


Title: Didn't we go over this before?
Post by: Humabdos on August 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to A different perspective..., posted by Ray on Aug 25, 2003

I know very well what VC refers to Ray. I was just messing with Mr. NamNam.  My brother did two tours in Nam in 69 and 70. I have some very good friends who are Vietnamese. I've heard the stories first hand of how they hate the commies. My friend Vu said there's no way he would ever go back to Nam, not while the commies where in charge He hates them. My other friend Ti goes back to Nam all the time and loves it. His father was a fighter pilot in Nam they came to the US after Sigon fell when he was three years old. I've talked in depth to both of them about what they think about then and now. I find it all very interesting along with there culture. I in fact have a lot of respect for the Vietnamese and they certainly contribute more to our society than the frito bandito's G. Bush Jr. want's to let in the back door.
So Ray old buddy you really don't have a clue of what I "think" or "care" about.  


Title: I don't think so...
Post by: Ray on August 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Didn't we go over this before?, posted by Humabdos on Aug 25, 2003

No Hum, I don’t remember going over this before. It must have been some other race that you were insulting last time (LOL).

So you really respect the Vietnamese Americans? Wow, Hum actually has a heart? ROTFFLMGDAOTAHAIPCNTPIMFP! What a surprise! And I thought you just used the term “VC” because you couldn’t spell “Vietnamese” (ROFL).


Title: Your right Ray
Post by: Humabdos on August 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to I don't think so..., posted by Ray on Aug 25, 2003

I did use VC because I wasn't sure on the spelling LOL! (Like the last time we went thru this) But also just wanted razz Mr Nam Nam a bit.

Let me see now who haven't I insulted ....

I feel bad while killing ants :-(


Title: Just curious...
Post by: Ray on August 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Your right Ray, posted by Humabdos on Aug 25, 2003

Why are you picking on the new guy Hum? Did Mr Vietnam say something to piss you off, or maybe you didn't like his handle? I don't think it's any worse that "Humabdos" :-)


Title: Why did the chicken cross the road?.
Post by: Humabdos on August 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Just curious..., posted by Ray on Aug 25, 2003

I wasn't picking on him, it's just my smart ass way of asking a question ;-) With a name like Humabdos I have a certain image to uphold.  If you like just substitute Veitnamnaese for VC in my post. :-)


Title: Re: What I have observed with the VC
Post by: Jay on August 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to What I have observed  with the VC, posted by Humabdos on Aug 24, 2003

Hi Hum,

Maybe it's because you refer to them all as VC, that he didn't want to hook you up. LOL!

Jay ;-)

Title: Re: Re: What I have observed with the VC
Post by: Humabdos on August 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: What I have observed  with the VC, posted by Jay on Aug 24, 2003

Hum... "Hoy VC  over there what you doing? LoL"

I don't date Commies Jay ;-) ROTFTNTPIMP!

HUM,   PS Hey Jay what's up how ya doing?

Title: Re: Re: Re: What I have observed with the VC
Post by: Jay on August 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: What I have observed  with the V..., posted by Humabdos on Aug 25, 2003

"Hoy VC over there what you doing?" LMMFAO!!!

You crack me up,man! I knew you were just kidding with "Mr. NamNam". :-)

As for me, I'm doing ok. Just working hard, flying when I can and trying to figure out how to pay for advanced flight training.  Not to mention a trip to the RP in Jan. for four people (taking my daughter and son-in-law). Not much more to report. Hope all is well with you and Sallie.

Take Care,

Title: VC?
Post by: Nathan on August 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to What I have observed  with the VC, posted by Humabdos on Aug 24, 2003

   VC? Viet Cong? Not too many of those were coming here 25 years ago. Vietnamese that had connnections to the US forces, or had money were heavily represented in the arrivals here.
Yes, many Vietnamese in the upper classes especially, would rather that their daughters marry to the upper end economically.

Title: Re: VC?
Post by: NW Jim on August 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to VC?, posted by Nathan on Aug 24, 2003

I agree, this is more of a class issue. I'm sure there are lots of working class ladies living in Vietnam who would be interested in an American carpenter-- if he wasn't already married ;)    Remember women always try to "marry up."

Title: Re: What I have observed with the VC
Post by: GregF on August 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to What I have observed  with the VC, posted by Humabdos on Aug 24, 2003

I have had the pleasure of knowing many Vietnamese as both friends and Coworkers. I saild with several Vietnamese crews when I was sailing the pacific and found them all to be very freindly and extreamly hard working. Wail I will agree that they are very high achevers, I did not see the snobery or social climming that you have observed. Maybe it is just the Vietnamese in your area but I had several Vietnamese friends try and hook me up with there relitives even when I was unemployed and just a poor student. My current girlfriend lives in Hanoi and I will be going there to meet her in Febuary. I see nothing but wounderfull traits in her but I guess Love dose that to a person. Just some Thaughts. P.S. She has a lovely cousin she would like to hook up with an American guy if any one is interested.    GregF

Title: You may be on to something there, Hum.
Post by: Jeff S on August 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to What I have observed  with the VC, posted by Humabdos on Aug 24, 2003

If you really want to have your pick of the ladies, be a high level executive and make big bucks, instead of being a common carpenter. Geez, the things we have to go through to find love.

- Jeff

Title: Re: You may be on to something there, Hum.
Post by: Humabdos on August 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to You may be on to something there, Hum., posted by Jeff S on Aug 24, 2003

I wonder when women will figure out that (most) executive type's won't have time for them or the kids. They would rather play golf or bang the secretary with a cigar LOL

But then what do most women want? Money or a good honest family man?.... or just a good cigar LOL

Title: A Pool Boy...
Post by: Dave H on August 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: You may be on to something there, Hu..., posted by Humabdos on Aug 25, 2003

Hey Hum,

Many of these rich women want a young stud in a purple G-string to... Well, I've gotten too old, bald and fat for that. ;o))) I will have to hand my G-string down to my oldest son. LOL

Dav H.